

列印時間:113/09/18 02:21



1.Signed on June 30 and June 3, 2008; Entered into force on June 30, 2008.

In order to provide a mechanism for scientific and technical
cooperation, the Telecommunication Laboratories, Chunghwa
Telecom Co., Ltd., Taiwan (hereinafter referred to as CHT TL),
and the National Institute of Information and Communications
Technology, Japan (hereinafter referred to as NICT), hereby
agree to pursue scientific and technical cooperation in
accordance with this Memorandum of Understanding (hereinafter
referred to as "Memorandum").

Article I. Scope and Objectives
The objective of this Memorandum is to strengthen relations
between CHT TL and NICT (hereinafter referred to as "Parties")
and to promote the exchange of scientific and technical
knowledge and the augmentation of the scientific and technical
capabilities of the Parties in the fields of time comparison via
satellites, atomic frequency standards, time scale, and
dissemination of time and frequency.

Article II. Cooperative Activities
Forms of cooperative activities under this Memorandum may
include, but are not limited to, such areas of mutual interest
1.Inter-comparison of standards;
2.Implementation of joint research;
3.Exchange of researchers;
4.Exchange of technical information, materials and publications;
5.Participation in seminars, workshops and training courses in
each other's laboratory;
6.Other activities as may be agreed upon.

Article III. Source of Funding
Cooperative activities under this Memorandum will be subject to
and dependent upon the funds and personnel available to the
Parties. The terms of financing will be agreed upon writing by
the Parties before the commencement of activities.

Article IV. Intellectual Property
1.Either Party shall be free to use any scientific and technical
information created or furnished in the course of cooperative
activities under this Memorandum for its own research and
development purposes restrictedly inside the Parties, unless
the Party that supplies the information warns, in handing it
over, that the use of this information is subject to an
additional agreement. This information may be communicated to
a third party only with the consent of the Party that supplies
2.The patents of outcomes developed in the course of cooperative
activities and the publications of other applications under
this Memorandum shall be subject to prior written agreement
between the Parties.
3.The provisions of Article IV of this Memorandum shall survive
and continue in full force and effect after abrogation,
termination or expiration of this Memorandum.

Article V. Obligations
1.This Memorandum shall not create any binding legal
relationship or obligation between the Parties.
2.Both Parties shall endeavor to facilitate all formalities
concerning the preparation, negotiation, and implementation of
activities within the framework of this Memorandum.
3.Both Parties may appoint project representatives to negotiate
specific activities within the areas of cooperation referred
to Article I

Article VI. Implementation and Review
1.Any cooperative activity carried out under this Memorandum
shall be agreed upon by the Parties in writing and shall be
subject to further arrangements in accordance with the laws
and procedures of Taiwan and Japan. Both Parties shall appoint
a person responsible for the coordination of the activities.
2.Both Parties agree to review regularly the progress of
technical cooperation under this Memorandum. Meetings will be
convened as required and a venue and a time will be set up as
agreed between the Parties.

Article VII. Entry into Force and Termination
This Memorandum shall enter into force after having been signed
by both Parties and remain in force for five (5) years, unless
terminated earlier by either Party upon ninety (90) days'
written notice to the other Party. This Memorandum may be
modified or extended by written agreement of the Parties. The
termination of this Memorandum shall not affect the validity or
duration of projects under this Memorandum that are initiated
prior to such termination.

DONE in duplicate in English with each of the copies being
equally authenticated by their duly authorized representatives.

____________________________ ________________________________
Dr. Lung-Sing Liang Dr. Hiroshi Miyabe
President Vice President
Telecommunication The National Institute of
Laboratories, Information and Communications
Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd, Technology,
Taiwan Japan

Date: 30/June/2008 Date: 3/June/2008
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