

列印時間:113/07/16 21:41



1.Signed on May 30 and July 5,1991; Entered into force on July 5,1991.

This Implementing Arrangement describes the cooperative scienti-
fic and technical activities to be undertaken by the American I-
nstitute in Taiwan (AIT) and its designated representative, the
Forecast Systems Laboratory (FSL) of the Environmental Research
Laboratories .(ERL) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adm-
inistration (NOAA), to continue system development of the Forec-
ast System being developed by the Joint Forecast Systems Project
between the Central Weather Bureau (CWB) of Taiwan, the designa-
ted representative of the Coordination Council for North Americ-
an Affairs (CCNAA), and NOAAP/FSL.

The activities described in this Implementing Arrangement will
be carried out under the general terms and conditions establish-
ed by the Agreement between AIT and CCNAA for Technical Coopera-
tion in Meteorology and Forecast Systems Development. This Impl-
ementing Arrangement is hereby attached to that Agreement and b-
ecomes part of the Agreement.

The Forecast System is comprised of two primary subsystems: a C-
entral Facility and the Forecaster Workstation Subsystem, as we-
ll as communication and interfaces with existing sources of met-
eorological data and with distribution circuits that disseminate
forecasts and warnings to various users.
A detailed description of the Forecast System is provided in the
Project Implementation Plan that was prepared as part of Implem-
enting Arrangement #1 of this Agreement. Implementing Arrangeme-
nt #2 provided for planning and initial development of the Fore-
cast System Central Facility and for radar upgrades. Implementi-
ng Arrangement #3 began the system development and technology t-
ransfer activities.
The activities described in this Implementing Arrangement will
provide both technical assistance and advisory support to CWB in
the system development. In addition, CWB will continue to parti-
cipate in FSL's ongoing R & D program directed toward the devel-
opment of a UNIX-based forecaster workstation. A prototype syst-
em. will be installed at C'WB and FSL will support the installa-
tion of the system software and the evaluation of the prototype
system In addition, initial training will be provided to allow
the use and evaluation of this system. These activities, descri-
bed in more detail in the Statement of Work, will include the f-
‧ Development of the Prototype Forecast Workstation - Developm-
ent of the CWB forecaster workstation will include both the
continuing enhancement of the workstation and the modificati-
ons to tailor the system for CMB's needs. This will include
three activities.
The first will be the completion of the prototype workstation
. Much of this work will be done by the CWB staff who were p-
art of the CWB workstation team at FSL, during Implementing
Arrangement #3. The FSL effort will include support to CWB s-
taff in these tasks and the providing of training to allow t-
he new CWB workstation team at FSL to undertake similar tas-
The second activity will be to complete a design plan for the
Operational Workstation.
The third activity will initiate the development of the oper-
ational system.
‧ Central Facility Support and Development - Implementing Arra-
ngement #3 focused on the transfer of technology from FSL to
CWB. The key central facility activities in Implementing Arr-
angement #4 will be to modify the existing system in order to
establish the prototype system and to incorporate improvemen-
ts that are recognized as essential to the CWB operational s-
In Implementing Arrangement #3, software from the FSL Central
Facility was moved to a single machine to serve as the preli-
minary CWB Central Facility. Modifications are needed to int-
egrate this software into the CWB environment. This integrat-
ion process was started by CWB and FSL staff in Boulder duri-
ng Implementing Arrangement #3 and will continue at CWB once
the system hardware is installed there.
At the same time, work will begin on modifications to the Ce-
ntral Facility for the operational system. Three activities
have been identified. The first will be improvements to the
existing central facility software. The second activity will
be scientific support to the CWB work in improving the use of
conventional radar data. In the third activity, FSL will sup-
port CWB staff in their central facility developmental work.
‧ CWB Training Program - The integration of the Forecast System
into CWB forecast operations will significantly improve fore-
cast capabilities. It will, however, have a major impact on
operational activities within CWB and proper training of CWB
staff is essential. A training plan was prepared as part of
Implementing Arrangement #3 and the initial aspects of this
plan will be implemented during this period.
Initial training activities will be those necessary to allow
the test and evaluation of the prototype system. forecaster
training will be coordinated with training provided by the U-
CAR COMET Program. CWB forecasters will learn new forecasting
techniques in COMET-provided classes and then spend several
weeks working with FSL Forecasters developing operational wo-
rkstation skills.
Training of operations staff will also be required. We sugge-
st that the team leader of the operations staff spend several
weeks in Boulder this fall or early winter. an FSL staff mem-
ber would then work with the team leader in training other o-
perations staff once the prototype system is operational at
‧ Support the Start-up Operation of the System - The forecast
workstation system is a complex computer and data communicat-
ion system. The successful use of the workstation system as
part of the system evaluation is recognized as a key milesto-
ne in the development and successful integration of the syst-
em into CWB operations.
FSL has had the opportunity to set up similar systems at sev-
eral different user sites and at major scientific conferences
. FSL will participate in the start-up and initial operation
of the system in Taipei and will provide documentation on ex-
isting FSL practices.

A. In accordance with the Agreement, NOAA/FSL is undertaking th-
is work on behalf of AIT for CCNAA. CCNAA will reimburse AIT,
and its designated representative NOAA/FSL, for all costs in-
curred in association with this Implementing Arrangement.
B. The total cost for activities described in this Implementing
Arrangement is mutually agreed to be US$500,000. It is also
agreed that fifty percent of the funds will be transferred in
advance, with the remaining 50 percent transferred within 30
days of the acceptance of the final report by CCNAA, and its
designated representative, CWB.

No intellectual property considerations are expected to arise in
conjunction with activities described in this Implementing Arra-
ngement. Existing system designs and computer software for FSL
Forecast System are public domain. Reports, specifications, and
computer software prepared under the terms of this Implementing
Arrangement will also be public domain once they have been appr-
oved in final form by NOAA, AIT, CCNAA, and the CWB .

This Implementing Arrangement is effective on the date of the l-
ast signature hereafter. This Implementing Arrangement may be
amended and/or terminated in accordance with the terms of the A-
gree- ment. The estimated completion date for activities descri-
bed in this Implementing Arrangement is June 30, 1992.

Clarke N. Ellis
Deputy Managing Director
Date: May 30,1991
Mou-shih Ding
Date: July 5,1991