

列印時間:113/09/19 07:46



1.Signed and exchanged on June 23 and July 14, 1994; Entered into force on May 8, 1994.

NOTE NO: 234/94
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Home Affairs of Saint Lucia
presents its compliments to the Embassy of the Republic of China
in Castries, and has honour to propose on behalf of the Governm-
ent of Saint Lucia the renewal of Agreement on Agricultural Tec-
hnical Cooperationl between Saint Lucia and the Republic of Chi-
na, including the mutually agreed addendum which win form part
of the said Agreement, for a further period of two years from 8-
th May, 1994, to 7th May, 1996. All other terms and conditions
as set forth in the said Agreement shall remain the same.
The Agricultural Technical Mission of the Republic of China und-
1.to assist with the introduction of selected germplasm of cut
flowers with commercial potential for both local and export m-
arket. These should preferslby be imported as tissue culture
2.to provide technical assistance for the cut flower programme
being undertaken by the Ministry;
3.to place greater emphasis in the area of technology transfer
through a more substantian linkage with the national extension
system, in order to ensure a more rapid dissemination of the
techologies developed by the Mission to a wider farming commu-
nity. This will include facilitating access to new technologi-
es which may be available in the Republic of China, and which
is agreed upon by the parties to the Agreement as being impor-
tant for enhancement of the Cooperation Programme.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Home Affairs of Saint Luc-
ia avails itself opportunity to renew to the Embassy of the R-
epublic of China in Castries the assurances of its highest co-
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Home Affairs
Saint Lucia
20th June, 1994

The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Saint Lucia and with referen-
ce to the Ministry's Note No. 234/94 has the honour to inform t-
hat the Govennent of the Republic of China concurs with the ext-
ension of the Agreeinent on Agricultural Technical Cooperation
between the Government of St. Lucia and the Government of the R-
epublic of'hina, together with the mutually agreed addendum as
part of the said Agreement, for a further period of two years f-
rom 8th May, 1994 to 7th May, 1996. All other terms and conditi-
ons as set forth in the said Agreement shall remain the same.
The Agricultural Technical Mission of the Republic of China und-
1.to assist with the introduction of selected germplasm of cut
flowers with commercial potential for both local and export m-
arket. These should preferably be imported as tissue culture
2.to provide technical assistance for the cut flower programme
being undertaken by the Ministry;
3.to place greater emphasis in the area of technology transfer
through a more substantial linkage with the national extension
system, in order to ensure a more rapid dissemination of the
technologies developed by the Mission to the wider farming co-
mmunity. This will include facilitating access to new technol-
ogies which may be available in the Republic of China, and wh-
ich is agreed upon by the parties to the Agreement as being i-
mportant for enhancement of the Co-operation programme.
The Embassy has the further honour to propose that this note
and the Ministry's note of reply thereto shall constitute and
effectuate the renewal of the said Agreement.
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this op-
portunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Saint
Lucia the assurances of its highest consideration.
Embassy of the Republic of China
23rd June, 1994

NOTE NO: 252/94
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Home Affairs of Saint Lucia
presents its compliment to the Embassy of the Republic of China
in Castries, and has the honour to refer to its Note No. 238/94
and the Embassy's Note No. 167 dated 23rd June, 1994, and to ag-
ree that the two shall constitute and given effect to the renew-
al of the Agreement oh Agricultural Technical Cooperation betwe-
en the Government of Saint Lucia and the Government of the Repu-
blic of China.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Home Affairs of Saint Lucia
avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Embassy of the
Republic of China in Castries the assurances of its highest con-
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Home Affairs
Saint Lucia
14th July, 1994