

列印時間:113/07/16 22:46



簽訂日期: 民國 90 年 05 月 01 日
生效日期: 民國 90 年 05 月 01 日
簽約國: 亞西地區 > 哈薩克
1.Signed on May 1, 2001; Entered into force on May 1, 2001

These Detailed Regulations are executed for implementation of t-
he International Express Mail Agreement (further named "the Agr-
eement") between the Postal Administration of the Republic of K-
azakhstan adn the Postal Administration of Taiwan hereafter nam-
ed "Contracting Parties".

Article 101. Information provided by Contracting Parties
1.Each Contracting Party shall inform the other following infor-
- The name of the International Express Mail service in the c-
- The name and address of the department which will handle pa-
yment documents;
- The name and address of the bureau of exchanges, which will
receive the Intrnational Express Mail dispatches;
- The cities in the country, in which the International Expre-
ss Mail Service is provided;
- Tariffs established following to the Agreement;
- The delivery terms of International Express Mail items;
- The coustoms clearance rules and terms for International Ex-
press Mail items;
- The basic provisions of the rules and regulations used by C-
ontracting Party for operations of the International Express
Mail service;
- The documentation and samples of the forms necessary for the
International Express Mail service used by Contracting Party
2.Any changes in the information shall be informed in writing o-
ne month in advance before implementation.

Article 102. Programmed item service
1.Before conclusion of any contract, Contracting Party of desti-
nation shall be consulted on the possibility of providing the
service. The Contracting Party of origin shall obtain for the
Contracting Party of destination the following information, at
least 10 (ten) days before the service comes into operation:
- The name and addresses of the sender and of the addressee;
- the days on which items are to be dispatched and the condit-
ions of transport;
- the date set for the dispatch of the first item.
2.Contracting Party concemed shall be notified of any variation
in the operation of an exchange or the termination thereof.

Article 103. Special address label
Each International Express Mail item (on the International Expr-
ess Mail item itself or on the label strongly attached to it) s-
hall bare following data in Latin characters at least, if at all
1 Logo of the service and the name of the Administration
2 13-character EMS alphanumeric identifier in bar-conde form
3 13-character EMS alphanumeric identifier in block characters
4 Date of posting
5 Sender's name and address
6 Sender's postcode
7 Addressee's name and address
8 Addressee's postcode
9 Dispatch charge
10 Description of contents
11 Value of contents
12 Weight in kg
13 Phone and fax number of a sender and recipient.

Article 104. Packing
Packing of International Express mail items shall correspond to
character of contents, delivery duration, conditions of dispatc-
hing, it shall exclude a possibility of damage of contents in t-
he process of delivery, access to it without infringement of the
shell, damage of other mail items and drawing any harm to the w-
okrers engaged in their processing.

Article 105. General conditions of dispatch
1.The International Express Mail items shall be remitted by the
separate dispatch, which shall be followed with the delivery
bill CN38 EMs of a form complemented by a make "EMS".
2.The items shall be placed in blue and orange EMS bags.
3.Each bag shll be attached with the label CN35, complemented w-
ith a mark "EMS" and an indication of weight, category and qu-
antity of items in the bag.
4.The itewms shall be separately indicated in a card CN31 EMS a-
nd in special list CN33 EMS. which shall be put in a head bag
of the dispatch.

Article 106. Delivery bills
1.Each dispatch shall be followed with a delivery bill CN37 EMS
or CN38 EMS, complemented by a mark "EMS" depending on dispat-
ching by a ground or by air.
2.Weight and total of sum of quantity items in each dispatch sh-
all be indicated in a delivery bill CN38 EMS.

Article 107. Exchanges of items
1.The exchanged of EMs items shall be realized by bureau of exc-
hanges determined by each Contracting Party.
2.Each Contracting Party shall inform the other on a name and l-
ocation of bureau of exchanges of EMS items.

Article 108. Checking of mails
Onreceipt the Ems mail the Contracting Farty of destination shal
check whether the EMS items is in conformity with the particula-
rs recorded on the card CN31 EMs, special list CN33 EMS and del-
ivery bill CN38 EMS.

Article 109. Acceleration of Customs Clearance
1.With the purposes of acceleration of the customs clearance all
EMS items shall have the label CN22.
2.EMS items including goods shall have the customs declartion CN
23 and the invoice - in two copies.

Article 110. Notification of irrgularities
Contracting Party of origin sahll be notified at once by telex,
telephone, electronic mail or telegram of any missing, mis-sent
or damaged bag or item. The irregularity shall be confirmed in
written form by the advice E2.

Article 111. Reforwarding of mis-sent items or bags
The Contracting Party reforwarding items and bag shall inform t-
he Contracting Party of origin by telex, telegraph, telegram or
by the advice E2 of details concerning receiving and reforwardi-
ng to their proper destination of such items or bags.

Article 112. Return of items or bags
The contracting Party of destination, which returns items or ba-
gs for any reason to the Contracting Party of origin, shall inf-
orm the reason of the non-extradition of the items/bags and ret-
urn of the items/bags. The reason of the non - extradition of i-
tems and return of the bags shall be indicated by means of a st-
amp, a pasted label or an inscription by hand on the item or on
the card CN31.

Article 113. Accunting and settlement of accounts
The procedure for accounting and settlement for the payment of
an indemnity in the event of imbalance in exchanges shall be as
a) each Contracting Party shall prepare in quarterly sheets a
recapitulation of the items received. The sheets shall be di-
rected within 2 months following after accounting quarter;
b) the Contracting Party of origin after check of the above-men-
tioned sheets shall inform on their confirmation or non-conf-
irmation to the Contracting Party of destination. If at check
of the sheets threr will be any divergences, the sheets affi-
rmed with the appropriate corrections shall be sent to the C-
ontracting Party of destination. If the Contracting Party of
destination challenges the corrections, it shall justify the
item by documentary confirmation of them by means of copies (
x-copies) of the appropriate delivery bills CN38 EMS and of
the advises E2 (E3). If the Contracting Party of destination
has not received any remarks within 3 months from the date of
dispatch of the sheets of the received items, the sheet is c-
onsdered confirmed.
c) After the confirmation of the sheets of the recevied itms by
both Contracting Parties for all quarters of the expired year
, the liquidation account shall be prepared annually. The an-
nual period shall begin on a mutually agreed date.
d) the creditor Contracting Party shall prepare a detailed acco-
unt, showing:
- the total unmber of items received;
- the total unmber of items dispatched;
- the imbalance;
- the charge payable per item;
- the total amount payable in respect of compensation
e) the accounts shall be prepard within three months of the last
day of the period concerned.
The invoices shall be paid according to the provisions of the a-
cting Universal Postal Convention and its Detailed Regulations (
Executive Rules)

Article 114. Term of document storage
1.The documents concerning EMS service shall remain deposited as
the minimum 12 months since the day following day, to which t-
hey refer.
2.the documents concerningdispute issues and reclamation shall
remain deposited until their final settlement.
3.If the Contracting Party, who has submitted the claim and pro-
perly potified about results of investigation, does not inform
the other on its remarks within 3 months from the notice dya,
the case under the claim shall be considered finally settled.

Article 115. entry into force and validity
These Detailed Regulations ahll enter into force at the same day
as the Agreement, and ard an integral part of the Agreement and
shall be valid and may be terminated in the same order, as the

Article 116. Other conditions
1.All appendices and additional agreements to these Detailed Re-
gulations are an integral part of these Detailed Regulations.
2.These Detailed regulations are exectued in Russian adn English
in 2 authentic copies, having identical legal force, - 1 for
each Contracting Party.

On behalf of the Postal Administration of Taiwan

Directorate General of Posts
Taipei, Taiwan
Cheng Wen - Jan
Director General of Posts
Date:May 1, 2001