

列印時間:113/07/16 18:17



1.Singed on December 04, 2002; Entered into force on December 04, 2002.

Upon signature below by both parties involved, the abve Appendix
No. 6 to the Technical Assistance Agreement date july 13, 1987,
is hereby amended as follows:
a Section 1, Purpose of the Appendix, is expanded to add the fo-
"f Technical assistance and consultation on Pao-Shan Ⅱ Dam a-
nd Reservoir.
g Technical review and consultation on Shi-Wen and Chung- The
Dam and Reservoir Project.
h technical review and consultation on tseng-Wen reservoir t-
rans-basin Diversion Project.
i technical assistance and consultation on Hu-Shan Dam and R-
eservoir Project.
j Technical review and consultation on Kao-Tai Dam and Reser-
voir Project.
k technical assistance an consultation with river restoration
l Technical assistance and consultation on other subjects re-
lated to dam engineering."
b Section 2, estimated Cost of Services, is hereby amended to r-
ead as follows:

"2.Estimated Cost of sErvices

TECRO will reimburse AIT costs for provding technical assistance
and consultation. Daily costs for each person will include base
salary, benefits, administrative overhead, travel, and per diem
costs. AIT will bill TECRO for actual costs incurred; however,
the annual costs wil lbe limited to the amounts made available
by the Water Resources Agrency of the Ministry of Economic Affa-
irs and agreed to in advance by both parties.
Rates for the daily costs will be based on teh following rates,
which can be adjusted annually in accordance with U.S, Govemment
standards and regulations:
a Transportation-costs for airline tickets will be reimbursed on
actual costs for economy class tickets, but shall not exceed $
2,000 per person per trip. Ground transportation will be reim-
burse based on actual costs.
b Per diem-Costs for lodging and meals will be reimbursed at the
rates in effect at the time of travel, as established by the U
.S. Department of State. The present per diem rate for Taipei
is $240 per person per day.
c Staff-day costs-Salary, benefits and administrative costs will
be billed as one charge, and wil lbe aplied at the Bureau of
Reclamation's Technical Service Center's billable rate, prese-
ntly set at $728 per staff-day.
d Report writing-In addition to charges for travel to Taiwan, r-
eclamation travelers will provide estimates for report writing
prior to commencement of travel. Report writing is limited to
a maximum of 5 staff-days per person per trip."
All other articles of the Agreement remain in effect.


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Seputy Repusentative Deputy Managing Director

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Date Date