

列印時間:113/10/19 20:58



1.Signed and exchanged on September 7 and October 1, 2001 Entered into force on January 1, 2001

1700 N. Moore Street
Sulte 1700
Arllngton, vlrglnla22209
tel:(703) 525-8474
Fax:(703) 841-1385
October 1, 2001
Mr. Lyushun shen
Deputy Representative
Taipei Economic and Cultural representative
office in the united States
4201 Wishconsin Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 200016

Dear Mr. Shen:

Further to my letter of September 19, 2001, I am pleased to inf-
orm you that the U.S. Environmental
Protective Agency has informed us that it agrees to the revisio-
ns prcoposed in your September 7, 2001 letter to FY 2001 activi-
ties under Implementing arrangement No. 4 to the Agreement for
technical Cooperation in the Field of Environmental Protection.
Thank you for your continuing cooperation.


Barbara J. Schrage
Deputy Mangaing Director

Taipei Economic and Cutural Representative office in the United
4201 Wisconsin Avenue, N, W., Washington, D.C. 20016
Tel:(202) 895-1800
September 7, 2001
Ms. Barbara J. Schrage
Deputy managing Director
American Institute in Taiwan
1700 North moore Street, 17th Floor
Arlington, VA 22209

Dear Ms. Schrage:

With reference to Implementing Arrangement No. 4 to the Agreeme-
nt between CCNAA and AIt for Technical Cooperation in the Field
of Environmental protection for FY 2000 and 2001 Program implem-
entation, our Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) wou-
ld like to propose some amendments on the FY 2001 activities. T-
he proposed amendments include the following:
●Denomination the funds specified in the attachments to the IA#
4 for the FY 2001 activities in N.T. dollars rather than U.S.
●Changing the title of Activity #08 from "Demonstraton Project
for the Abatement of Nitrogen oxide Emission using Reburning
Technology for Cogeneration Plants in Taiwan (Ⅱ)" to "Demons-
tration Project for Nitrogen Oxide Emission Reduction Using R-
eburning Technology in Taiwan (Ⅱ)."
●Adding one new activity entitled "Greenhous gas Emission redu-
ction: Energy Star Program Transfers and MARKAL-MARCO Model D-
evelopmenti in Central American Countries."
Enclose herewith please find a copy of the proposed "Attachment
2: TECRO-AIT Technical Cooperation Program: Summary and Descrip-
tion Activities for Year 2001 (Amendment)." We would aappreciate
it very much if you would forward our proposal to the relevent U
.S. authority for favorable consideration.

Ms. Schrage -2- September 7, 2001

This proposal is deemed necessary for ouf EPA to carry on the p-
rograms, and our authority has also given its approval. We hope
that the changes are acceptable to your side.
Your reply in accepting the proposed amendments shall constitute
an exchange of letters between TECRO and AIT.


Lyushun Shen
Deputy Representative
Enclosure:As stated.

ACTIVITIES FOR YEAR 2001 (Amendment)
us Fiscal Year:00-01 Activity #:01
Activity Title:Watershed Pollution Control System (Ⅱ) - System-
atic Approach for Drinking Water Protection Area

Implementation Format Workshop or Site Visit
Estmated Fund to AIT (NTD$): 50,000
Estmated Fund to EPAT (NTD$): 50,000
Estmated Fund to Funding (NTD$): 1,000,000

Project Description:
Result:EPAT imtends to develop water resource conservation regu-
lations and policy, and to establish a regional wastershed mana-
gement pilot study

Objective:1) to learn watershed management and resource conserv-
ation programs and regulations in the US, and 2) to assess the
implementation of similar programs and regulations in Taiwan.

Activities:EPAT presonnel intend to invite US personnel to give
formal presentation and illustrate with case studies, and to ex-
change lessons learned with local experts regarding innovative
water source management, policies and regulations.

Time Frame:january-June 2001

Us Fiscal Year:00-01 Activity #:02
Activity Title: Innovative Wastewater Treatment Technology for
Petro-chemical and Chemical manufacturing Industries

Implementation Format: Workshop
Estmated Fund to AIT (NTD$): 50,000
Estmated Fund to EPAT (NTD$): 50,000
Estmated Fund to Funding (NTD$): 1,000,000

Project Description:
Result:Thepetro-chemical and chemical manufacturing industries
adopting the most cost-effective pollution prevention and contr-
ol mechanisms and wastewater treatment technologies.
Objective:To promote the manufacturers "and local research inst-
itutes" understanding of available treatment and pollution prev-
ention technologies.

Activities:EPAT intends to invite US personnel to present pollu-
tion control/prevention and treatment technologies and mangement
system in the US. The expected audience include personnel from
EPAT, Taiwanese industries and research institutes will learn

Time Frame:January-December 2001

US Fiscal Year:00-01 Activity #:03
Activity title:Hazardous Waste treatment and Management System

Implementation Format: Site Visit
Estmated Fund to AIT (NTD$): 1,000,000
Estmated Fund to EPAT (NTD$): 0
Estmated Fund to Funding (NTD$): 1,000,000

Project Description:
Result:EPAT intends to improve the current hazardous waste mana-
gement system and to promote the application of cost-effective
treatment technologies in Taiwan.
Objective:To better understand 1)hazardous waste management sys-
tem in the US. Secifically, and 2) available innovative treatme-
nt technologies, specifically the technologies that have been v-

Activities:EPAT intends to invite US personnel to present infor-
mation and case studies on hazzardous waste innovative treatment
technologies and management system in va workshop. tha expected
audience is mainly regulatory personnel.

Time Frame:June - October 2001

US Fiscal Year:00-01 Activity #:04
Activity title:Air Monitoring technology Development (Ⅱ)

Implementation Format: Workshop
Estmated Fund to AIT (NTD$): 0
Estmated Fund to EPAT (NTD$): 500,000
Estmated Fund to Funding (NTD$): 500,000

Project Description:
Result:EPAT intends to continue to develop a comprehensive regi-
onal air quality monitoring center that would monitor ozone and
UV, forecast aerial distribution of ozone and UV, and to serve
as the regional monitoring center for othet countries. TEPA int-
ends to invite APEC Economies to attend a symposium on air Qual-
ity Monitoring Technology for information sharing purpose.

Activities:US is to continue to assist taiwan in the development
of the above forecast model and to assist EPAT in the calibrati-
on of traceable standards and qulity assurance for the monitori-
ng aspect of the projcet The expected participants are mainly r-
egulatory and research personnel.

Time Frame:January - December 2001

US Fiscal Year:00-01 Activity #:5

Activity Title:Development of the Electrinic Commerce and Inter-
net for Environmental Protection Sector (Ⅱ)

Implementation Format: Workshop
Estmated Fund to AIT (NTD$): 1,000,000
Estmated Fund to EPAT (NTD$): 0
Estmated Fund to Funding (NTD$): 1,000,000

Proiect Description:
Result: EPAT intends to contirnue to establish the electronic c-
ommerxe process on environmental protection that are align with
the standards of international organization such as United Nati-
ons' Center for Facilitation of procedures and practices in Adm-
inistration, Commerce and Ttansport (CEACT/EWG).

Objective:1) To better understand the procedures by participati-
ng the international organziation of UN/EDIFACT; and 2) to coll-
ection information on Electronic Commerace (EC) technology on e-
nvironmental protection

Activities:EPAT personnel intend to conduct site visit to relev-
ant US organizations and obtain assistance on developing Taiwan'
s own Electronic Commerce processing system on environmental pr-

Activities:EPAT personnel intend to conduct site visit to relev-
ant US organizatons and obtain assistance on developing Taiwan's
own Electronic Commerce processing system on environmental prot-

Time Frame:January-December 2001

US fiscal Year:00-01 Activity #:6
Activity title:A Study of global Climate Change on Food Product-
ions in Asian Pacific Rim countries

Implementation Format: Cooperative Research
Estmated Fund to AIT (NTD$): 1,200,000
Estmated Fund to EPAT (NTD$): 0
Estmated Fund to Funding (NTD$): 1,200,000

project Description:
One of the most serious concerns that will face all peoples in
the 21ST centurty is the potential impact of global environment-
al and climate change may have on world food production. This is
particularly felt in Asian Pacific Rim countries where the popu-
lation growth for the next 50 years would be among the highest
in the world. The increasingly unstable climate and environment
have in effect increased the variability of food supply in rece-
nt years. Since the environmental conditions are partly associa-
ted with industrial develpmental activities and levels of energy
consumption, which are dramatically increasing in Asian countri-
es, it is not unreasonable to projcet a worsen environment in n-
ear future. The degradation of envionment in general and the cl-
imate change in specific raised a new concern of stability of f-
ood supply in the next century.

(1) To collect weather and key food production data for Pacific
Rim countries. The countries under consideration include, U-
SA, Canada China, taiwan, Japan, Philippines, and other sou-
theastern Asian countries;
(2) To analyze these data and to evaluate the stability of clim-
ate and food production systems in these countries;
(3) To assess the potential impact of future weather and food p-
roduction conditions may have on food market and economy am-
ong the pacific rim countries.

Results of this study would be useful for taiwan policy makers,
particularly environmental policy decision-makers to address mo-
re profound and broad issues in relationships of environment, e-
conomy and food security.

Date collection and modeling analysis will be performed at the
University of California at davis. A final report including mar-
ket and economic implications will be submitted to Taiwan EPA.

Time frame:January-December 2001

US Fiscal Year:00-01 Activity #:7
Activity Title:Environmental Regulatory and Policy Database

Implementation Format: Workshop
Estmated Fund to AIT (NTD$): 1,300,000
Estmated Fund to EPAT (NTD$): 0
Estmated Fund to Funding (NTD$): 1,300,000

Project Description:
Result:EPAT intends to raise environmental awareness among the
pulbic and the Taiwanese government by disseminating information
on the current trend of environmental laws, regulations and the
state of the environmetn in the US

Objective:1) to produce a video tape of the current environment-
al status in the US;2) to exchange erivironmental laws and regu-
lations; and 3) to produce a CD-ROM of current uS and Taiwan en-
vironmental status and available data.

Activities:Exchange of EPAT and USEPA personnel.

Time Frame:January-December 2001

US Fiscal Year:00-01 Activity #:8
Activity Title:Demonstration Project for Nitroghen Oxide Emissi-
no Reduction
Using Reburnig Technology in Taiwan

Implementation Format: Technology Transfer and
Estmated Fund to AIT (NTD$): 30,000,000
Estmated Fund to EPAT (NTD$): 0
Estmated Fund to Funding (NTD$): 30,000,000

Project Description:
Result:Establish the reburn De-Nox demonstration site for Co-ge-
neration plants in Taiwan.
Objective:1) Import the Reburn technology for Nox reduction from
USA and establish the demonstration site in Taiwan, and 2) Acco-
mplish the signifcant technology on Nox abatement and effective-
ly improve the Nox emission in Taiwan 3) Establish the cooperat-
ion channel on environmental technology between R.O.C. and U.S.A
. 4) Establish the engineering and performance testiong technol-
ogy on reburn in Taiwan, 5) Construction cost of reburn system
shall not be convered by this projcet.

Activities:1) To investigate the emission and specific imformat-
ion for Co-generation plats in Taiwan, 2) To study the technolo-
gy, 3) To implement technology design, 4) To install and test t-
he demonstration site, 5) To exhivit demonstration site.

Time Frame:January-December 2001

US Fiscal Year:00-01 Activity #:9
Activity Title:Environmental Technology Exchange Program

Implementatiion Format: Workshop or Site Visit
Estmated Fund to AIT (NTD$): 1,000,000
Estmated Fund to EPAT (NTD$): 0
Estmated Fund to Funding (NTD$): 1,000,000

Project Description:
Result: EPAT intends to establish to application of cleaner, co-
st-effective environmental technologies in various industrial s-
ectors in Taiwan.

Objective:To understand the incorporation and implementation of
various US pollution pervention and treatment technologies in T-

Activities:Exchange of EPAT and USEPA personnel.

Time Frame:January-December 2001

US Fiscal Year:00-01 Activity #:10

Activity Titel:US-Taiwan annual bilateral Planning and Review

Implementation Format: Meeting
Estmated Fund to AIT (NTD$): 500,000
Estmated Fund to EPAT (NTD$): 500,000
Estmated Fund to Funding (NTD$): 1,000,000

Projiect Description:
Result:USEPA and EPAT will evaluate the environmental accomplis-
hment and plan future activities to ensure the environmental eg-
enda for bothe countries are adequately addressed

Objective:To ensure to program continuous to contribute to USEPA

Activities:Exchange of EPAT and USEPA personnel.

Time Frame:April-October 2001

US Fiscal Year:00-01 Activity #:11
Activity Title:Greenhous Gas Emission Reduction: Energy Star Pr-
ogram Transfers, and MARKAL-MARCO Model Devlopment in Central A-
merican Couutries

Implementation Format: Meeting
Estmated Fund to AIT (NTD$): 15,000,000
Estmated Fund to EPAT (NTD$): 0
Estmated Fund to Funding (NTD$): 15,000,000

Result: EPAT intends to implement Taiwan Energy Star Bulldings
Strategy in the showcase buildings in Taiwan, and assist Central
American Countries to design and develop a national MARKAL-MACRO

Objective:TO reduce the greenhous gas reduction through Energy
Star Program transfer and the application of MARKAL-MACRO model
in policy making.

Activities:1) USEPA to provide technical assistance on the acti-
on plan to implement Taiwan Energy Star Buildings Strategy in t-
he Showcase Buildings. 2) Provide Taiwan MARKAL-MACRO model ext-
ended and integrated applications in program eveluation and pol-
icy analysis. 3) Assist Central Amerrican countries (Belize, Co-
sta Rica, E1 Salvador, honduras, Guatemala, Nicargua and Panama)
to design and develop a national MARKAL-MACRO model.

Time Frame:April-December 2001

FY 2001 TECRO-AIT Technical Cooperation Program - Estimated Bud-
ger (NTD $)

Activity Title Total Funds Total Funds Total
Advanced to Reserved Funds
AIT By EPAT Budgeted

01 Watershed Pollution Cont- 500,000 500,000 1,000,000
rol System (II)- Systema-
tic Approach for Drinking
Water Protection Area

02 Innovative Wastewater Tr- 1,000,000 0 1,000,000
eatment Tecnology for Pe-
tro-chemical and Chemical
Manufacturing industries

03 Hazardous Waste Treatment 1,000,000 0 1,000,000
and Mangement System

04 Air Monitoring Technology 0 500,000 500,000
Develoment (II)

05 Develoment of the Electr- 1,000,000 0 1,000,000
onic Commerce and Intern-
et for Enviornmental Pro-
tection Sector (II)

06 A Study of Global Climate 1,200,000 0 1,200,000
Change on Food Productio-
ns in Asian Pacific Rim

07 Environmental Regulatory 1,300,000 0 1,300,000
and Policy Database

08 Demorstration Project for 30,000,000 0 30,000,000
Nitrogen Oxide Emission
Reduction using Reburning
Technology in Taiwan (II)

09 Environmental Technology 1,000,000 0 1,000,000
Exchange Program

10 US-Taiwan annual bilater- 500,000 500,000 1,000,000
al Planning and Review M-

11 Greenhous gas emission r- 15,000,000 0 15,000,000
eduction: Energy Star Pr-
ogram Transfers and MARK-
AL-MARCO Model Developme-
nt in central Americal C-
Total 54,000,000 2,000,000 52,000,000

Note 1:
-- Funds for AIT activities will be advanced from TECRO to AIT
to cover tracel expenses, miscellaneous expenses, and mangem-
ent overhead.
-- Miscellaneous expenses include the estimated cost of materia-
ls, supplies, printin and purchased services such as contrac-
ts, grants and cooperative agreemnt.
-- Funds reserved by EPAT will be for EPAT stfftravel in the U.S
. and for other supporting activites in Taiwan.