

列印時間:113/09/21 00:49



簽訂日期: 民國 82 年 10 月 02 日
生效日期: 民國 82 年 11 月 11 日
簽約國: 亞太地區 > 不丹王國
1.Singed on September 11 and October 2, 1993 Entered into force on November 11, 1993

Article I
Object of the Agreement
In accordance with Articles 6 and 92 of the Universal Postal Co-
nvention [1989 Washington] and exchange of EMS items shall take
place between Bhutan and TAIWAN (Rep. of China)
Article 2
The EMS service shall be the quickest postal service by physical
means. It shall consist of the collection, dispatch and delivery
in a very short space of time of correspondence, documents or g-
Article 3
International EMS within the meaning of the present agreement C-
ontrading administrations may operate the following type of EMS:
On-demand items
Article 4
On-demand items
On-demand items shall be accepted without any contractual arran-
gement and without any previously laid down frequency.
Article 5
Unless the contrary is specified, EMS items may contain goods.
Article 6
Customs clearance
Each administration shall make all arrangements necessary for t-
he fastest possible customs clearance of EMS items.
Article 7
Limits of weight and size
EMS items shall be admitted up to a maximum weight of 20 kg. Th-
ey may not exceed 1.50 metres for any one dimension or 3 metres
for the sum of the length and the greatest circumfrence measured
in a direction other than the length. Administrations may adopt
other limits of weight and size.
Article 8
The charges shall be set by the administration of posting of the
EMS items.
Article 9
Prohibited articles
The prohibitions provided for in the UPU Convention shall apply
to EMS items as shall the restrictions on importation and trans-
it given in the List of Prohibited Articles published by the In-
ternational Bureau of the Universal Postal Union. Valuable arti-
cles as defined in the Universal Postal Convention shall not be
Article 10
EMS items shall be sent by the fastest pre-arranged means of tr-
ansport from the time of posting [or from the time they are col-
lected from the sender] to delivery. Administrations shall cons-
ult one another on this.
Article 11
Compensation in the event of imbalance in exchanges
Terminal dues as defined in the Universal Postal Convention sha-
ll not apply to EMS items. Each administration shall set, in the
event of imbalance in exchanges, a unit rate of compensation per
item corresponding to the costs. Administrations shall agree in
their reciprocal relations on the number of excess items above
which the unit rate of compensation shall be collected.
Article 12
Each administration shall decide its own compensation policy in
the case of loss, damage, theft or delay. Payment of compensati-
on, if any, shall be the sole responsibility of the administrat-
ion of origin. Neither administration may claim indemnification
from the other administration.
Article 13
Undeliverable items
An item refused by the addressee or an undeliverable item shall
be returned to the sender by EMS at no extra charge.
Article 14
Reforwarding of mis-sent items or bags
Every mis-sent EMS item or bag shall be reforwarded to its prop-
er destination by the most direct means used for the EMS by the
administration which received it.
Article 15
Each administration shall reply as soon as possible to requests
for information in respect EMS items, The reply shall normally
be sent by the same means as that used for the corresponding re-
quest for information [ie, by telex, telephone, EMS, electronic
mail, etc.]
Article 16
Temporary suspension of service
Where justified by extraordinary circumstances, an administrati-
on may temporarily suspend the service, The other administration
shall be informed immediately of such suspension and of the res-
umption of the service, if need be by telegram, teliex, electro-
nic mail or telephone,
Article 17
Application of the universal Postal Convention
The Universal Postal Convention and its Detailed Regulatians sh-
all be applicable by analogy in all cases not expressly governed
by the Agreement and its Framework Regulations.
Article 18
This Memorandum of Understanding may be modified by mutual agre-
ement on the basis of an exchange of letters including the text
of the modified paragraph[s].
Article 19
Entry into foree
This Memorandum of Understanding shall come into force on the d-
ate mutually agreed upon by the administrations. it shall remain
in operation until the expiration of twelve months from the date
on which notice of termination is given by either administration

Done at Thimphu on 10-2-1993
Done at Taipei on Sept, 11, 1993
in duplicate in English language

[Signed] [Signed]
Director General Chieh-Kuei Hsu
Posts, Telegraphs and Civil Director General
Wireless Directorate General of Posts
General Post Cffice Taipei, Taiwan, ROC