

列印時間:113/07/16 18:07



1.Signed on December 13, 2017 and December 07, 2017 Entered into force on December 13, 2017

The Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the
United States (TECRO) and the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT)
(hereinafter referred to collectively as “ the Parties ” );

Recalling the Agreement between TECRO and AIT for Technical
Assistance in Areas of Water Resource Development, signed on
August 24, 1987, as amended and extended, and Appendix 8
thereto, the most recent extension of which was for an
additional five (5) years from November 13, 2012, as agreed by
the Parties on May 24 and 29, 2012 (“ the Agreement ” )

Have agreed as follows:

1. Section I, Purpose of Appendix, is hereby deleted and
replaced with the following:

“I. Purpose of Appendix

This Appendix between the Taipei Economic and Cultural
Representative Office in the United States (TECRO)and the
American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) provides a framework
through which the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation), the
designated representative of AIT, can perform the following
reimbursable services for the Ministry of Economic Affairs
(MOEA), the designated representative of TECRO:
a. Watershed runoff and soil erosion numerical model
b. Estuary flow and sediment transport numerical model
c. River hydraulics, restoration and sediment management;
d. Hydraulic physical model techniques, hydrology and
sediment monitoring;
e. Technical training and consultation;

The techniques, guidelines, models, training, and technology
transfer programs being developed under this Appendix are for
the benefit of TECRO ’ s designated representative, MOEA,
and other organizations in Taiwan.

Implementing Arrangements describing the specific activities
to be conducted under this Appendix shall be concluded by
TECRO and AIT on an annual basis after consultations have
been completed between TECRO and its designated
representative, MOEA, and AIT and its designated
representative, Reclamation. Each Implementing Arrangement
shall be subject to the terms of the Agreement, and if there
is a conflict between any provision(s) of an Implementing
Arrangement and the Agreement, then applicable provisions of
the Agreement shall govern. ”

2. Section II, Estimated Cost of Services, is hereby deleted and
replaced with the following:

“II. Estimated Cost of Service

“ The estimated annual cost for the services to be provided
by AIT ’ s designated representative, Reclamation, is
$170,000, and the total cost for the 5-year service is
$850,000. AIT will bill TECRO in advance at the beginning of
each fiscal year for 170,000. Costs are not to exceed the
estimated costs without prior approval from TECRO, or its
designated representative, MOEA. These costs include base
salary, benefits, administrative overhead, travel, per diem,
computer and other associated costs. MOEA may request
Reclamation to undertake additional work above and beyond the
baseline amount of $170,000 and this work will be budgeted
for separately. The actual annual costs, however, are subject
to the available funding provided by MOEA and the actual
Reclamation services pursuant to this Appendix. ”

3. Section IV, Duration, is hereby deleted and replaced with the

“IV. Duration

“ This Appendix shall become effective upon the date of the
last signature of the duly authorized representatives of
TECRO and AIT and shall remain in effect until November 13,
2022. Either Party may terminate this Appendix as provided
for in Article XI of the Agreement. ”

4. Section III, Financial Provisions, remain in effect.

__________________ __________________
James K.J. Lee John J. Norris, Jr.

12 / 13 / 2017 12 / 07 / 2017
Date Date