

列印時間:113/07/17 00:55



簽訂日期: 民國 87 年 01 月 19 日
生效日期: 民國 87 年 01 月 19 日
簽約國: 北美地區 > 加拿大
1.Signed on January 19, 1998; Entered into force on January 19, 1998.

The Ministry of Transportation and Communications in Taipei and
the Canadian Trade Office in Taipei, hereinafter referred to as
"the Parties", agree to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding
on maritime systems and technologies co-operation to contribute
and develop safe, secure, efficient, clean and well-managed-por-
ts, off shore waters and coastal zones.

The parties have reached the following understanding:

Article 1: Purposes
To maintain and enhance bilateral co-operation in maritime matt-
ers and to promote sound maritime systems and technologies and
advance the realisation of sustainable maritime development, and
maritime administrations, the Parties will establish a frame-wo-
rk for the development of a work plan through which they may ac-
hieve such purposes.

Article 2: Go-ordination and Implementation
(1) Co-operating Agencies
The Co-operating Agencies for the Parties will be the Depar-
tment of Aviation and Navigation of the Ministry of Transpo-
rtation and Communications in Taipei and the Canadian Coast
Guard, Fisheries and Oceans Canada in Ottawa. Each Agency w-
ill designate a co-ordinator to be responsible for the co-o-
peration and activities between the two Parties.
(2) Steering Committee
A Steering Committee will be formed by the representatives
of the Parties, Cooperating Agencies and other agencies as
appropriate, to develop and oversee a work plan to implement
this Memorandum of Understanding. This Steering Committee t-
his formed will meet regularly, at least once a year, to be
led by the Go-operating Agencies.
(3) Work Plans
An annual work plan will be developed based on proposals su-
bmitted to the Steering Committee. The nature and priority
of specific co-operation areas, the types of activities, and
the development of annual work plans to be implemented under
this Memorandum of Understanding will be determined by the
Steering Committee on behalf of the Go-operating Agencies.
(4) Involvement of other Organisations
The Parties and their respective Co-operating Agencies will
promote, facilitate and encourage, as appropriate, the deve-
lopment of direct contacts between institutions, scientific
research and other organisations and private sectors includ-
ing trade and industry associations.

Article 3: Scope
(1) The scope of co-operation for the work plan may include:
(a) maritime and waterways planning and harbour information ma-
(b) marine environmental monitoring planning and emergency res-
(c) search and rescue (SAR) planning and management
(d) Port State Control
(e) harbour management systems and technologies
(f) coastal zone management and security
(g) oceanographic and hydrographic technologies and systems (E-
(h) global maritime distress and safety systems (GMDSS)
(i) marine safety systems,
(j) navigational aids,
(k) Differential Global Positioning Systems (DGPS),
(l) VTMS and cargo surveillance, and
(m) the intelligent manufacturing of ships.
(2) Specific forms of co-operation may include:
(a) exchange of information;
(b) visits and training of personnel;
(c) planning, development and implementation of joint projects
(d) promotion of co-operation in trade, industries, science a-
technologies for achieving a sound maritime environment;
(e) other forms of co-operation as mutually agreed upon.

Article 4: Costs
Unless otherwise agreed between the Parties, each party partici-
pating in co-operative activities and initiatives will be respo-
nsible for all costs of its participation at Steering Committee
and other joint meetings.

Article 5: Liability
In implementing the co-operative activities under this Memorand-
um of Understanding, each Party will be responsible for its own
acts and the results thereof and will not be responsible for the
acts of the other Party and the results thereof.

Article 6: Intellectual Property Rights
This Memorandum of Understanding does not affect intellectual p-
roperty rights of the Parties. In proposed co-operative activit-
ies, where it is foreseeable that questions related to intellec-
tual property rights might arise, the Parties, in accordance wi-
th their national laws, will agree in advance as to the effecti-
ve protection and allocation of those intellectual property rig-

Article 7: General
This Memorandum of Understanding shall come into force on the d-
ate of signature by both Parties and shall remain in effect for
a period of five years.
This Memorandum of Understanding may be extended or amended with
the written consent of both Parties.
This Memorandum of Understanding may be terminated by either Pa-
rty at any time, upon six months written notice being given to
the other Party. The termination of this Memorandum of Understa-
nding shall not affect the validity or duration of activities a-
greed upon hereunder and initiated prior to such termination, u-
nless the Parties otherwise agree.

In Witness whereof, the undersigned, duly authorised by their r-
espective authorities, have signed this Memorandum of Understan-
ding in duplicate in the English language.

Done at (Taipei) this 19 of January, 1998

For the Ministry of Transportation For the Canadian Trade Off
ice in Taipei
and Communications in Taipei

[Signed] [Signed]
Mr. George S. Y. Chen Mr. Stewart Beck
Executive Vice Minister Acting Director
Ministry of Transportation and Canadian Trade Office in T
Communications in Taipei aipei

[Signed] [Signed]
Mr. Chin-yen Pang Mr. Wayne G. Wouterf
Representative Deputy Minister
Taipei Economic and Cultural Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Office, Canada