

列印時間:113/07/17 00:41



1.Signed on January 21, 1997; Entered into force on January 21, 1997.

The Ministry of Industry in Ottawa, and Taipei Economic and Cul-
tural Office, Canada hereinafter referred to collectively as "t-
he Parties" and separately as "the Party".
GUIDED by the desire to continue strengthening cooperation in t-
he field of telecommunications and to develop new forms of coop-
eration in this field between Ottawa and Taipei.
RECOGNIZING the importance of the development of communications
and infermation technologies for promoting trade and technical
exchanges, as well as the economic, social, and cultural develo-
pment of both economies.
RECOGNIZING the importance of cooperation between the parties b-
ased on principles of equality, reciprocity and mutual benefit.

Have reached the following understanding:

In accordance with the legislation and regulations of each Party
, and acting within their respective framework of powers and re-
sponsibilities, the Parties cooperate to promote the development
of communications and information technologies in Ottawa and Ta-

The Parties have identified the following areas of common inter-
est for cooperation:
1.Communications and information technologies policy and regula-
2.Technical standards and certification;
3.Frequency coordination, spectrum management and licensing of
radio-communications ;
4.Multilateral issues;
5.Cooperation in the development of communications, information
technologies and the application of communications technologi-
es, and technology transfer;
6.Other areas in communications and information technologies as
mutually agreed upon by the Parties.

Cooperation in the field of communications and information tech-
nologies between the Parties may take the following forms:
1.The exchange of information and materials on communications a-
nd information technology subjects of common interest, and the
establishment of channels for exchanges of information as app-
2.The Provision of opportunities for each Party to become acqua-
inted with the organizational structure, statutes, regulations
, policies, methods and procedures of the other Party;
3.The facilitation of exchange of communications and information
technology technical personnel, specialists, and delegations;
4.The facilitation of joint research projects;
5.The joint organization of technical seminars, symposia and me-
6.The facilitation of arrangements for training and other assis-
tance in communications and information technologies;
7.The reciprocal arrangement for the mutual recognition of both
Parties' type approval test reports, certification and test p-
rocedures, and laboratories;
8.Other forms of cooperation adopted by both Parties.

Each Party will designate a coordinator from its cooperating ag-
ency to be responsible for the cooperation and activities betwe-
en the two Parties. In this instance the cooperating agency for
the Ministry of Transportation and Communications will be the C-
hunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd., and the cooperating agency for the C-
anadian Trade Telecommunications Sector of Industry Canada.

Representatives of the Parties, cooperating agencies, and other
agencies as appropriate, will establish a cooperative committee
to review the progress of cooperative activities under this Mem-
orandum and to discuss other issues relating to this Memorandum.
The committee will be composed of representatives designated by
the Parties and will meet in turn in Ottawa and in Taipei at a
mutually agreed time.

The Parties will encourage contact between the government agenc-
ies, research institutes, corporations and other relevant organ-
izations, and the conclusion of implementing agreements between
them which will provide the details of the cooperative activiti-
es under this Memorandum.

The cooperative activities carried out under this Memorandum wi-
ll be subject to the availability of funds and human resources
of the Parties, and will be mutually accepted. With respect to
reciprocal study groups, specialists, researchers, scientists a-
nd technical personnel, each Party will bear the travel, accomm-
odation and other related costs of its own personnel. With resp-
ect to other activities, including the undertaking of demonstra-
tions, training, field trials or joint development projects, the
sharing of costs involved will be mutually decided on a case-by-
case basis.

This Memorandum of Understanding may be supplemented with "Impl-
ementing Arrangements" on specific activities and matters of co-
operation in the field of communications and information techno-

Neither Party will disclose nor distribute any information that
is supplied or marked originating Party, except as and to the e-
xtent authorized by the originating Party.

(1) This Memorandum of Understanding will come into effect on t-
he date of its signature.
(2) This Memorandum of Understanding will continue in effect for
a period of five years, after which it will be automaticaIly
extended for further periods of five years, unless written
notice of termination is provided by one Party to the other,
in accordance with (3).
(3) Either Party may terminate this Memorandum of Understanding
at any time by providing the other Party with at least nine-
ty (90) days written notice to that effect.
(4) This Memorandum df Understanding may be amended at any time
by the mutual concurrence of the Parties in writing.
(5) The revision or termination of this Memorandum of Understan-
ding will not affect the terms of those activities which are
in progress at the time of the notification of revision or
termination of the Memorandum of Understanding.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being duly authorized by t-
heir respective authorities, have signed this memorandum.

Done at the Ministry of Transportation and Communications in Ta-
ipei, this 21st day of January, 1997, in the English language.

For the Ministry of Transportation For the Canadian Trade Offi
and Communications in Taipei in Taipei
[Signed] [Signed]
Mr. Chieh-Kwei Hsu Mr. Hugh Stephens
Executive Vice Minister Director
Ministry of Transportation and Canadian Trade Office in Ta
Communications in Taipei

For the Ministry of Transportation
and Communications in Taipei
Witnessed by The Honourable Minister
TSAY, Jaw-Yang
Minister of Transportation and
Communications in Taipei

註:本備忘錄經中、加 (拿大) 雙方議訂在台北及渥太華兩地各簽署乙份