

列印時間:113/07/17 08:27



1 Signed on May 20 and August 2, 2002 Entered into force on August 2, 2002

Aritcle I - Scope
This Implementing Arrangement describes the scientific and tech-
nical activities to be undertaken by the American Institute in
Taiwan (AIT), through its designated representative, the Foreca-
st Systems Laboratory (FSL) of the National Oceanic and Atmosph-
eric Administration (NOAA), United States Department of Commerce
. It provides for continuing devlopment of the forecast system
being developed by the Joint Forecast Systems Project. This pro-
ject is a cooperative effort between AIT's designated represent-
ative, NOAA/FSL, and the Central Weather Bureau (CWB), the desi-
gnated representative of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Repre-
sentative Office in the United States (TECRO).

Article Ⅱ-Authorities
The activities described in this Implementing Arrangement will
be carried our under the general terms and conditions establish-
ed by the Agreement Between the America Institute in Taiwan and
the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the U-
nited States for Technical Cooperation in Meteorology and Forec-
ast Systems Development, and any subsequent revision as agreed
to by the parties. This Implementing Arrangement is the fourtee-
nth such arrangement under a succession of umbrella agreements
between TECRO and AIT.
NOAA has authority to participate in the meteorology and foreca-
st system development project with AIT under:
A 15 U.S.C. §§1525-1526, the DOC Joint Project Authority, whi-
ch provides the DOC may enter into joint projects with nonpro-
fit, research, or public organizations on matters of mutual i-
nterest, the cost of which is equitably apportined;
B 22 U.S.C. §3301 et seq., the Taiwan Relation Act of April 10,
1979, Public Law 96-8 which authorizes agencies of the United
States Government to perform services for, and to accept funds
in payment from AIT;
C 15 U.S.C. §313, the Weather Service Organic Act, which autho-
rizes the Secretary to perform meteorological services;
D 49 U.S.C. §44720(b), the Federal Aviation Act, which authori-
zes the Department of Commerce to promeote safety and efficie-
ncy in air navigation; and
E An agreement between AIT and the Taipei Economic and Cultural
Representative Office in the United States (TECRO), which aut-
horizes AIT to provide technical assistance from a designated
egency to an agency designated by TECRO. AIT has designated N-
OAA to provide technical assistance in meteorology and foreca-
st systems development. TECRO has designated the Central Weat-
her Bureau (CWB) of Taiwam to receive such technical assistan-
This Implementing Arrangement is hereby attached to that Agreem-
ent and becomes part of the Agreement.

Article Ⅲ- Services
During the period of Implementing Arrangement #14 the FSL-CWB j-
oint team will focus on four ongoing tasks. The four ongoing ta-
sks are: 1) the Local Analysis and Predicition System (LAPS), w-
hich performs high - resolution analyses and provides short - r-
ange forecasts of the weather using both locally and centrally
available meteorological observations, 2) the development of a
Warning Decision Support System (WDSS), 3 ) the continuation of
enhancing CWB's current forecast workstation, and 4) continuing
interation on earlier cooperative projects. These cooperative a-
ctivities, described in more detail in the Statement of Work, w-
ill include the following four tasks:

Task #1 - Local Analysis and Prediction System (LAPS)
FSL and CWB have developed baiic LAPS analysis capability at CWB
during Implementing Arrangement #13. For Implementing Arrangeme-
nt #14, FSL will continue working on the analysis of remorte se-
nsing data and start the prediciton part of the LAPS. FSL will
apply the "hot start" technique using the balanced LAPS abalysis
on a forecast model for a Taiwan LAPS domain. FSL also will pro-
vide LAPS training and technical support during the running of

Task #2 Warning Decision Support System (WDSS)
NSSL will lead the effort of the development of a warning decis-
ion support system for CWB. The WDSS consists of four components
:1) data integration and 3 - D mosaics, 2) quantitative precipi-
tion estimation, 3) basin delineation, and 4) distributive hydr-
ological model.
During IA #14, NSSL will focus on implementing an intial WDSS a-
nd Qflow system. It consists of rapid prototyping and developme-
nt of the Qflow system. The QPE-SUMS (Quantitative Preciptation
Estimation and Segregation Using Multiple Sensors)
precipitation estimates will be input to the model and basin hy-
drographs simulation. This test will identify real-time simulat-
ion issues and operational needs. The real-time model testing,
basin calibration, distributed flood level criteria development,
and operational implementation will follow over the next three

Task #3 forecast Assistant System
FSL and CWB will continue to enchance CWB's current forecast wo-
rkstation, the Weather Integration and Nowcasing System (WINS)
to take the advantage of AWIPS' evolution path. FSL will support
upgrading WINS Ⅱ with AWIPS 5.2 Linux and provide the necessary
FSL and CWB will also integrate the GIS terrain database which
will be available as part of Task #2. The important GIS backgro-
und map display will provide forecasters with another dimension
of viewing capability by combining the weather data with map ba-
ckgrounds, watersheds and impact features.
FSL and CWB will integrate the outputs from QPE-SUMS as part of
WINS Ⅱ system. This is an initial SCAN (System for Convectivi
Analysis and Nowcating) related work. SCAN is an integrated sui-
te of applications which detects, analyzes and monitors convent-
ion and generates short-term probabilistic forecast and warning
guidance for severe weather and flash flood. For example, FFMP
is the Flash Flood Monitoring and Prediction component of SCAN,
which is provided by the current AWIPS (Build 5.1.2) workstation
FSL will continue to provide training of CWB forecasters on the
use of the AWIPS system including LAPS products, new features of
AWIPS 5.2, and the GFE (Graphical Forecast Editor) of the Inter-
active Forecast Preparation technique (IFP). FSL will also prov-
ide technical support on D3D and GFE software customization to
CWB, so that CWB can include these two components as part of WI-

Task #4 -Continuting Interaction on Earlier Cooperative Projects
Several earlier cooperative tasks have been completed. Technolo-
gy has been transferred successfully and is beginning to the us-
ed operationally at CWB. FSL's development in these areas conti-
nues, and further CWB/FSL interaction is important to keep CWB
staff up-to-date on current developments. This task will allow
continuing internation at an appropriate level, including new s-
oftware releases of the forecast information system including t-
he internet-based forecast workstation, data assimilation, fore-
caster training, exchange of visits, copying papers and reports,
and e-mail interaction.

Atricle Ⅳ- Financial Provisions
In accordance with the Agreement, NOAA/FSL is undertaking this
work as the designated representative of AIT. TECRO is required
to reimburse AIT for all costs incurred by AIT's designated rep-
resentative, NOAA/FSL, in association with the project covered
by this Imeplementing Arrangement. AIt will transfer to NOAA/FSL
all payments made by TECRO to AIt for costs incured by NOAA/FSL
in association with this Implementing Arrangement. Ths total co-
st for activities described in this Implementing Arrangement is
mutually agreemtn to by U.S. $ 600,000,00. TECRO agrees to tran-
sfer fifty percent of the funds to AIt in advance. with the rem-
aining fifty percent to the transferred upon completion of the
year's activities.

Article Ⅴ- Intellectual Property Considerations
No intellectual property considerations are expected to arise in
conjunction with activities described in this Implementing Arra-
ngment. Existing system designs and computer software of the FSL
Forecast System are in the public domain. Reports, specificatio-
ns, and computer software prepared under this Implementing Arra-
ngement also will be in the public domain once NOAA and CWB have
approved them in final form.

Atticle Ⅵ- Effective Date, Amendment, and Termination
This Implementing Arrangement is effective on the date of the l-
ast signature hereto. This Implementing Arrangement may be amen-
ded and/or teminated in accordance with the terms of the Agreem-
ent. The estimated completion date for the activities described
in this Implementing Arrangement is December 31, 2002.


────────────── ──────────────
Lyushun Shen Barbara Schrage
Deputy Representative Deputy managing Director

────────────── ──────────────
Date Date

1.0-Background and Objectives
This Statement of Work addresses tasks that will be undertaken
by teh joint team of FSL and CWB personnel in accordance with t-
he terms of Implementing Arrangement #14 of the Agreement Betwe-
en the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the
United States (TECRO) and the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT)
for Technical cooperation in Meteorology and Forecast Systems B-
evelopmnet, which provides for technical cooperation between TE-
CRO's designated representative, the Taiwan Central - Weather D-
ureau (CWB) and AIT's designated representative, the U.S Nation-
al Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Forecast Systems La-
boratory (NOAA/FSL). The two designated representatives coopera-
te on the development of meteorology and forecast systems.
The WFO-Advanced system currently under develoment at the NOAA's
Forecast Systems Laboratory (FSL) in Boulder Colorado has been
deployed as an essential part of AWIPS (Advanced Weather Intern-
ative Processing System) for the U.S. National Weather Service (
NWS). The WFO-Advanced system development has been a very impor-
tant cooperative activity between FSL and CWB.
The WFO-Advanced system is a realization of the generic FX-Adva-
nced (FSL X-window Advanced) system. Figure 1 illustrates the W-
FO-Advanced components:
‧National and local data feeds
‧FSL's Local Analysis and Prediction System (LAPS)
‧Quantitative Precipitation Estimation and Segregation Using M-
ultiple Sensors (QPE-SUMS)
‧Gegraphicl Information System (GIS) data
‧The interactive display system (D2D)
‧The AWIPS Forecast Preparation System (AFPS)
‧3-D visualization
‧Hydrological applications developed the NWS Office of Hydrolo-
‧A component that contains General X applications
‧Local Data Acquisition and Dissemination System (LDAD)
The QPE-SUMS is new component included as part of a new develop-
ment of a warning decision support system during Implementing A-
rrangement # 14.
Four tasks are included in the Statement of Work:1) the Local A-
nalysis and Prediction System (LAPS),2) Warning Decision Support
System (WDSS), 3) Forecast Assistant System, and 4) continuing
interaction on earlier cooperative projects, such as data assim-
ilation for a numerical weather prediction model.

│ ‧‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‧
│ : ┌──────┐ :
│ : │Interactive │ :
│ : │Display │ :
│ ┌──┐: │(D2D) │ :
│┌─────┐│LAPS│: └──────┘ :
││Central │└──┘:┌───────┐┌──────┐:┌
││Models │ :│3-D ││AFPS │:│
││and Data │┌──┐:│Visualization ││ │:│
││Local │└──┘:│Hydrological ││General X │:
││Models │ :│Applications ││Applications│:
││and Data │┌──┐:└───────┘└──────┘:
│└─────┘│GIS │‧‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‧
│ │Data│
│ └──┘

Dissemination ││
(LDAD) ││

Figure 1 WFO-Advanced
Tasks will be undertaken by the FSL-CWB Joint TEAM working at t-
he FSL facility in Boulder, Colorado, the NSSL-CWB Joint Team
working at the NSSL facility in Norman, Oklahoma and by CWB sta-
ff at the CWB facility in Taipei, Taiwan, as appropriate. This
Statement for Work addresses only tasks that will be undertaken
by the FSL-CWB Joint Team and the NSSL-CWB Joint Team under the
terms of Implementing Arrangement #14 It describes the performa-
nce period, deliverables, and resource requirements.

2.0-Task Descriptions
In tems of the overall program schedule, the following four tas-
ks have been identified as being critical during the January 1
to December 31,2002, time period. These are listed below, along
with the proportion of resources that is to be allocated to each
‧Task #1 - Local Analysis and Predication System (LAPS)(25 %)
‧Task #2 - Warning Decision Support System (WDSS) (40%)
‧Task #3 - Forecast Assistant System (30 %)
‧Task #4 - Continuing interaction on earlier cooperation proje-
cts (5 %)
These four tasks are described in more detail below.

Task #1 - Local Analysis and Prediction System (LAPS)
The Local Analysis and Prediction System performs high - resolu-
tion analyses and forecasts of the weather using both locally a-
nd centrally available observations.
LAPS is a resizable, relocatable system that utilizes a wide ra-
nge of meteorological data, and near universal UNIX portability.
FSL and CWB have developed basic LAPS analysis capability at CWB
during Implementing Arrangement #13. The LAPS analyses include
remote sensing data of narrowband radar, wideband radar the GMS
staellite for both IR data and visible data. Other data such as
RAOBs, ACARS and cloud-drift winds were also included in the LA-
PS analyses. Providing improvement and refinement to the cloud
analysis are crityical parts of the planned modeling implementa-
For Implementing Arrangement #14, FSL will continue working on
the analysis of remote sensing date from satellite and radars a-
nd start the prediction part of the LAPS. With the LAPS cloud a-
nalysis at CWB there is an opportunity for diabatic initializat-
ion using a mesoscale model. Work at FSL with the MM5 model has
demonstrated the value of starting the model with existing LAPS
clouds and precipitation. This initial condition is termed "hot
start" referring to latent heat generating processes present in
the initial condition at model start time. Work in the US has s-
hown that the model does not need to spin-up precipitation and
therefore predicts weather more accurately in the first 6 hours.
FSL will apply the hot start technique using the balanced LAPS
analysis on a forecast model for a Taiwan LAPS domain. FSL also
will provide LAPS training, documentation and technical support
during the running of LAPS at CWB.

The following summarizes the schedule and resources required for
Task #1.

Performance Period:
1 Complete hot start demonstration (run at FSL) 1/1/02-12/30/02
2 Continue LAPS Ⅱ analysis 1/1/02-12/30/02
3 Provide LAPS user training, and documentation 7/1/02-12/30/02

Resourfces Required: 25 % FSL/CWB Joint Team
1 Improved clud and precipitation analysis 11/30/02
2 LAPS Ⅱ and MM5 model software with hot start, 11/30/02
code ported
3 LAPS training materials 11/30/02

Tank #2 - Warning decision support System (WDSS)
NSSL will leas the effort of the development of a warning decis-
ion support system for CWB. The WDSS is a suite of devanced alg-
oritms and madels that utilize radar and satellite data, integr-
ated with other weather sensor data (e.g., rain gauge, lightning
, surface data, satellite imagery) to provide hydrological guid-
ance in addition to identification of severe weather for short
term forecasting and warnings.
The WDSS consists of four components:1) data integrating and 3-D
mosaics, 2) quantitative precipitation estimation, 3) basin del-
ineation, and 4) distrabutive hydrological model.
During IA #14, NSSL will focus on implementing an initial WDSS
and Qflow system. It consists of rapid prototyping and developm-
ent of the Qflow system. The Qflow is a distributive hydrologic-
al run-off model using QPE-SUMS results. The QPE-SUMS (Quantita-
tive Precipitation Estimation and Segregation Using Multiple Se-
nsors) algorithm Utilizes a multi-sensor approach to generate i-
precipitation estimates and subsequently the identification of
conditions leading to flash floods. The QPE-SUMS will be input
to the model and basin hydrographs simulation. This test will i-
dentify real-time simulation issues and operational needs.
The real-time model testing, basin calibration, distributed flo-
od level criteria development, and operational implementation w-
ill follow over the next three years.

The following summarizes the suchedule and reources required for
Task #2:

Performance Period:
1 Data integration and 3-D mosaics 1/1/02-12/30/02
2 Quantitative precipitation estimation 1/1/02-12/30/02
3 Basin Delineation 1/1/02-12/30/02
4 Distributive hydrological model 1/1/02-12/30/02
5 Training for Qflow application 1/1/02-12/30/02
6 Forecast system design 1/1/02-12/30/02
7 Model verification 1/1/02-12/30/02

Resources Required: 40 % NSSL/CWB Joint Team
1 Initial Qflow model 11/30/02
2 Initial QPE-SUMS 11/30/02
3 3-D mosaice and radar QC software 11/30/02

Task #3 - Forecast Assistant System
FSL and CWB will continue to enhance CWB's current forecast wor-
kstation, the Weather Integration and Nowcasting System (WINS Ⅱ
), to take advantage of AWIPS' evolution path. FSL will support
upgrading WINS Ⅱ with AWIPS 5.2 Linux and provide necessary tr-
FSL and CWB will integrate the outputs from QPE-SUMS as part of
the WINS Ⅱ system. This is an initial SCAN (System for Convect-
ive Analysis and Nowcasting) related work. SCAN is an integrated
suite of applications which detects, analyzes and monitors conv-
ention and generates short-term probabilistic forecast and warn-
ing guidance for severe weather and flash flood.
FSL will continue to provide training of CWB forecasters on the
use of the upgraded AWIPS system including LAPS products, new f-
eatures of AWIPS 5.2, and the GFE (Graphical Forecast Editor) of
the Interactive Forecast Preparation technique (IFP). FSL will
also provide technical suppor on D3D and GFE software customiza-
tion to CWB so these two components can be included as part of

The following summarizes the schedule and resources required for
Task #3:
Performance Period:
1 Upgrade WINS with AWIPS 5.2 1/1/02-12/30/02
2 Integrate QPE-SUMS 1/1/02-12/30/02
3 Provide D3D and GFE customization support 1/1/02-12/30/02
4 Provide forecaster training of AWIPS including 9/30/02-12/30/02

Pesources Required: 30% FSL/CWB Joint Team
1 AWIPS software 11/30/02
2 QPE-SUMS component 11/30/02
3 D3D and GFE software 11/30/02
4 AWIPS/GFE training material 11/30/02

Task #4 - Continuing interaction on earlier cooperative projects
During the Implementing Arrangement #13 period, several ealier
cooperative projects were completed and technology has been tra-
nsferred successfully and is being used operationally at CWB. E-
xamples of these earlier cooperative projects ate the WFO-Advan-
ced workstation and data assimilation. This task will allow.
continuing interaction in these mentioned areas at an "appropri-
ate" level, plus forecaster training, exchange of short-tem vis-
itors, copying parpers and reports, and e-mail interaction.

The following summarizes the schedule and resources required for
Task #4;

Performance Period:
1 Continuing interaction on earlier cooperative
projects 1/1/02-12/30/02

Resources Required: 5 % FSL/CWB Joint
────────── Team
1 Relevant documents, reports and electoronic (as needed)
2 3DVAR software 11/30/02
3 FX-Net software 11/30/02

Functions Milestones
───── ─────
1 Provide LAPS Ⅱ software with hot start model 12/02
2 Provide Qflow model as an initial WDSS 12/02
3 Provide update AWIPS software with QPE-SUMS 12/02
4 Provide relevant document and update release of
3DVAR software 12/02

Schedule by month
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
/ / / / / / / / / / / /
TASKS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
─── ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─
Task 1 (LAPS) ──────────────────────→
LAP Ⅱ and MM5
with hot start
Provide train- ────────────→
ing and docum-

Task 2 (WDSS)
Complete Qflow ──────────────────────→
Provide train- ────────────→
ing and docum-

Task 3 (Forec-
ast Assistant
Upgrade AWIPS
QPE-SUMS ────────────────→
Provide train- ────────────→
ing and docum-

Task 4 (inter- ──────────────────────→
action on ear-
lier projects)

4.0 Budget
The following are the estimated costs for Implementing Arrangem-
ent #14
│Tasks │Personnel │Travel/Training │Total │
│Task #1 │$130,000 │$ 20,000 │$150,000 │
│Task #2 │$220,000 │$ 30,000 │$250,000 │
│Task #3 │$150,000 │$ 20,000 │$170,000 │
│Task #4 │$ 25,000 │$ 5,000 │$ 30,000 │
│Total │$525,000 │$ 75,000 │$600,000 │
As stated in Implementing Arrangement #14, the funds available
from CWB to support the tasks, traveling and meeting expenses d-
escribed in this Statement of Work, will be US$ 600,000. All bu-
dget figures are estimates. Actual amounts will be accrued for
purposes of fulfilling the financial arrangements described in
the Implementing Arrangement, in accordance with the terms of t-
he Agreement.
All programs within the Forecast Systems Laboratory use the same
budget procedures, whether they are base-funded programs or ext-
ernally-funded programs. Beginning in FY91, a facility charge h-
as been applied to all programs to cover management and adminis-
trative costs as well as teh use of the FSL facility and all as-
sociated equipment and data.
FSL staff time is charged at the employee's salary plus the nom-
al NOAA benefit, leave, and overhead charges. FSL professional
staff are primarily in the civil service grade scales of GS-11
to GS-14. Contract staff is in equivalent categories.

5.0 CWB Joint Team Assignments at FSL and NSSL
Several tasks require CWB staff in residence at FSL and NSSL. T-
he primary effort of CWB staff at FSL/NSSL during the Implement-
ing Arrangement #14 period will be directed toward developing t-
he LAPS hot start software and QPE-SUMS. It is important that o-
ne or two CWB staff members be available to work at FSL and NSSL
facilities during the period. In addition, two WRA (Warter Reso-
urces Agency) staff and one WRA consultant will visit NSSL to s-
tudy and investigate the Qflow model. This activity is supported
by a separate WRA budget. Specific assignments will be made to
most efficiently use the available personnel resources. Assignm-
ents for the CWB staff members would be as follows:
‧Development of the LAPS software (at FSL)
‧Development of the WDSS model (at NSSL).