

列印時間:113/09/17 23:44



1.Signed on March 14,1992; Entered into force on March 14,1992.

At the invitation of the Government of the Republic of China,H.E
Vladimir B, Saganov, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Bu-
ryatian Republic of Russian Federation, visited the Republic of
China from March 11th to 15th, 1992.
During his stay, Chairman Vladimir B. Saganov, visited the Coun-
cil of Agriculture of the Republic of China and exchanged views
with Vice Chairman, Ling Shiang Nung, with the purpose of promo-
ting agriculture, forestry, livestock and fishery cooperation b-
etween the Buryatian Republic and Republic of China.
As a result of these talks, an agreement has been reached by the
Parties concerned to strengthen the cooperation in the areas for
mutual benefit. The two Parties have agreed upon the following
1. Cooperation in the development of exploitation of forest and
value-added forest products.
2. The exploration of trade opportunities of timber and other f-
orest-related products.
3. The exchange of technology and personnel to increase mutual
benefit in regard to forest management, conservation and por-
est-related products.
4. Council of Agriculture will encourage private timber industry
to have investment in the Buryatian Republic.
5. The Government of Buryatian Republic will give political and
financial guarantees for the investment made by both state-o-
wned and private timber industries of the Republic of China (
the loans given by the Republic of China).
6. The Government of Buryatian Republic will authorize Baiwood
Company LTD to implement the above-mentioned program.
This Memorandum of Understanding shall enter into force upon si-
gnature and shall remain in force for five years, unless termin-
ated earlier by either party upon three months' written notice
to the other Party. It may be modified or extended by mutual wr-
itten agreement of the two Parties.
Signed at Taipei this fourteenth day of March nineteen ninety t-
wo in two originals, both in the English language.
For the Council of Agriculture
of the Republic of China
Ling Shiang Nung
Vice Chairman
Council of Agriculture
Republic of China
For the Counicl of
Buryatian Republic
Valdimir B. Saganov
Council of Ministers
of Buryatian Republic
of Russian Feberation