

列印時間:113/10/20 08:48



1.Signed on December 26, 1988; Entered into force on January 1, 1989.

The Ministry of Health of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (hereinaf-
ter referred to as First Party) and the Department of Health, t-
he Executive Yuan, of the Republic of China (hereinafter referr-
ed to as Second Party).
Recognizing the friendly relation existing between the two coun-
tries and their respective peoples, and Being desirous of devel-
oping medical cooperation, and implementing the arrangements of
the Memorandum signed on the ninth of Jamad Awal 1399H correspo-
nding to the sixth day of April, 1979, and subsequent Memoranda
Nos. 2 to 7 and the addendum thereto.
Have agreed as follows :

1 In view of the traditional intimate friendship and in the spi-
rit of complete and mutual understanding, the Second Party un-
dertake to delegate a mission of hospital personnel (hereinaf-
ter called the "Mission") to support the operation of the King
Fahad General Hospital at Jeddah.
Such services shall not be extended to other hospitals, clini-
cs or dispensaries of the Kingdom, except under emergent circ-
umstances or by mutual agreement.
2 The main functions of the Mission shall be limited to the pro-
vision of medical service of high quality to the people of Sa-
udi Arabia, and to participate in the educational and training
programs in the hospital.

1 The mission shall include, but shall not be limited to, medic-
al doctors (including short-term consultant), nu- rses, param-
edical and maintenance personnel, administrative staff, medic-
al assistants and other hospital personnel. Hourever, nominat-
ions thereof shall be subject to the approval of the First Pa-
rty and all chosen categories shall be of high calibre and go-
od conduct.
2 A Mission Leader shall be appointed by the Second Party with
the approval of the First Party. It is understood that the Mi-
ssion Leader will be at no cost to the First Party and that he
will not interfere with the operation of the hospitals.
The Mission Leader will be stationed in Taipei and will visit
the Kingdom when necessary to discuss with officiale of the F-
irst Party and other related officials matters concerning the
cooperation program.
3 A senior memeber of the Mission will be appointed as Deputy M-
ission Leader in the hospital for managing the affairs of the
Medical Cooperation Program besides his usual duties.
4 The hospital requires a minimum number of staff from each cat-
egory to fuction satisfactorily as per appendix.
The First Party shall see to it that sufficient job numbers be
secured and provided for.
5 Notwithstanding the terms of the contracts signed between the
members of the Mission and the First Party, either Party shall
have the right to replace any member of the Mission by mutual
6 The First contract of each individual member of the Mission s-
hall be for two years. That for the specialist doctors shall
be for one year. The contract may be renewed afterward each y-
ear by mutual agreement of both Parties.

1 As per resolution No.lII-4-ll-2 of 1Oth Saudi-Sino Permanent
Joint Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation held in
Riyadh, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on 30 Jamada Alawal 1408
corresponding to 19 January 1988, the second party now makes
available two scholarships each year including round trip air-
ticket, tuition fees and living allowance of US$10,000 each f-
or Saudi Medical Doctor to be trained in Taiwan, ROC in speci-
alised field for one year, the training period may be extended
upon request, upon completion of training a certificate be is-
sued to the trainees by the training institutes.
2 To prepare the Mission staff before departure to minimize any
difficulties in language and culture difference,the Second Pa-
rty shall provide adequate training programs to the Mission m-
embers prior to their departure for the Kingdom. Cost thus in-
curred shall be paid by the Second Party.

1 In accordance with resolution 111-4-2 of the 10th Saudi-Sino
Permanent Joint Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperati-
on held in Riyadh, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on 30 Jamada A-
lawal 1408 corresponding to 19 January 1988, the Mission, upon
mutual agreement, will now concentrate on the King Fahad Jedd-
ah Hospital.
2 No more new members will be recruited for King Fahad Hofuf Ho-
spital as of 1st April 1988.
3 Members working in Hofuf should continue to work until the end
of their current contracts.
4 Members in Hofuf can be, according to their wishes, transfered
to the same position in Jeddah hospital provided Jeddah hospi-
tal needs their services and job numbers are available.
5 By mutual agreement of both Parties certain positions may be
chosen to work in Hofuf or at the Ministry.
6 Members whose contracts are renewed to work either in Jeddah,
Hofuf or the Ministry, the term of the contract including sal-
aries and other benefits shall remain the same.

1 Salaries of the experts and technicians will be calculated ac-
cording to non-Saudi employment regulations in addition to 100
% increase in salary according to the regulations which had b-
een issued concerning this matter. Those whose salaries are i-
ncreased by l00 % shall work 50 hours/week. Those whose salar-
ies are not yet increased shall work according to government
official working hours for hospitals.
2 Doctors are considered specialists if they have completed four
years of training in their area of specialty in a recognised
educational hospital.
They will be paid as Master Degree holders with two years of
3 Administrators and medical assistants shall be paid according
to their qualifications and experience based on the pay scale
of non-skilled workers in the Kingdom.
4 Other experts not covered in the present pay scale of the Kin-
gdom, medical record, computer, hospital administration exper-
ts and technicians for instance, shall be paid according to a
pay scale mutually agreed upon by both parties.
5 Short-term Consultants :
A Short-term Consultants shall serve in the Kingdom upon the
request of the First Party for a period up to three months.
B Short-term Consultant Professors shall be paid ,between the
range of SR.18,000 and SR. 20,000 per month.
C Short-term Consultants shall be paid within the range of SR
. 15,000 and SR. 18,000 per month.

1 This Memorandum may be reviewed or amended every two years by
mutual agreement if either Party deems it necessary.
2 Either Party shall have the right to teiminate the program by
a written notice to be served to the other Party. Such notice
shall be given six months prior to date of termination.
3 Members may continue to work until the end of their contracts
when the Program is terminated.
4 This Memorandum shall take effect as from 24th Jamada Alawal
1409 corresponding to 1st January 1989.

Edward Y. Kuan
Ambassador Extraordinary
and Plenipotentiary
of the Republic of China
to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Faisal Alhegelan
Minister of Health
Ministry of Health
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
│Nurses │ 350 │
│X-Ray Technician │ 14 │
│Lab. Technician │ 35 │
│Bio-Medical Engineers │ 2 │
│Engineers │ 8 │
│Administrator │ 20 │
│Medical Assistant │ 55 │
│Medical Specialist │ 20 │
│Pharmacist │ 8 │
│TOTAL │ 512 │