

列印時間:113/10/15 15:38



1.Signed and exchanged on May 5 abd 27, 1986; Entered into force retroactively on February 17, 1986.

FAL394 / 86
May 5, 1986
Majuro, Marshall Islands
I have the honor to refer to the Agreement of Technical Coopera-
tion between the Governments of the Republic of the Marshall Is-
lands and the Republic of China signed on August 13, 1979, as a-
mended on February 16, 1982, on February 22, 1984, and again on
August 27, 1984.
During recent discussions relating to the Agreement, the follow-
ing understanding was reached :
(1) The aforesaid Agreement shall be renewed for another two ye-
ars retroactively from February 17, 1986 ;
(2) The scope of Article I of the aforesaid Agreement shall be
amended to change the reading and intention of the Agreement
from that of a " farming demonstration team" to an“ experi-
mental 'farming team" as applied to the location on Majuro
Atoll and, in addition, to establish on Arno Atoll a divisi-
on of the experimental farming team manned by two EFT membe-
rs, while leaving four members including the team leader on
Majuro Atoll ;
(3) All other terms and conditions of the aforesaid Agreement s-
hall remain un changed.
On behalf of the Government of the Republic of the Marshall
Islands, I have the honor to state that this Note and your
reply confirming the above mentioned understanding shall co-
nstitute an Agreement supplemental to the aforesaid Agreeme-
Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.
Charles T. Domnick
Hen. Wen-hua Tzen
Department of East Asian
and Pacific Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Taipei, Taiwan
Republic of China
Ref. No. DEAF 508 / 86
May 27, 1986
I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your Note No. FAL 394
/ 86 of May 5, 1986, which reads as follows : "I have the honor
to refer to the Agreement of Technical Cooperation between the
Governments of the Republic of the Marshall Islands and the Rep-
ublic of China signed on August 13, 1979, as amended on February
16, 1982, on February 22, 1984, and again on August 27, 1984.
During recent discussions relating to the Agreement, the follow-
ing understanding was reached :
(1) The aforesaid Agreement shall be renewed for another two ye-
ars retroactively from February 17, 1986 ;
(2) The scope of Article I of the aforesaid Agreement shall be
amended to change the reading and intention of the Agreement
from that of a " farming demonstration team" to an" experim-
ental farming team" as applied to the location on Majuro At-
oll and, in addition, to establish on Arno Atoll a division
of the experimental farming team manned by two EFT members,
while leaving four members including the team leader on Maj-
uro Atoll ;
(3) All other terms and conditions of the aforesaid Agreement s-
hall remain unchanged.
Republic of the Marshall Islands, I have the honor to state that
this Note and your reply confirming the above mentioned underst-
anding shall constitute an Agreement supplemental to the afores-
aid Agreement.
Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.
" His Excellency Charles T. Domnick Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Republic of the Marshall Islands Majuro
In reply, I have the honor to accept on behalf of my Government,
the understanding of the Government of the Republic of the Mars-
hall Islands as stated in Your Excellency's Note quoted above a-
nd to confirm that Your Excellency's Note and this Note in reply
shall constitute an Agreement between our two Governments on th-
is matter to enter into force retroactively from February 17, 19
Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consid-
Wen-hua Tzen
Department of East
Asian and Pacific
On behalf of the Government of the