

列印時間:113/07/17 10:15



1.Signed on June 16, 1997; Entered into force on June 16, 1997.

Article 1: Purpose
This Implementing Arrangement is entered into by the Taipei Econ
omic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States (T-
ECRO), formerly known as the Coordination Council for North Ame-
rican Affairs (CCNAA), and the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT
), hereinafter referred to as the ”Parties”, to implement pro-
gram activities under the Agreement between CCNAA and AIT for T-
echnical Cooperation in the Field of Environmental Protection,
dated June 21, 1993 (the ”CCNAA/AIT Agreement”). TECRO, throu-
gh its designated representative, the Environmental Protection
Administration in Taipei (EPAT), in cooperation with AIT, throu-
gh its designated representative, the U.S. Environmental Protec-
tion Agency in Washington D.C. (EPA), shall carry out program t-
asks, determine priorities for future cooperation activities, a-
nd develop Implementing Arrangements which shall set forth work
programs for such future activities.

Article II: Authorization
The activities described in this Implementing Arrangement shall
be carried out under the general terms and conditions of the CC-
NAA/AIT Agreement. This Implementing Arrangement is hereby atta-
ched to the CCNAA/AIT Agreement and becomes part of the Agreeme-

Article III: Scope of Work
Program tasks to be carried out under this Implementing Arrang-
emnt are summarized in Attachment I (TECRO-AIT Technical Coope-
ration Program–Summary and Description) and Attachment-2 (TEC-
RO-AIT Technical Cooperation Program Estimated Budget).

Article IV: Responsibilities of AIT
The responsibilities of AIT, through its designated representa-
tie, EPA, under this Implementing Arrangement are:
A.To undertake the tasks and manage the funds set forth inthe
B.To make available personnel, equipment and other assistace as
may be necessary to carry out such tasks;
C.To facilitate and provide support for consultations betwen a-
nd among representatives of TECRO, EPAT, EPA and other appro-
priate agencies; and
D.To report on an annual basis or at the end of the term o this
Implementing Arrangement to TECRO on AIT use of funds receiv-
ed from TECRO pursuant to Article VI.

Article V: Responsibilities of TECRO
The responsibilities of TECRO under this Implementing Arrangem-
en are:
A.To provide all necessary financial assistance in accordace w-
ith Article V of the CCNAA/AIT Agreement and Article VI of t-
his Implementing Arrangement, as well as administrative and
other assistance to support AIT in undertaking the tasks set
forth in the Attachments;
B.To provide guidance for and to facilitate consultations etwe-
en and among representatives of EPAT, AIT, and other appropr-
iate agencies; and
C.To ensure that all necessary logistical arrangements fortasks
to be conducted in Taiwan, including the provision of traini-
ng and conference facilities, are completed prior to the com-
mencement of each such task.

Article VI: Financial Arrangements
In accordance with Article V of the CCNAA/AIT Agreement and pr-
io to the commencement of activities by AIT under this Impleme-
nting Arrangement, during each of the fiscal years for which t-
his Implementing Arrangement is in force, TECRO shall advance
to AIT the amount of funds (in U.S. dollars) specified in the
Attachments to this Implementing Arrangement. These funds shall
be used by AIT to defray costs that it incurs in carrying out
the tasks that are indicated in the Attachments to be undertak-
en during such fiscal year. Upon receipt of funds from TECRO f-
or each such iscal year, AIT shall commence such tasks.
Any funds received by AIT from TECRO that remain at the end of
the term of the CCNAA/AIT Agreement shall be returned to TECRO.

Article VII: Intellectual Property Considerations
No intellectual property or confidential business information
cosiderations are expected to arise in conjunction with activi-
ties to be undertaken pursuant to this Implementing Arrangement

Article VIII.: Effective Date, Amendment and Termination
This Implementing Arrangement shall enter into force on the da-
te of the last signature hereinafter, may be amended by written
agreement of the Parties at any time, and will remain in force
for two years unless extended or terminated by mutual agreement
. Termination shall not affect the validity or duration of act-
ivities not fully completed at the time of termination.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being duly authorized, ha-
vesigned this Implementing Arrangement.
DONE at Washington, D.C., in duplicate, in the English language


[Signed] [Signed]
Peter Cheng Barbara Schrage
Name Name
Deputy Representative Managing Director and Interim
Title Title
June 16, 1997 June 16, 1997
Date Date



FY: 98 Activity #:01
Activity Title:Stationary Source Auditing and Reporting
Major Product/Outcome:Workshop
Funds to be Advanced to AIT (USD$):71,428
Funds to be Retained by EPAT (USD$):0
Estimated Total Activity Cost (USD$):71,428
Activity Description:AIT, through its cooperating agency, USEPA
will conduct a four day workshop for EPAT that will introduce
1.U.S. permit and audit system and enforcement strategies elat-
ed to stationary air pollution sources and
2.U.S. emission inventory and air pollution fee calculatio sys-
tem Overall, the participants will learn the approach U.S. h-
as used to regulate its stationary air pollution sources.

FY: 98 Activity #:02
Activity Title:Non-Point Source Pollution Control Demonstration
Major Product/Outcome:Demonstration/Seminar
Funds to be Advanced to AIT (USD$):21,428
Funds to be Retained by EPAT (USD$): 32,143
Estimated Total Activity Cost (USD$): 53,571
Activity Description:AIT, through its cooperating agency, USEPA
will assist EPAT in developing strategies and best management
practices to control non-point source pollution into various w-
ater bodies in Taiwan. As part of this Activity, technicians f-
rom the U.S. will also conduct pilot studies on pollution cont-
rol practices that are applicable to Taiwan.

FY: 98 Activity #:03
Activity Title:Industrial Wastewater Treatment Technology
Major Product/Outcome:Workshop/Study tour
Funds to be Advanced to AIT (USD$):19,211
Funds to be Retained by EPAT (USD$):22,932
Estimated Total Activity Cost (USD$):42,143
Activity Description:AIT, through its cooperating agency, USEPA
will present various technologies and regulatory mechanisms th-
at are applicable in addressing industrial wastewater from pri-
nt circuit board, dye, and pulp and paper manufacturers in Tai-
wan. The Activity will include both a study tour and a workshop
in the U.S. The participants will learn:
1.treatment technologies and compliance monitoring tools i the
study tour; and
2.policies/regulations and pollution prevention measures i the

FY: 98 Activity #:04
Activity Title:Hazardous Waste Reuse and Recycle
Major Product/Outcome:Symposium
Funds to be Advanced to AIT (USDS):35,000
Funds to be Retained by EPAT (USD$):0
Estimated Total Activity Cost (USD$):35,000
Activity Description:AIT, through its cooperating agency, USEPA
will conduct a symposium for EPAT on the following topics:
1.U.S. regulations, technologies, and management methods;
2.an introduction of the industrial waste exchange and resurce
recovery program in Taiwan; and
3.a discussion on how best to strengthen the cooperation btween
USEPA and EPAT on this subject matter.

FY: 98 Activity #:05
Activity Title:Toxic Chemicals Manifest System (1)
Major Product/Outcome:Joint study
Funds to be Advanced to AIT (USD$):17,857
Funds to be Retained by EPAT (USD$):0
Estimated Total Activity Cost (USD$):17,857
Activity Description:AIT, through its cooperating agency, USEPA
will assist EPAT to perform a study for the air toxic and toxic
tracking system in Taiwan. The study would include:
1.an introduction of the U.S. tracking system;
2.an evaluation of the applicability of U.S. tracking systm in

FY. 98 Activity #:06
Activity Title: Air Quality Forecast Model Development
Major Product/Outcome: Model
Funds to be Advanced to AIT (USD$): 35,714
Funds to be Retained by EPAT (USD$): 0
Estimated Total Activity Cost (USD$): 35,714
Activity Description:AIT, through its cooperating agency, USEPA
will assist EPAT to enhance the air quality modeling capability
. A pilot study using California South Air Quality Management
District (SCAQMD) Forecast Model (or others) will determine the
feasibility of this model for the climatological, topographical
, and source emission conditions in Taiwan.

FY: 98 Activity #: 07
Activity Title: Permit Tracking and Reporting
Major Product/Outcome: System/study Tour
Funds to be Advanced to AIT (USD$): 50,143
Funds to be Retained by EPAT (USD$): 0
Estimated Total Activity Cost (USD$): 50,143
Activity Description:AIT, through its cooperating agency, USEPA
will assist EPAT to establish an effective permit reporting ma-
nagement system for hazardous and solid waste. Specifically, t-
he system is to use Oracle 7.0 and Oracle Forms, Report, Graph-
ics, Browser and Procedure Builder on UNIX operating system. F-
or this fiscal year, EPA, as AIT designated representative will
assist EPAT in assessing the feasibility of such system for Ta-
iwan and to make recommendations.

FY: 98 Activity #:08
Activity Title: Electronic Data Interchange System (III)
Major Product/Outcome: Internet Web System
Funds to be Advanced to AIT (USD$): 35,714
Funds to be Retained by EPAT (USD$): 0
Estimated Total Activity Cost (USD$): 35,714
Activity Description:AIT, through its cooperating agency, USEPA
will assist EPAT to develop an Internet web-based system for t-
he purpose of environmental electronic data and information re-
porting. Personnel from EPAT will attend training courses in t-
he U.S. to learn how to develop web security capabilities for
data input, editing, electronic signature, storing, etc.. Part
of the Activity is also to assess the cost-effectiveness of su-
ch system with the traditional EDI VAN.

FY: 98 Activity #:09
Activity Title:Environmental Statistics Exchange (1)
Major Product/Outcome:Info Exchange
Funds to be Advanced to AIT (USD$):0
Funds to be Retained by EPAT (USD$):714
Estimated Total Activity Cost (USD$):714
Activity Description:AIT, through its cooperating agency, USEPA
will provide to EPAT information on environmental quality eval-
uation, environmental loading and the methods regarding the ev-
aluation of pollution abatement and control expenditures.

FY: 98 Activity #:10
Activity Title: Laboratory Automation
Major Product/Outcome:Study
Funds to be Advanced to AIT (USD$): 0
Funds to be Retained by EPAT(USD$): 11,429
Estimated Total Activity Cost (USD$): 11,429
Activity Description:AIT, through its cooperating agency, USEPA
will provide assistance on the installing and implementing of ”
Laboratory Information Management System” (LIMS) for the Nati-
onal Institute of Environmental Analysis in EPAT. A three-year
installation program has been proposed. The system would inclu-
de management of information generated from the data collection
, sampling analysis, quality assurance and control, statistical
analysis, and reagents and sample waste handling processes.

FY: 98 Activity #11
Activity Title: Sustainable Development Assessment
Major Product/Outcome: Joint Research
Funds to be Advanced to AIT (USD$): 35,714
Funds to be Retained by EPAT (USD$): 0
Estimated Total Activity Cost (USD$): 35,714
Activity Description:AIT, through its cooperating agency, USEPA
will assist EPAT to perform the following tasks:
1.establish an integrated information system on national sstai-
nable development;
2.set up the parameters for the evaluation of national susaina-
ble development; and
3.develop strategies and approaches to improve sustainable dev-
elopment related activities.

FY: 98 Activity #: 12
Activity Title: Green House Gas Impact Study
Major Product/Outcome: Joint Research
Funds to be Advanced to AIT (USD$): 35,714
Funds to be Retained by EPAT (USD$): 0
Estimated Total Activity Cost (USD$): 35,714
Activity Description:AIT, through its cooperating agency, USEPA
will perform a joint research with EPAT using rice as a model
crop to evaluate global climate change and its relations to ag-
ricultural activities. This joint research Activity is to:
1.evaluate the impact of rice production on greenhouse gasprod-
uction in Taiwan
2.perform similar evaluation in other locations as conditins p-
ermit; and
3.develop strategies and approaches for a sustainable deveopme-
nt in the agricultural industry in Taiwan.

FY: 98 Activity #: 13
Activity Title: Environmental Technology Exchange
Major Product/Outcome: Symposium/Training
Funds to be Advanced to AIT (USD$): 38,571
Funds to be Retained by EPAT (USD$): 11,429
Estimated Total Activity Cost (USD$): 50,000
Activity Description:AIT, through its cooperating agency, USEPA
will jointly conduct exchange and transfer with EPAT for the A-
sia Pacific Region. The activities will include:
1.Joint symposium on modern clean environmental technology
2.Training sessions in the United States and/or APEC regio as n-
3.Public education and awareness promotion.

FY: 98 Activity #: 14
Activity Title: APEC Economic Instrument Workshop
Major Product/Outcome: Workshop/training
Funds to be Advanced to AIT (USD$): 17,857
Funds to be Retained by EPAT (USD$): 17,857
Estimated Total Activity Cost (USD$): 35,714
Activity Description:AIT, through its cooperating agency, USEPA
will initiate a joint program with EPAT in the APEC Economic Co-
operation to:
1.develop training materials and assess the needs for envionmen-
tal economic instruments; and
2.conduct workshop and training courses in Taiwan and invie par-
ticipants from APEC members.

FY: 98 Activity #: 15
Activity Title: Senior Management Review Meeting
Major Product/Outcome: Meeting/Study tour
Funds to be Advanced to AIT (USD$): 23,214
Funds to be Retained by EPAT (USD$): 12,500
Estimated Total Activity Cost (USD$): 35,714
Activity Description:USEPA, AIT, TECRO and EPAT senior managers
will meet and discuss program implementation and make adjustment
to program implementation.

TASKS: U.S. $437,565




FY: 99 Activity #: 01
Activity Title: Climate Wise Project
Major Product/Outcome: Study Tour
Funds to be Advanced to AIT (USD$): 0
Funds to be Retained by EPAT (USD$): 19,643
Estimated Total Activity Cost (USD$): 19,643
Activity Description:AIT, through its cooperating agency, USEPA
will train one TECRO designated EPAT staff to become familiariz-
ed with the Climate Wise energy saving voluntary program. The E-
PAT staff will visit various project sites related to Climate W-
ise and will later develop a strategy paper for transferral of
such program to Taiwan.

FY: 99 Activity #: 02
Activity Title: Wastewater Treatment Troubleshooting
Major Product/Outcome: Demonstration
Funds to be Advanced to AIT (USD$): 21,429
Funds to be Retained by EPAT (USD$): 78,571
Estimated Total Activity Cost (USD$): 100,000
Activity Description:AIT, through its cooperating agency, USEPA
will perform troubleshooting procedures in three different types
of wastewater treatment plants in Taiwan. The project will be c-
onducted in two phases:
1.EPAT will arrange for six specialists to visit three diferent
plants in Taiwan and collect operating problems for evaluation
2.USEPA will send four wastewater treatment experts to vist the
three plants and diagnose operating problems jointly with pla-
nt operators. USEPA experts will perform a plant operation au-
diting on site and answer questions developed by EPAT special-
ists based on their earlier visits in Part 1.

FY: 99 Activity #: 03
Activity Title: Industrial Wastewater Treatment System
Major Product/Outcome: Workshop/Study tour
Funds to be Advanced to AIT (USD$): 57,143
Funds to be Retained by EPAT (USD$): 69,286
Estimated Total Activity Cost (USD$): 126,429
Activity Description:AIT, through its cooperating agency, USEPA
will present treatment technologies that are available to manage
wastewater from fermentation industry. The current wastewater d-
isposal mechanisms in Taiwan include ocean dumping and leaching
through sanitary landfills.
This project will include both study tour and workshop in the U.
S. The participants will learn:
1.treatment technologies and compliance monitoring tools i the
study tour; and
2.policies/regulations and pollution prevention measures i the

FY: 99 Activity #: 04
Activity Title: Hazardous Waste Off-site Facility Management
Major Product/Outcome: Study Tour
Funds to be Advanced to AIT (USD$): 21,429
Funds to be Retained by EPAT (USD$): 14,286
Estimated Total Activity Cost (USD$): 35,715
Activity Description:AIT, through its cooperating agency, USEPA
will conduct a study tour for EPAT staff to visit commercial Tr-
eatment/Storage/Disposal (TSD) Facilities in the U.S. The parti-
cipants will:
1.learn the U.S. management system for hazardous waste TSDfacil-
2.visit various hazardous waste TSD facilities; and
3.learn the operating procedures.

FY: 99 Activity #: 05
Activity Title: Toxic Chemical Manifest System (2)
Major Product/Outcome: Joint Study
Funds to be Advanced to AIT (USDS): 17,857
Funds to be Retained by EPAT (USDI): 0
Estimated Total Activity Cost (USD$): 17,857
Activity Description:AIT, through its cooperating agency, USEPA
will assist EPAT to perform a study for the air toxic and toxic
tracking system in Taiwan. The study is a continuation from a FY
1998 task and will include:
1.an assessment of Taiwan's current practices for handling/tran-
sporting/disposing toxic chemicals, and an inventory of curre-
nt sources, and
2.a pilot work plan that includes U.S. recommendations forprogr-
am implementation.

FY: 99 Activity #: 06
Activity Title: Electronic Data Interchange System (TV)
Major Product/Outcome: System/Study tour
Funds to be Advanced to AIT (USD$): 42,857
Funds to be Retained by EPAT (USD$): 0
Estimated Total Activity Cost (USD$): 42,857
Activity Description:AIT, through its cooperating agency, USEPA
will assist EPAT to develop an Internet web-based system for the
purpose of environmental electronic data and information report-
ing. Personnel from EPAT will attend training courses in U.S. to
learn how to develop web security capabilities for data input,
editing, electronic signature, storing, encryption, etc. Part of
the project is also to assess the cost-effectiveness of such sy-
stem with the traditional EDI VAN.

FY: 99 Activity #: 07
Activity Title: Permit Tracking and Reporting System
Major Product/Outcome: System/Study Tour
Funds to be Advanced to AIT (USDS): 46,429
Funds to be Retained by EPAT (USD$): 0
Estimated Total Activity Cost (USD$): 46,429
Activity Description:The goal of this ”phase-two”project is t-
ohave AIT, through its designated representative, EPA, assist E-
PAT in completing and implementing the data system and its Stan-
dard Operating Procedures as outlined in FY 1998 phase III oper-

FY: 99 Activity #: 08
Activity Title: Drinking Water Regulation Study
Major Product/Outcome: Study tour
Funds to be Advanced to AIT (USDS): 0
Funds to be Retained by EPAT (USD$): 10,714
Estimated Total Activity Cost (USD$): 10,714
Activity Description:AIT, through its cooperating agency, USEPA
will provide field training for EPAT to:
1.gain a better understanding of U. S. Drinking Water poliies a-
nd regulations; specifically, EPAT is seeking recommendations
on how best to regulate drinking water and tap water separate-
2.seek recommendations on how best to address violations o water
quality standards without adversely impacting the users; and
3.educate people concerning the difference between tap & dinking

FY: 99 Activity #: 09
Activity Title: Clean Air Act Regulation Study
Major Product/Outcome: Study Tour
Funds to be Advanced to AIT (USDI): 0
Funds to be Retained by EPAT(USD$): 10,714
Estimated Total Activity Cost (USD$): 10,714
Activity Description:Taiwan's Air Pollution Control Act was ame-
ded to include a set of Air Quality Standards (AQS) which are m-
ore stringent than the Emission Standards. Under this Activity,
AIT, through its cooperating agency, USEPA, will provide recomm-
endations to EPAT on how to effectively implement the Air Pollu-
tion Control Act and how to delegate the implementation authori-
ty to its local government.

FY: 99 Activity #: 10
Activity Title: Statistics Information Exchange
Major Product/Outcome: Information
Funds to be Advanced to AIT (USD$): 0
Funds to be Retained by EPAT (USD$): 714
Estimated Total Activity Cost (USD$): 714
Activity Description:AIT, through its cooperating agency, USEPA
will assist EPAT to:
1.collect information on subjects such as environmental qulity,
total maximum loading rate, and environmental protection stra-
tegy; and
2.gain a better understanding of the approach U.S. Departmnt of
Commerce employed to estimate pollution abatement and control

FY: 99 Activity #: 11
Activity Title: Environmental Technology Exchange
Major Product/Outcome: Symposium/Training
Funds to be Advanced to AIT (USD$): 38,571
Funds to be Retained by EPAT (USD$): 32,857
Estimated Total Activity Cost (USD$): 71,428
Activity Description:AIT, through its cooperating agency, USEPA
will jointly conduct exchange and transfer with EPAT for the As-
ia Pacific Region. The activities will include:
1.Joint symposium on modern clean environmental technology
2.Training sessions in the United States and/or APEC regio as n-
3.Public education and awareness promotion.

FY: 99 Activity #: 12
Activity Title: Review and Planning meeting
Major Product/Outcome: Meeting/Study tour
Funds to be Advanced to AIT (USD$): 23,214
Funds to be Retained by EPAT (USD$): 0
Estimated Total Activity Cost (USD$): 23,214
Activity Description:USEPA, AIT, TECRO and EPAT will meet at th
end of program year to review the current year program implemen-
tation and plan for the next year(s) programs. The parties will
discuss issues and make adjustment to the implementation if fou-
nd necessary.

TASKS: U.S.$268,929


FY 1998 TECRO-AIT Technical Cooperation Program-Estimated Budgt
(USD $)

Total Total Total
ACT ACTIVITY Travel Miscell Mange Funds Funds
IVI TITLE aneous men Advanced Reserved Funds
TY Expense Overh to AIT by EPAT Budget
s ead ed
01 Station 20,000 40,714 10,714 71,428 0 71,428
ary Sou
and Rep
02 Non-Poi 10,000 8,214 3,214 21,428 2,143 53,571
nt Sour
on Cont
rol De-
03 Industr 10,000 6,329 2,882 19,211 2,932 42,143
al Wast
nt Tech
04 Hazardo 15,000 14,750 5,250 35,000 0 35,000
us Wast
e Reuse
and Rec
05 Toxic C 5,000 10,178 2,679 17,857 0 17,857
he mica
ls Meni
fest Sy
stem (1
06 Air Qua 5,000 25,357 5,357 35,714 0 35,714
li ty F
Model D
eve lop
07 Permit 5,000 37,622 7,521 50,143 0 50,143
Tra cki
ng and
08 Electro 5,000 25,357 5,375 35,714 0 5,714
nic Dat
a Inter
chang e
09 Environ 0 0 0 714 14
ics Exc
hange (
10 Laborat 0 0 0 1,429 11,429
ory Aut
11 Sustain 15,000 15,357 5,357 35,714 0 5,714
able De
velop m
ent Ass
12 Green H 10,000 20,357 5,357 35,714 0 5,714
ouse Ga
s Impac
t Study
13 Environ 20,000 12,785 5,786 38,571 11,429 50,000
ogy Exc
14 APEC Ec 10,000 5,178 2,679 17,857 17,857 5,714
ent Wor
15 Senior 15,000 4,732 3,482 23,214 2,500 35,714
Total 145,000 226,930 5,653 437,565 109,004 546,569
Note 1:
--Funds for AIT activities will be advanced from TECRO to IT to
cover travel expenses, miscellaneous expenses, and management
--Miscellaneous expenses include the estimated cost of matrials,
supplies, printing and perchased services such as contracts,
grants and cooperative agreement.
--Funds reserved by EPAT will be for EPAT staff travel in he U.S
. and for other supporting activities in Taiwan.
Note 2:If the tasks scheduled to be undertaken during FY 1998 ae
not completed within FY 1998, the tasks shall be continued in FY