

列印時間:113/07/16 23:00



簽訂日期: 民國 73 年 05 月 07 日
終止日期: 民國 86 年 08 月 29 日
1.Signed on May 7, 1984; Entered into force on May 7, 1984.

The Government of the Republic of China and the Government of S-
aint Lucia, being desirous of further strengthening the friendly
relations existing between the two countries, and promoting tec-
hnical cooperation, have agreed through their respective repres-
entatives upon the following articles:
The objectives of the technical cooperation are:
(1) To set up a model farm where such work would be carried out
respecting: Introduction of new vegetable and fruit crops a-
nd new varieties of these, demonstration of the potentiality
of vegetable and fruit production on small-size farms, as w-
ell as the study of diversification for cropping systems.
(2) To extend technical assistances to the fishing industry and
to aquaculture in Saint Lucia with the aim of enriching the
diet of her population.
(3) To study the possible areas for technical assistance in hor-
ticultural production.
(4) To extend technical assistance to the Livestock Sector in t-
he areas of pig and poultry development and production.
(5) To study the feasibility of the production of rice and oth-
er suitable food crops.

The implementation of the project includes:
(1) Research:
(a) To determine how the climate and soil conditions of the p-
roject farms may be used advantageously to give best resu-
lts under year-round production systems employed.
(b) To use selected varieties and to continue further variety
(c) To develop a system of record-keeping and farm production
analysis for the project farms and for general applicati-
on on small farms.
(d) To use available as well as new small farm implements (bo-
the hand and power) in order to determine the most suitab-
le for local use.
(2) Training:
(a) The Chinese and Saint Lucia technicians shall train farm-
ers and other farmer groups involved in the project in new
techniques to be employed on the project farms.
(b) Cooperation in the production of educational materials.
(3) Reporting and evaluation:
(a) Repotring and evaluation shall be made seasonally. No inf-
ormation shall be released unless previously cleared by t-
he host Government.
(b) Complete records on input and out-put shall be kept to as-
certain the economic viability of the farm operations.

(1) The Government of the Republic of China agrees to send to S-
aint Lucia an Agricultural technical Mission (hereinaftre
referred to as ”the Mission”) which shall be composed of
threeto five agricultural expert technicians to carry out t-
he objectives described in Article 1.
(2) In case the aforementioned technicians cannot continue to p-
erform their duties, the Government of the Republic of Chi-
na shall recall them and appoint other technicians in subst-
itution for them.
(3) The Government of the Republic of China shall defray the tr-
avelling cost of the members of the Mission to and from Sai-
nt Lucia and shall pay their salaries during the period of
their service in Saint Lucia.
(4) The government of Saint Lucia shall exempt the aforemention-
ed salaries from all resident and local taxes, including i-
ncome taxes, and personal and household effects of the memb-
ers of the Mission on their arrival from all import, customs
and other duties and taxes, and shall accord the members of
the Mission and their dependants, facilities for their entry
into, and departure from and stay in Saint Lucia during the
period of their service.

(1) The Government of the Republic of China shall provide the M-
ission with the necessary agricultural implements and seeds
available in the Republic of China and ship them to Saint L-
(2) Upon the arrival of the said agricultural implements and s-
eeds at the port of Sain Lucia, the Government of Saint Luc-
ia shall exempt them from customs duties and other taxes, s-
hall pay ware-housing, wharfage and other related expenses,
and shall be responsible for transporting them to the site
of the project.
(3) The above-mentioned agricultural implements shall be donat-
ed to the Government of Saint Lucia upon the termination
of Service of the Mission.

The Government of the Republic of China agrees to grant scholar-
ships and or attachments at designated institutions within the
Republic of China for the training of agricultural personnel of
the Saint Lucia Ministry of Agriculture, lands, Fisheries and
Cooperatives in various aspects of Agriculture, Horticulture an-
d Fisheries to be mutually agreed upon by the parties.

The Government of Saint Lucia shall provide the Mission with ad-
equate farm site to carry out the work described in Article 3,
manual labours, the necessary agricultural implements and seeds
not produced in the Republic of China, fertilizers, pesticides
, furnished housing for the members of the Mission, transportat-
ion for all official purposes, as well as office accommodation
and services.

The agricultural products raised by the Mission, except reasona-
bly required for the personal consumption of the Mission or for
the use of seeds and specimens, shall be turned over to the Gov-
ernment of Saint Lucia for disposal.

The Government of Saint Lucia Shall appoint a liaison officer to
render the Mission all necessary assistances.

This Agreement shall enter into force upon the date of its sign-
The period of service of the Mission is Saint Lucia shall be two
(2) years to be reckoned from the date of its arrival in Saint
The Period of service may be extended by written concurrence be-
tween the two Governments before its expiration.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Representatives of the two contracting
Parties have affixed their signatures thereto.
DONE at Castries, on the 7th day of May, 1984.

John George Melvin Compton
Prime Minister and
Minister of Foreign affairs
Lin Chin-sheng
Minister without Portfolio
Special Envoy of
the Republic of China