

列印時間:113/10/20 08:09



簽訂日期: 民國 97 年 01 月 28 日
終止日期: 民國 100 年 01 月 27 日
1.Signed on January 28, 2008; Entered into force on January 28, 2009;

The Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and the
Government of Saint Christopher and Nevis:
a.being desirous of further strengthening the friendly relations
existing between the two countries and of promoting technical
cooperation; and
b.believing that bilateral agricultural cooperation will
facilitate the improvement of agriculture essential for
HAVE AGREED through their respective representatives upon the
following articles:

The objectives of the technical cooperation are:
(1) To set up a model farm where:
(a) New vegetable and fruit crops are introduced.
(b) The potential for vegetable and fruit production on
small-sized farms can be demonstrated.
(c) Diversification of cropping systems can be studied.
(2) To extend technical assistance to the fishing industry and
the development of aquaculture in Saint Christopher and
Nevis, with the aim of enriching the diet of its population
and improving food security.
(3) To provide technical assistance and to develop the
horticulture industry (flower production).
(4) To study the feasibility of producing suitable exotic food
(5) To establish an agro-processing facility for training and
for the production of value-added products for sale to the
(6) To provide technical assistance in the upgrading of small
farms to commercial farms.
(7) To promote other technical cooperation projects made by
mutual agreement between the two governments.

The implementation of the project includes:
(1) Research:
(a) To determine how the climate and soil conditions of the
project farms may be used advantageously to yield the best
results under the year-round production systems employed.
(b) To use selected varieties and to continue further variety
(c) To develop a system of record-keeping and farm production
analysis for the project farms, and for general application
on small farms.
(d) To try existing as well as newly-introduced small farm
implements (both manual and powered) to determine which are
most suited to local use.
(2) Training:
(a) Technicians from the Republic of China (Taiwan) and Saint
Christopher and Nevis shall train farmers and farming groups
involved in the project in new techniques to be employed on
the project farms.
In addition, the relevant persons and officials from Saint
Christopher and Nevis shall be given training in Taiwan.
(b) Cooperation on the production of educational materials.
(c) Cooperation on farm management and related agro-processing
(3) Reporting and evaluation:
(a) Reporting and evaluation shall be done seasonally.
(No information shall be released unless previously cleared
by the host Government)
(b) Complete input and output records shall be kept to ascertain
the economic viability of the farm operations.

(1) The Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) agrees to
send a Technical Mission (hereinafter referred to as "the
Mission") to Saint Christopher and Nevis. The said Mission
shall be composed of experts and technicians to carry out
the objectives described in Article 1.
(2) In the event that the Mission technicians cannot continue to
perform their duties, the Government of the Republic of
China (Taiwan) shall recall them and appoint other
technicians as substitutes.
(3) The Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) shall
defray the travel costs of the Mission members to and from
Saint Christopher and Nevis, and shall pay their salaries
and medical insurance premiums during the period of their
service in Saint Christopher and Nevis.
(4) The Government of Saint Christopher and Nevis shall make the
aforementioned salaries exempt from all resident and local
taxes, including income tax, and shall make all personal and
household effects of the members of the Mission and their
dependents exempt from all import and customs duties, as
well as other taxes. The Government of Saint Christopher and
Nevis shall also facilitate their entry into, stay in and
departure from Saint Christopher and Nevis during the period
of their service.

(1) The Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) shall
provide the Mission with all the necessary agricultural
implements and seeds that are available in the Republic of
China (Taiwan) and ship them to Saint Christopher and Nevis.
(2) Upon arrival of the said agricultural implements and seeds
at the port of Saint Christopher and Nevis, the Government
of Saint Christopher and Nevis shall:
(a) Exempt them from customs duties and other taxes.
(b) Pay warehousing, wharfage and other related expenses.
(c) Be responsible for transporting them to the project site.
(3) The above-mentioned agricultural implements shall be donated
to the Government of Saint Christopher and Nevis upon
project completion or termination of the Mission's service.

The Government of Saint Christopher and Nevis shall provide the
Mission with: adequate farm land to carry out the work described
in Article 3; manual laborers; those necessary agricultural
implements and seeds not produced in the Republic of China
(Taiwan); fertilizers and pesticides; furnished housing for
Mission members; transportation for official business; and an
office area and related services.

All agricultural products grown by the Mission, except those
reasonably required by Mission members for personal consumption
or for use as seeds and specimens, shall be sold and the income
deposited in the Mission's special Vegetable and Fruit Project
Fund bank account to be utilized for the project.
The funds shall fall under the jurisdiction of the government of
Saint Christopher and Nevis. The bank account shall be utilized
by the Mission only under joint supervision of the Embassy of
the Republic of China (Taiwan) and the government of Saint
Christopher and Nevis. Guidelines for managing the account will
be formulated via bilateral negotiation. Each year the Mission
shall formulate working projects and their projected budget to
be utilized by the fund. Approval from the government of Saint
Christopher and Nevis and the Embassy of the Republic of China
(Taiwan) prior to implementation shall be required.

The Government of Saint Christopher and Nevis shall appoint a
liaison officer to render the Mission all necessary assistance.

This Agreement shall enter into force upon the date of its
This Agreement shall be valid for a period of three (3) years
and shall be extended automatically for an equivalent period
unless either of the Parties expresses in written form six
months prior to expiration its desire to terminate the
This Agreement may be amended and supplemented by the mutual
consent of the Parties.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Representatives of the two contracting
Parties, being duly authorized thereto by their respective
Governments, have signed this Agreement.
This Agreement is done in duplicate in the Chinese and English
language, each text being equally authentic,
DONE at Taipei, on the twenty-eighth day of the January month of
the ninety-seven year of the Republic of China, corresponding to
twenty-eighth day of the month of January of the year two
thousand and eight of the Gregorian calendar.

Hon. James C.F. Huang Hon. Cedric Liburd
Minister of Foreign Affairs Minister of Agriculture
Republic of China (Taiwan) Saint Christopher and Nevis

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