

列印時間:113/09/19 12:53



簽訂日期: 民國 95 年 02 月 13 日
生效日期: 民國 95 年 02 月 13 日
簽約國: 亞太地區 > 諾魯共和國
1.Signed on February 13, 2006. Entered into force on February 13, 2006.

The Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) (hereafter
referred to as "Taiwan") and the Government of the Republic of
Nauru (hereafter referred to as "Nauru," and the two governments
jointly as "the Contracting Parties"), desiring to further
strengthen their existing friendly relations through
agricultural technical cooperation,

Have agreed as follows:

Article 1
Taiwan agrees to provide technical assistance to Nauru by
dispatching a Technical Mission (hereafter referred to as "the
Mission"), composed of long-term and short-term experts,
including a Chief of the Mission, to carry out experiments,
demonstrations and extension (training) programs on cultivation
and improvement of crop varieties (vegetables and fruits); to
provide the techniques of aquaculture farm application and
management; and to carry out livestock experiment projects.

Article 2
Nauru shall make available to the Mission suitable lands for a
fruit and vegetable garden plots; an aquaculture demonstration
farm and a livestock demonstration farm.

Article 3
The Mission shall provide technical training sessions on
cultivation of vegetables and fruit trees, on aquaculture, and
on livestock applications to trainees selected by Nauru. The
number of sessions and trainees and the methods of training
shall be decided with the consent of Nauru and the Mission.

Article 4
The designated area for agriculture activities will be utilized
by the Mission to develop and establish a fruit and vegetable
garden plot for demonstration purposes. This area will be solely
used by the Mission for experimental and extension (training)
programs. The disposal of stocks will be controlled by Nauru and
the Mission. The income generated from the distribution of
stocks shall be used as a revolving fund, to be controlled by
Nauru and the Mission. The fund shall primarily be used for
needs related to cooperation projects.

Article 5
The designated area for aquaculture activities will be utilized
by the Mission to develop and establish an aquaculture farm for
demonstration purposes. This area will be solely used by the
Mission for experimental and extension (training) programs. The
disposal of stocks will be controlled by Nauru and the Mission.
The income generated from the distribution of stocks shall be
used as a revolving fund, which will be controlled by Nauru and
the Mission. The fund shall primarily be used for needs related
to cooperation projects.

Article 6
The designated area for livestock will be utilized by the
Mission to develop and establish a livestock farm for
demonstration purposes. This area will be solely used by the
Mission for experimental and extension (training) programs. The
disposal of stocks from this portion will be controlled by Nauru
and the Mission. The income generated from the distribution of
stocks shall be used as a revolving fund, which will be
controlled by Nauru and the Mission. The fund shall primarily be
used for needs related to cooperation projects.

Article 7
Taiwan agrees:
(1) to pay the costs of transportation to and from Nauru, the
stipends and accident and medical insurance of all members
of the Mission during the period of their service in Nauru;
(2) to pay the expenses arising from administration of the
Mission, including the operational costs of the
demonstration farms, unless otherwise stated elsewhere in
this agreement;
(3) to supply the Mission with vehicles for the implementation
of this agreement and;
(4) to supply the Mission with farming machinery, tools,
equipment, fencing, seeds, fertilizers and pesticides, and
safe storage for these items.

Article 8
Nauru agrees:
(1) to provide the Mission and its members with suitable
furnished office facilities, suitable housing facilities,
including water and electricity supplies, and to be
responsible for the routine maintenance and repair of such
(2) to pay the lease to Landowners for land used in this
Agreement at a rate comparable to national land-lease
(3) to exempt from income tax and other taxes Mission members'
salaries and allowances;
(4) to exempt from Customs duties and other taxes the household
effects and other articles for personal use and consumption
brought into Nauru by Mission members;
(5) to exempt from Customs duties and other taxes any motor
vehicle, office equipment, machinery, and other materials
necessary for the Mission to do its work;
(6) to allow special consideration regarding the personal
safety and security in their status as functionaries of
international organizations.

Article 9
For all members of the Mission and their dependents, Nauru
(1) to ensure access to medical services by public clinics or
(2) to arrange for the necessary visas, and residence and work
permits that are required by local government regulations
(3) to grant privileges and exemptions no less favorable than
those granted to other foreign experts and their dependents
under similar technical cooperation agreements with Nauru.

Article 10
Nauru shall provide the Mission with appropriate counterparts
and local technical and/or administrative personnel.

Article 11
The members of the Mission shall refrain from engaging in
activities that are inconsistent with the duties of the Mission
specified in Article 1.

Article 12
This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of signature
by duly authorized representatives of the Contracting Parties,
and shall remain valid for a period of five years. Thereafter it
shall be automatically renewed for further successive periods of
five years each unless either Contracting Party terminates it
upon six months prior written notice before its expiry through
diplomatic channels.

Article 13
This Agreement may be amended by mutual consent between the
Contracting Parties through an exchange of notes.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, duly authorized thereto by
their respective Governments, have signed this Agreement.

DONE in duplication in the Chinese and English languages, both
versions being equally authentic on the __13th__ day of
__February__ in the Ninety-fifth Year of the Republic of
China(Taiwan), corresponding to the__13th__ day of __February__
two thousand and six, in Taipei.

For the Government of For the Government of
The Republic of China (Taiwan) The Republic of Nauru

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