

列印時間:113/07/17 10:27



1.Signed on August 18 and June 06, 2014 Entered into force on August 18, 2014

Article I
This Implementing Arrangement describes the scientific and
technical activities to be undertaken by the American Institute
in Taiwan (AIT), through its designated representative, the
Global System Division (GSD), (formally the Forecast Systems
Laboratory) of the Earth System Research Laboratory (ESRL) of
the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
United States Department of Commerce. It provides for continuing
development of the forecast system being developed by the Joint
Forecast Systems Project. This project is a cooperative effort
between the Central Weather Bureau (CWB), the designated
representative of the Taipei Economic and Cultural
Representative Office in the United States (TECRO), and AIT ’ s
designated representative, NOAA/ESRL/GSD. This Implementing
Arrangement is of mutual interest to both TECRO and AIT,
hereafter referred to as the parties. The products of this
Implementing Arrangement will provide substantial value through
development of new and upgraded capabilities and applications
that can be integrated into other NOAA/ESRL/GSD systems.

Article II
The activities described in this Implementing Arrangement will
be carried out under and is subject to the general terms and
conditions established by the Agreement between the Taipei
Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States
and the American Institute in Taiwan for Technical Cooperation
in Meteorology and Forecast Systems Development (TECRO-AIT
Agreement), signed by all parties as of March 06, 2012, and any
subsequent revision as agreed to by the parties. This
Implementing Arrangement is the twenty-sixth such arrangement
under a succession of umbrella agreements between TECRO and AIT.

Article III
During the period of Implementing Arrangement #26 (IA #26),
TECRO ’ s and AIT ’ s designated representatives respectively,
the Taiwan Central Weather Bureau (CWB) and NOAA/ESRL/GSD, have
started a new phase V program on hazardous weather monitoring
and forecasting. Therefore the NOAA/ESRL/GSD-CWB joint team will
expand work to address this hazardous weather theme. Six tasks
are identified: (1) Development and improvement of satellite
products for tropical storm monitoring and prediction; (2)
High-Resolution Quantitative Precipitation Estimation and
Quantitative Precipitation Forecast (HRQ2) Applications
Improvement; (3) Enhancement of Nowcasting Decision Assistance
Tools; (4) Development of High-Resolution Product Generation
Assistance Tools for AWIPS II; (5) Development of intra-seasonal
to inter-annual climate monitoring and forecast; and (6)
Continuing Interaction on earlier cooperative projects. Tasks
under this Implementing Arrangement range from full scale
developmental collaboration to system upgrades and support that
allow systems to operate with the latest technical and
scientific capabilities and specifications. These ongoing
activities, described in more detail in the Statement of Work,
will include the following six tasks:

Task #1 - Development and Improvement of Satellite Products for
Tropical Storm Monitoring and Prediction

During IA #26, AIT ’ s designated representative,
NOAA/ESRL/GSD, has agreed that STAR/SMCD will lead
this task. NOAA/STAR/SMCD will continue providing near
real-time polar orbiting satellite global 1b radiance
and products data from AMSU-A and MHS onboard NOAA-18,
NOAA-19, MetOp-A, MetOp-B and MetOp-B satellites. Also
STAR/SMCD will provide SSMIS onboard DMSP F16, F17,
F18, blended TPW products, MetOp-A ASCAT winds
products, WindSAT wind products and Global Data
Assimilation System (GDAS) gridded data for MiRS.
Remote technical support will be provided for
satellite 1b data recovery.

For Microwave Integrated Retrieval System (MiRS),
STAR/SMCD will provide an updated MiRS package and
documentation for multiple satellite product retrieval
and on-site or remote technical support for MiRS

STAR/SMCD will continue the effort to implement the
HWRF satellite data assimilation system for the
Pacific region during IA #26. It includes an updated
HWRF package and technical support and documentation
on upgraded systems, on-site or remote technical
support for HWRF implementation and direct broadcast
ATMS BUFR data for HWRF. Two CWB staff will visit
STAR/SMCD for evaluation of HWRF performance, polar
orbit satellite data assimilation and community
radiative transfer application.

Task #2 - High-Resolution Quantitative Precipitation Estimation
and Quantitative Precipitation Forecast (HRQ2)
Applications Improvement

During IA #26, AIT ’ s designated representative,
NOAA/ESRL/GSD, has agreed that NOAA/NSSL (National
Severe Storms Laboratory) will continue research
towards maintenance, refinement, and improvement of
the High-Resolution Quantitative Precipitation
Estimation and Quantitative Precipitation Forecast
(HRQ2) applications required for TECRO ’ s designated
representatives, CWB, the Water Resources Agency
(WRA), and the Soil and Water Conservation Bureau

This task will include integration of two new radars:
one RCWF polarimetric radar, and one Japanese C-band
single-pole radar at the Ishigaki-jima island which is
about 200 km east of Taiwan. For the RCWF radar data,
NSSL will test polarimetric radar algorithms and
integrate QPE into QPESUMS, and also integrate RCWF
hydrometeor classification into the 3D mosaic. For the
Japanese radar data, NSSL will decode the data and
develop reference data sets, and integrate the data
into a reflectivity mosaic and QPESUMS.

NOAA/NSSL will make available to TECRO ’ s designated
representative, CWB, as requested, software source
code for the integration of the new polarimetric RCWF
data and the Japanese radar into the QPESUMS.
NOAA/NSSL will also make available to CWB, as
requested, the implementation of the aforementioned
modules in the real-time HRQ2 system as part of
QPESUMS technical support.

Task #3 - Enhance of Nowcasting Decision Assistance Tools

As part of IA#26, AIT ’ s designated representative,
NOAA/ESRL/GSD, has agreed that MDL will continue to
provide technical support and training to TECRO ’ s
designated representative, CWB, to enhance CWB ’ s
WINS in the area of nowcasting decision assistance
tools that have already been implemented. This support
includes source code modification and configuration
appropriate for CWB's use of the tools which have been
already ported.

After customizing most of MDL's decision assistance
tools, the implementation of FFMP (Flash Flood
Monitoring and Prediction) on WINS became one of the
major tasks during IA #25. FFMP conducts precipitation
analyses over the area of small basins and thus is an
integrated suite of multi-sensor applications which
detect, analyze, and monitor precipitation and
generate short-term warning guidance for flash
flooding automatically. During IA #25, the MDL
assisted the CWB in customizing FFMP to process and
display various data sources such as radar Digital
Hybrid Reflectivity (DHR), SCAN (System for Convection
Analysis and Nowcasting) QPF, sampled Flash Flood
(FFG), CWB ’ s QPESUM data and rain gauge
observations. During IA #26, the MDL will continue to
provide the CWB with more thorough customization and
training support on MDL ’ s decision assistance
tools, especially on FFMP to support its operational
use at CWB ’ s Forecast Center.

During IA #26, the second task will be to provide CWB
’ s Meteorological Satellite Center (MSC) with
software and training so that MSC can tune CWB ’ s
ANC (AutoNowCaster) automatically in a flexible and
timely manner. Tuning ANC automatically involves
choosing data sets, employing an objective forecast
verification technique, and devising a fitness
function to create forecasts using weights iteratively
generated by the genetic algorithm. Automatic tuning
is done in a fraction of the time that it takes
experts to analyze the data and tune the weights

In the past, CWB used ANC to provide objective
guidance for the prediction of afternoon thunderstorms
in northern Taiwan during the warm season and found
that there was a tendency for the forecasters to
over-forecast the number of days on which afternoon
thunderstorms actually occurred. To improve CWB ’ s
forecast of convective storm initiation and evolution
during a field experiment in northern Taiwan, MSC
wants to learn the automatic ANC tuning methodology.

Task #4 - Development of High-Resolution Product Generation
Assistance Tools for AWIPS II

The National Weather Service (NWS) has been developing
AWIPS II for several years. This replacement for the
original AWIPS (the basis of the current CWB Weather
Integration and Nowcasting System (WINS) tools) is
intended to provide essentially the same appearance
and function (“ look and feel ” )to reduce the need
for extensive forecaster training. The underlying
software is written largely in Java and loosely
follows a services-oriented architecture (SOA) design.

During IA#25, AIT ’ s designated representative,
NOAA/ESRL/GSD, received permission from NWS to provide
an evaluation copy of the AWIPS II software to CWB.
GSD also provided training for CWB developers in how
to navigate the AWIPS II software repository and how
to write plugins to add function to the baseline code.

For IA#26, GSD will continue to support CWB developers
by providing updated versions of the software. GSD
will do a test installation and configuration before
sending updates to CWB, provide support to CWB staff
in setting up the new versions, and prepare and
deliver additional training on site in Taipei.

AIT ’ s designated representative, NOAA/ESRL/GSD, has
developed for AWIPS II a CAVE (Common AWIPS
Visualization Environment) Annotation Tool (CAT) that
allows NWS forecasters to create and save drawings,
including graphics such as Nowcasts and weather
stories to publish on the web. NOAA/ESRL/GSD will
assist a CWB visiting scientist in understanding the
AWIPS II architecture to begin to extend CAT to
support CWB's annotation requirements.

During IA#26, AIT ’ s designated representative,
NOAA/ESRL/GSD, will provide technical support for the
Graphical Forecast Editor (GFE), GFE Smart Tools
(techniques to automate or semi-automate grid
editing), and the text formatters (TF) used in CWB's
Forecast Information Editing System (FIES).

In conjunction with NWS, NOAA/ESRL/GSD continues to
work on improvements in Smart Tools, and is developing
new forecast monitoring and ensemble-based forecast
support tools. NOAA/ESRL/GSD will prepare and provide
on-site GFE training for CWB forecasters. GSD also
anticipates hosting a visitor from CWB in 2014 who
will participate in this work, thus gaining experience
and expertise that will apply to FIES improvements and
adaptation for AWIPS II.

NOAA/ESRL/GSD will continue to support CWB's
development and customization of BOIVerify by
facilitating interaction between visiting CWB
forecasters and developers and users of the software.

Task #5 - Development of Intra-seasonal to Inter-annual Climate
Monitoring and Forecast

During IA #26, AIT ’ s designated representative,
NOAA/ESRL/GSD, has agreed that NWS/NCEP ’ s (National
Centers of Environmental Prediction) /Climate
Prediction Center (CPC) and Environmental Modeling
Center (EMC) will lead this task. NCEP will continue
to support CWB in advancing the monitoring and
forecast capabilities, in particular for the
intraseasonal to interannual time scales.

Meteorological services around the world all are
facing the emerging requirements for providing, and
improving, climate services. The services subjects
could range from providing extended range forecasts,
historical data, hazard outlooks, to tailored
derivative information requested by government
agencies and industrial sectors for national
interests. It mandates the meteorological services,
such as CWB, to layout a new strategic plan,
developing new capabilities in human talents,
absorbing scientific discoveries, devising new tools,
and implementing technical advances.

During IA #26, NOAA will continue to assist CWB in
developing climate services capabilities, by 1)
providing training through NCEP ’ s International
Monsoon Training Desk Program; 2) providing planning
and scientific expertise to the Taiwan-West Pacific
Climate Forecast System (TWPCFS) Workshop; and 3)
Assisting and facilitating CWB professionals to attend
scientific conferences and meetings in the US.

Task #6 - Continuing Interaction on Earlier Cooperative Projects

Several earlier cooperative tasks have been completed.
Technology has been transferred successfully and is
beginning to be used operationally at the facilities
of TECRO ’ s designated representative, CWB. The task
for AIT ’ s designated representative, NOAA/ESRL/GSD,
in this area is the development of new tools that
extend and enhance the forecast applications. Further
NOAA/ESRL/GSD interaction with CWB is critical to keep
CWB staff up to date on current AWIPS II developments.
This task will directly improve and update CWB ’ s
current forecast assistant and decision making systems
at appropriate levels, including ALPS (AWIPS Linux
Prototype System) which is an upgrade of AWIPS with
ensemble forecast products.

NOAA/ESRL/GSD has U.S. export control approval to
provide CWB with AWIPS II software as released by the
contractor. The software was first made available to
CWB in 2013. During IA #26, NOAA/ESRL/GSD will
continue provide updated versions and training to CWB
visiting scientists on the new AWIPS II extended/
enhanced forecaster applications such as GFE
improvements and Collaboration that are being
developed by NOAA/ESRL/GSD.

NOAA/ESRL/GSD will continue to provide the NOAAPORT
data feed and data transmission support for CWB ’ s
data assimilation and forecasting purposes during IA
#26. This continuing interaction task will benefit
TECRO ’ s designated representative, CWB, with the
updated knowledge of the forecast assistant and
decision making systems developed at NOAA including
AWIPS II. Throughout the period of IA #26,
NOAA/ESRL/GSD will provide necessary training and
support to CWB visitors and forecasters, continue the
exchange of visits, provide necessary papers and
reports, attend annual meetings, and continue e-mail
interactions, as applicable.

Article IV
Responsibilities of AIT
In addition to participation in the joint project team, AIT,
through its designated representative, NOAA/ESRL/GSD, shall:
A. Provide overall coordination project activities at the
NOAA/ESRL/GSD facility in Boulder, Colorado;
B. Provide administrative support for preparing reports for
delivery to TECRO ’ s designated representative, CWB, in
accordance with this Implementing Arrangement;
C. Assign appropriate staff to perform the activities defined in
this Implementing Arrangement and provide support in
accordance with the terms of the umbrella agreement; and
D. Fulfill its responsibilities under the Statement of Work for
Implementing Arrangement #26.

Article V
Responsibilities of TECRO
In addition to participation in the joint project team, TECRO
through its designated representative, CWB, shall:
A. Provide overall coordination project activities at the CWB
B. Assign appropriate staff to perform the activities defined in
this Implementing Arrangement and provide support in
accordance with the terms of the umbrella agreement; and
C. Fulfill its responsibilities under the Statement of Work for
Implementing Arrangement #26.

Article VI
Financial Provisions
In accordance with the TECRO-AIT Agreement, TECRO is required to
reimburse AIT for all costs incurred by AIT ’ s designated
representative, NOAA/ESRL/GSD, in association with the project
covered by this Implementing Arrangement. AIT shall transfer to
NOAA/ESRL/GSD all payments made by TECRO to AIT for costs
incurred by NOAA/ESRL/GSD in association with this Implementing
The total cost for activities described in this Implementing
Arrangement is mutually agreed to be U.S. $1,173,000. TECRO
agrees to transfer fifty percent of the funds to AIT in advance,
with the remaining fifty percent to be transferred upon
completion of the year ’ s activities, to the extent that funds
for this purpose have been provided by TECRO.

NOAA Information
Treasury Symbol: 13x1450
Business Event Type Code: COLL
DUNS: 16-2008767
EIN: 84-1040636
ALC: 13-14-0001
OMB MAX CODE: 006-48

The performance by AIT ’ s designated representative,
NOAA/ESRL/GSD, of activities under this Implementing Arrangement
is subject to the availability of funds.

Article VII
Intellectual Property Considerations
No intellectual property considerations are expected to arise in
conjunction with activities described in this Implementing
Arrangement. Existing system designs and computer software of
the forecast system of AIT ’ s designated representative ’ s,
NOAA/ESRL/GSD, are in the public domain. Reports,
specifications, and computer software prepared under this
Implementing Arrangement also will be in the public domain once
NOAA and CWB have approved them in final form.

Article VIII
Effective Date, Amendment, and Termination
This Implementing Arrangement is effective on the date of the
last signature hereto. This Implementing Arrangement may be
amended and/or terminated in accordance with the terms of the
Agreement. The estimated completion date for the activities
described in this Implementing Arrangement is December 31, 2014,
and the termination date of this Implementing Arrangement is
June 30, 2015


__________________ __________________
Anne Hung Joseph R. Donovan Jr.
Deputy Representative Managing Director

Aug 18, 2014 Jane 6, 2014
__________________ __________________
Date Date