

列印時間:113/07/16 21:39



簽訂日期: 民國 80 年 12 月 05 日
生效日期: 民國 80 年 12 月 05 日
簽約國: 亞太地區 > 諾魯共和國
1.Signed on December 5,1991; Entered into force on December 5,1991.

The Government of the Republic of China and the Government of t-
he Republic of Nauru, in the spirit of friendly relations exist-
ing between the two countries and their peoples,
Recognizing that the maintenance of these relations constitutes
the basis for the present Agreement, and
Desiring to enhance and consolidate these relations by means of
closer cooperation in the field of agricultural development, Ha-
ve agreed as follows:
Scope of the Agreement
Article Ⅰ
The Government of the Republic of China agrees to send to the R-
epublic of Nauru an agricultural technical mission hereinafter
referred to as "the Mission", composed of one Chief and two mem-
bers, to carry out demonstration projects on aquaculture, veget-
able and fruit trees for a period of two years from the date of
arrival of the Mission in the Republic of Nauru.
Article Ⅱ
The Mission shall provide technical training in aquaculture, ve-
getable and fruit trees to the trainees selected by the Governm-
ent of the Republic of Nauru; the number of the trainees and me-
thod of training shall be decided upon consent by the Mission C-
hief and the Government of the Republic of Nauru.
Sufficient land for the purpose of the Mission's demonstration
shall be made available by the Government of the Republic of Na-
uru. The agricultural produce grown by the Mission, except the
portion thereof required for personal consumption by the Mission
and for the use of seeds and specimens, shall be handed over to
the Government of the Republic of Nauru for their disposition.
Obligations of the Parties
Article Ⅲ
The Government of the Republic of China agrees:
(a) to pay salaries, air tickets between Taipei and Nauru, livi-
ng expenses and insurance premiums for all members of the M-
ission during the period of their service in the Republic of
(b) to pay any other expense for all members of the Mission ari-
sing from surgery, dental treatment and hospitalization as
well as other medical treatments required to be administered
outside of the Republic of Nauru;
(c) to pay all expenses arising from administration of the Miss-
ion, except as otherwise stated elsewhere in this Agreement;
(d) to supply the Mission with farming machineries, tools, irri-
gation equipments, seeds, fertilizers and pesticides, which
are produced in the Republic of China and needed for the im-
plementation of this Agreement, and
(e) to pay the repair expenses of the farming machineries and e-
Article Ⅳ
The Government of the Republic of Nauru Agrees:
(a) to provide the Mission with services of local technical and-
lor administrative personnel;
(b) to provide adequate office apace with necessary facilities
needed for the work of the Mission;
(c) to provide all members of the Mission with suitable housing
accommodations with essential hard furnishings and supply of
water and electricity;
(d) to provide all members of the Mission with necessary visas,
working permits and other documents required during their s-
ervice in the Republic of Nauru;
(e) to pay expenses of regular medical examinations and treatme-
nts for all members of the Mission;
(f) to provide the Mission Chief with one motor vehicle;
(g) to provide the Mission with such other farming tools as may
be agreed mutually between the Government of the Republic of
Nauru and the Mission Chief to be necessary to supplement t-
hose specified in subsection (d) of Article Ⅲ;
(h) to provide transport for the machineries, tools, materials
and other equipments referred to in subsection (d) of Artic-
le Ⅲ to the Project site;
(i) to provide the Mission with an appropriate labour force to
carry out its programme as may be agreed mutually between t-
he Government of the Republic of Nauru and the Mission Chief
(j) to pay the transportation and subsistence expenses of the l-
ocal staff participating in the projects under this Agreeme-
nt and;
(k) to provide the Mission with necessary assistance for quaran-
tine purpose in the importation of items as specified in su-
bsection (d) of Article Ⅲ.
Article Ⅴ
The Mission and its members including the Chief shall enjoy the
following privileges and exemptions during their stay in the Re-
public of Nauru:
(a) exemption from income taxes on the salaries and other allow-
ances received from the Government of the Republic of China;
(b) exemption from import taxes on the furniture and effects of
each member and his family including one motor vehicle, imp-
orted within six months from the date of his first anival to
take up his post in the Republic of Nauru;
(c) exemption from all duties on professional and technical equ-
ipments which shall include a motor vehicle to be used in c-
onnection with duties to be performed in the Republic of Na-
(d) exemption from taxes on the importation of all items referr-
ed to in subsection (d) of Article III, and;
(e) other privileges and exemptions no less favourable than tho-
se granted to other foreign technicians under technical coo-
peration agreements with the Republic of Nauru;
(f) to guarantee the same repatriation facilities in time of in-
ternational crisis for the Mission members as are enjoyed by
the diplomatic corps;
(g) in so far as specific points are not covered within the sub-
sections of this Article, to apply to the Mission members to
their goods, chattels and effects, and salaries, the same p-
rivileges as would normally be enjoyed by Nauru Government
Senior Civil Servants of comparable rank and seniority.
General Provisions
Article ⅥI
This Agreement shall enter into force upon the date of signature
by both parties and shall remain valid for a period of two years
from the date of arrival of the Mission in the Republic of Nauru
Article Ⅶ
Either party may terminate this agreement by giving ninety (90)
days notice in writing to the other party.
Article Ⅷ
The Agreement and all subsequent supplementary arrangements may
be amended upon common agreement between the two Governments.
Article Ⅸ
Any dispute relating to the interpretation of any provision of
this agreement may be resolved by resorting to mutual discussion
by both parties.
In witness whereof, the undersigned, duly auth orized thereto by
their respective Governments, have signed this Agreement.
Done in Taipei in duplicate, in the English language, on this F-
ifth day of the Twelfth month of the Eightieth year of the Repu-
blic of China, corresponding to the Fifth day of December of the
year One Thousand Nine Hundred and Ninety-one.
For the Government of
the Republic of China
Dr. Fredrick F. Chien
Minister of Foreign Affairs
For the Government of
the Republic of Nauru
Bernard Dowiyogo, M.P.
President and Minister for
External Affairs