

列印時間:113/10/20 07:08



簽訂日期: 民國 57 年 11 月 13 日
生效日期: 民國 57 年 11 月 13 日
簽約國: 非洲地區 > 賴索托
1.Signed and exchanged on November 13 1968; Entered into force on November 13,1968.

Ⅰ Note From Mr. Edward Y.Kuan, Chinese Ambassador to Lesotho,
to Mr. Leabua Jonathan, Prime Minister and Minister of Forei-
gn Affairs of the Kingdom of Lesotho.
EL 57316 13th November, 1968
I have the honour to refer to the Agreement on Technical Cooper-
ation between the Republic of China and the Kingdom of Lesotho
signed today at Maseru. It is the understanding of my Government
that in connection with this Agreement the following points have
been mutually agreed to:
(1) With respect to the disposal of agricultural products under
Article 6, it should be understood that the Chinese Agricul-
tural Mission (hereafter referred to as the Mission) has fu-
ll right to reserve all of or a part of the agricultural pr-
oducts for sale to defray the expenses enumerated in paragr-
aphs (2) and (4) hereunder.
(2) With respect to the provision of furnished quarters under A-
rticle 7, it should be understood that the Lesotho Governme-
nt shall make available to the Mission two or three furnish-
ed houses on a rental basis, at a monthly rent not more than
that when rented to Lesotho Government officials, with water
, electricity and telephone fees borne by the Mission; or t-
he Mission shall constructits own quarters, purchase the ne-
cessary furniture, and bear water, electricity and telephone
fees; or the Mission shall rent the houses from the Lesotho
Government first and then construct its own quarters at a l-
ater date. In any case, all of the expenses incurred shall
be reimbursed to the Mission from the proceeds resulting fr-
om the sale of the agricultural products raised by the Miss-
ion. In the event that such proceeds realized cover only a
portion of the expenses, the Mission shall be solely respon-
sible for the remaining portion.
(3) With respect to the undertakings of land preparation under
Article 8, it should be understood that the Lesotho Governm-
ent shall provide without cost to the Mission the necessary
tools and machinery for reclaiming the land. It is further
understood that if during the Agreement period any casual l-
abours are required, workers shall be recruited by the Leso-
tho Government and the Mission shall pay the wages according
to the local wage scale.
(4) With respect to the provision of a motor vehicle under Arti-
cle 9, it should be understood that the Lesotho Government
shall make available a motor vehicle with driver to the Mis-
sion on arental basis, at a monthly rent not more than that
when rented to Lesotho governmental agencies; or the Mission
shall purchase its own vehicle, hire a driver, and bear the
costs of its insurance, maintenance, repair, and fuel; or t-
he Mission shall rent the vehicle from the Lesotho Governme-
nt first and then purchase its own vehicle at a later date.
In any case, all of the expenses incurred shall be reimburs-
ed to the Mission from the proceeds resulting from the sale
of the agricultural products raised by the Mission in Lesot-
ho. In the event that the proceeds realized only cover a po-
rtion of the expenses, the Mission shall be solely responsi-
ble for the remaining portion.
I have the honour to propose that this Note and Your Excellency'
s reply confirming the foregoing understanding shall constitute
a supplement to the Agreement signed today to enter into force
on the date of Your Excellency's Note in reply.
Please accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest
Edward Y. Kuan
The Right Honourable
Chief Leabua Jonathan
Prime Minister and Minister of
Foreign Affairs
Ⅱ Note from Mr. Leabua Jonathan, Prime Minister and Minister of
Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Lesotho, to Mr. Edward Y.K-
uan, Chinese Ambassador to Lesotho.
NOTE No.9 13th November, 1968
I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of Your Excellency's
Note No. EL-57316 of today's date which reads as follows:
“I have the honour to refer to the Agreement on Technical C-
ooperation between the Republic of China and the Kingdom of
Lesotho signed today at Maseru. It is the understanding of
my Government that in connection with this Agreement the fol-
lowing points have been mutually agreed to:
(1) With respect to the disposal of agricultural products un-
der Article 6, it should be understood that the Chinese Agri-
cultuarl Mission (hereafter referred to as the Mission) has
full right to reserve all of or a part of the agricultural p-
roducts for sale to defray the expense enumerated in paragra-
phs (2) and (4) hereunder.
(2) With respect to the provision of furnished quarters under
Article 7, it should be understood that the Lesotho Governme-
nt shall make available to the Mission two or three furnished
houses on a rental basis, at a monthly rent not more than th-
at when rented to Lesotho Government officials, with water,
electricity and telephone fees borne by the Mission; or the
Mission shall construct its own quarters, purchase the neces-
ary furniture, and bear water, electricity and telephone fees
;or the Mission shall rent the houses from the Lesotho Gover-
nment first and then construct its own quarters at a later d-
ate. In any case, all of the expenses incurred shall be reim-
bursed to the Mission from the proceeds resulting from the s-
ale of the agricultural products raised by the Mission. In t-
he event that such proceeds realized cover only a portion of
the expenses, the Mission shall be solely responsible for th-
e remaing portion.
(3) With respect to the undertakings of land clearance and l-
and preparation under Article 8, it should be understood that
the Lesotho Government shall provide without cost to the Mis-
sion the necessary tools and machinery for reclaiming the la-
nd. It is further understood that if during the Agreement pe-
riod any casual labours by the Lesotho Government and the Mi-
ssion shall pay the wages according to the local wage scale,
(4) With respect to the provision of a motor vehicle under A-
rticle 9, it should be understood that the Lesotho Government
shall make available a motor vehicle with driver to the Miss-
ion on a rental basis, at a monthly rent not more than that
when rented to Lesotho governmental agencies; or the Mission
shall purchase its own vehicle, hire a driver, and bear the
costs of its insurance, maintenance, repair, and fuel; or th-
e Mission shall rent the vehicle from the Lesotho Government
first and then purchase its own vehicle at a later date. In
any case, all of the expenses incurred shall be reimbursed to
the Mission from the proceeds resulting from the sale of the
agricultural products raised by the Mission in Lesotho. In t-
he event that the proceeds realized only cover a portion of
the expenses, the Mission shall be solely responsible for the
remaining portion.
I have the honour to propose that this Note and Your Ecxelle-
ncy's reply confirming the foregoing understanding shall con-
stitute a supplement to the Agreement signed today to enter
into force on the date of Your Excellency's Note in reply.”
In reply, I have the honour to confirm, on behalf of the Gov-
ernment of the Kingdom of Lesotho, that the foregoing is also
the understanding of my Government, and that Your Excellency'
s Note and this Note shall constitute a supplement to the Ag-
reement signed today, effective from today's date.
Please accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my high-
est consideration.
Leabua Jonathan
His Excellency
Mr. Edward Y. Kuan

Ambassador of the Republic of China
Ⅰ Letter from Mr. Matete Majara, Minister of Agriculture, the
Kingdom of Lesotho, to Mr. Edward Y. Kuan, Chinese
13th November, 1968
H.E. Ambassador E.Y. Kuan
Chinese Embassy
Dear Mr. Ambassador,
I have the honour to refer to agreement to Technical
between the Republic of China and the Kingdom of Lesotho signed
today at Maseru, and to propose the Agricultural Terms of Refer-
ence as follows:
1 For the first year of operation the programme will be confined
to an eight acre plot of the Mejametalana irrigation project.
2 Expansion of the project to other areas will be considered as
a result of the first year's operation at Mejametalana.
3 The Head of the Chinese Mission will be responsible for keepi-
ng exact records of the costs of production, as the economic
feasibility of the project must be capable of analysis. These
records shall be made available to Ministry of Agriculture as
and when required.
4 All seed or planting materials of all cultivars introduced fr-
om outside Lesotho muse be of certified origin, and if import-
ed from outside Southern Africa, should be accompanied by Int-
ernational Phyto-Sanitary certificates indicating freedom from
disease, insect infestation, etc.
5 No seed or planting material will be distributed to farmers w-
ithout the agreement of the Ministry of agriculture.
6 The Head of the Chinese Mission will have direct access to a
Senior Office to be nominated by the Ministry of Agriculture,
who will be Liaison Officer concerning organizational and tec-
hnical considerations.
7 The trainees and/or labour required by the Chinese Mission wi-
ll be selected by the Ministry of Agriculture.
I shall appreciate being informed that the proposals above acce-
Yours sincerely,
Matete Majara
Minister of Agriculture
Ⅱ Letter from Mr. Edward Y. Kuan, Chinese Ambassador, to Mr.
Matete Majara,Minister of Agriculture, the Kingdom of Lesotho
13th November, 1968
The Hon. Minister M. Majara
Ministry of Agriculture
Dear Mr. Minister,
I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter Ref. AG/
DEV/S.5 of today's date reading as follows:
“I have the honour to refer to the Agreement on Technical Coop-
eration between the Republic of China and the Kingdom of Lesotho
signed today at Maseru, and to propose the Agricultural Terms of
Reference as follows:
1 For the first year of operation the programme will be confined
to an eight acre plot of the Mejametalana irrigation project.
2 Expansion of the project to other areas will be considered as
a result of the first year's operation at Mejametalana.
3 The Head of the Chinese Mission will be responsible for keepi-
ng exact records of the costs of production, as the economic
feasibility of the project must be capable of analysis. These
records shall be made available to the Ministry of Agriculture
as and when required.
4 All seed or planting materials of all cultivars introduced fr-
om outside Lesotho must be of certified origin, and if import-
ed from outside Southern Africa, should be accompanied by Int-
ernational Phyto-Sanitary certificates indicating freedom from
disease, insect infestations, etc.
5 No seed or planting material will be distributed to the farme-
rs without the agreement of the Ministry of Agriculture.
6 The Head of the Chinese Mission will have direct access to a
Senior Officer to be nominated by the Ministry of Agriculture,
who will be Liaison Officer concerning organisational and tec-
hn ical considerations.
7 The trainees and or labour requited by the Chinese Mis-ion wi-
ll be selected by the Ministry of Agriculture.
I shall appreciate being informed that the proposals above are
In reply, I wish to inform you that the Agricultural Terms of R-
eference as proposed in your letter under reference are accepta-
Yours sincerely,
Edward Y. Kuan
Ambassador of China