

列印時間:113/07/17 08:31



簽訂日期: 民國 76 年 05 月 04 日
生效日期: 民國 76 年 05 月 04 日
簽約國: 北美地區 > 美國
1.Signed on May 4, 1987; Entered into force on May 4, 1987.

1 Background
Cooperation between scientists from the United States and the
territory represented by the Coordination Council for North A-
merican Affairs (CCNAA) is furthered pursuant to an agreement
dated September 4, 1980 betrween the American Institute in Ta-
iwan (AIT) and the CCNAA. The "Taiwan Relations Act" (Public
Law 96--8, April 10, 1979) authorizes the continuation of com-
mercial, cultural and other relations between the people of t-
he United States and the people in the territory represented
by CCNAA. Such relations are conducted by or through AIT, a n-
on-profit corporation, incorporated under the laws of the Dis-
trict of Columbia. CCNAA is the instrumentality which has been
established to provide assurances and take actions on bchalf
of the people in the terrtiory represented by CCNAA. AIT works
in association with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admi-
nistration (NOAA), Washington, DC in administering the program
. CCNAA performs a similar function in coordination with the
National Science Council (NSC) in Taipei.
2 Program Goals
To increase cooperation between atmopsheric scientists in the
United States and Taiwan through participation in a program c-
alled the Taiwan Area Mesoscale Experiment (TAMEX), during the
months of May and June 1987. The objective of TAMEX is to imp-
rove understanding and prediction of heavy rainfall that can
lead to flash flooding in Taiwan. Research has suggested that
flash floods in Taiwan are often caused by the interaction of
the topography of Taiwan with mesoscale convective systems th-
at are generated along a quasi--stationary synoptic front. The
TAMEX program envisages cooperative research, scientific visi-
ts and the errchange of scientific information.
3 Implementation and Coordination AIT and CCNAA will coordinate
and implement the activities agreed to under these guidelines
with NOAA and the NSC. Each side shall designate a program co-
ordinator to be responsible for the overall coordination of c-
ooperative activities under these guidelines.
4 Funding
Funding of the TAMEX program shall be carried out on the basis
of mutuality, reciprocity and flexibility. In general, each s-
ide will fund the cost of its participation in the program, b-
ut each side may provide support for participation in the pro-
gram by the other side. In this regard, CCNAA will contribute
to the cost of operating an aircraft to be provided by AIT th-
rough its association with NOAA. CCNAA's contribution will not
exceed U.S. $370,000.00.
5 Liability
CCNAA agrees to assist AIT in the defense against any suit by
any entity or person in Taiwan for personal injury, death or
property damage arising out of work performed by NOAA on beha-
lf of AIT pursuant to these guidelines. Except for damage to
or destruction of NOAA property caused by NOAA or AIT contrac-
ted personnel, CCNAA agrees to reimburse AIT for any damage to
or destruction of NOAA property arising out of work performed
by NOAA for AIT pursuant to these guidelines.
6 In addition to the TAMEX program, other cooperative projects
in atmospheric research may in the future be mutually agreed
to by AIT and CCNAA. These other projects will be covered in
addenda to these guidelines.
George K.C Liu
Director, Science Division
Coordination Council for
North American Affairs
Date: May4,1987
Joseph B. Kyle
Corporate Secretary
American Institute in Taiwan
Date: May4,1987