

列印時間:113/07/16 22:26



簽訂日期: 民國 76 年 06 月 11 日
生效日期: 民國 76 年 06 月 11 日
簽約國: 北美地區 > 美國
1.Signed and exchanged on June 11, 1987; Entered into force on June 11, 1987.

Mr. Raymond S. H. Hoo
Coordination Council for
North American Affairs
133 Po Ai Road
Dear Mr. Hoo :
The American Institute in Taiwan's Washington office and the Un-
ited States Trade and Development Program (TDP) have signed a g-
rant agreement in the amount of US$900,000 to fund a variety of
activities in support of the efforts made by the authorities re-
presented by the Coordination Council for North American Affairs
(CCNAA) to improve its environment. The objective of the grant
is both to assist with environmental protection in Taiwan, and
to introduce U.S. environmental technology and products. Thus,
activities under the grant should assist our mutual efforts on
both environmental and trade matters.
The Grst activity under the environmental grant was our very su-
ccessful waste management symposium, held last month at the Ame-
rican Trade Center in Taipei.
We have been asked to do further symposia on environmental ques-
tions, and these events are being considered.
These symposia are just part of our efforts. The major thrust of
the grant is to finance specific feasibility or pre-feasibility
studies, and we are currently proposing two such studies. The f-
irst is a thorough examination of hazardous or toxic waste trea-
tment, storage and disposal in Kaohsiung. This study would be b-
ased on a TDP--financed definitional mission performed last year
with the help of Kaohsiung authorities. The second study, begin-
ning with a definitional mission, would also focus on hazardous
or toxic waste. This study would be performed with the Bureau of
Environmental Protection in the Department of Health.
TDP has agreed to send two experts to assist the Department of
Health in finalizing the terms of reference for the study and in
determining the necessary funding.
The contracts for the studies will be between AIT and U.S. envi-
ronmental consulting firms with related terms agreed by the Dep-
artment of Health.
However, the selection of the U.S. consultants and the monitori-
ng of work progress will be the responsibility of the Kaohsiung
authorities and the Department of Health for the studies under
their respective jurisdictions. As mentioned above, preparation
of the terms of reference is done jointly. Technical arrangemen-
ts for the studies would be
handled between AIT staff and personnel
in Kaohsiung and at Department of
Health. AIT will provide them and
CCNAA with information on the appro-
priate TDP rules and regulations pertai-
ning to procedures for competitive selec-
David Dean
Ref No : (76) CCNAA 0900
June 11, 1987
Mr. David Dean
American Institute in Taiwan
Taipei Office
Dear Mr. Dean :
I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter (AIT B-41
0) dated June 11, 1987, which reads as follows :
The American Institute in Taiwan's Washington office and the Un-
ited States Trade and Development Program (TDP) have signed a g-
rant agreement in the amount of US$900,000 to fund a variety of
activities in support of the efforts made by the authorities re-
presented by the Coordination Council for North American Affairs
(CCNAA) to improve its environment. The objective of the grant
is both to assist with environmental protection in Taiwan, and
to introduce U.S environmental technology and products. Thus, a-
ctivities under the grant should assist our mutual efforts on b-
oth environmental and trade matters.
The first activity under the environmental grant was our very s-
uccessful waste management symposium, held last month at the Am-
erican Trade Center in Taipei. We have been asked to do further
symposia on environmental questions, and these events are being
These symposia are just part of our efforts. The major thrust of
the grant is to finance specific feasibility or pre--feasibility
studies, and we are currently proposing two such studies. The f-
irst is a thorough examination of hazardous or toxic waste trea-
tment, storage and disposal in Kaohsiung. This study would be b-
ased on a TDP-financed definitional mission performed last year
with the help of Kaohsiung authorities. The second study, begin-
ning with a definitional mission, would also focus on hazardous
or toxic waste. This study would be performed with the Bureau of
Environmental Protection in the Department of Health.
TDP has agreed to send two experts to assist the Department of
Health in finalizing the terms of reference for the study and in
determining the necessary funding.
The contracts for the studies will be between AIT and U.S. envi-
ronmental consulting firms with related terms agreed by the Dep-
artment of Health.
However, the selection of the U.S. consultants and the monitori-
ng of work progress will be the responsibility of the Kaohsiung
authorities and the Department of Health for the studies under
their respective jurisdictions. As mentioned above, preparation
of the terms of reference is done jointly. Technical arrangemen-
ts for the studies would be handled between AIT staff and perso-
nnel in Kaohsiung and at Department of Health. AIT will provide
them and CCNAA with information on the appro-Enriate TDP rules
and regulations pertaining to procedures for competitive select-
ion. our side approves the arrangements set forth in your letter
Raymond S. H. Hoo
RH : Gt
In reply,I am pleased to confirm that