

列印時間:113/07/16 22:44



簽訂日期: 民國 109 年 08 月 17 日
生效日期: 民國 109 年 08 月 17 日
簽約國: 非洲地區 > 索馬利蘭共和國
1.Signed on August 17, 2020 Entered into force on August 17, 2020

The Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and the
Government of the Republic of Somaliland (hereinafter referred
to individually as a "Party"; collectively as "the Parties"),

Desirous of strengthening friendship between their peoples,

Recognizing reciprocal advantages as a result of technical
cooperation in areas of common interest,

In accordance with the Bilateral Protocol (Agreements and
Conventions) by and between the Government of the Republic of
China (Taiwan) and the Government of the Republic of Somaliland,

Have agreed as follows:

The purpose of this Agreement on Technical Cooperation
(hereinafter referred to as "this Agreement") is to promote
technical cooperation in priority areas that the Parties will
accordingly identify and engage in bilaterally.

Scope of the Agreement
This Agreement shall apply to all areas of technical cooperation
between the Parties.

Projects and Programmes
The Parties may, on the basis of this Agreement and in
accordance with their respective national laws, negotiate the
implementation of specific technical cooperation Projects and
Programmes through diplomatic channels.

Forms of Cooperation
The technical cooperation provided under this Agreement
1. The implementation of technical cooperation Projects and
Programmes in such areas as agriculture, information and
communication technology, education, environment, vocational
training and public health, or relevant issues of mutual
2. The dispatching, by the Government of the Republic of China
(Taiwan), of a Technical Mission, comprising a leader and the
specialists of technical cooperation Projects and Programmes,
to the Republic of Somaliland to implement the technical
cooperation Projects and Programmes coordinated by the
3. The dispatching and exchange of technical cooperation
Projects and Programmes Specialists (hereinafter referred to
as "Specialists", including project managers, technicians,
instructors, advisers and professionals);
4. The exchange of technical and statistical information;
5. The exchange of students and training of personnel;
6. The organisation of conferences, seminars, workshops and
other similar activities;
7. Other forms of cooperation to which the Parties mutually

Obligations of the Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan)

Under this Agreement, the Government of the Republic of China
(Taiwan) agrees to:
1. Select and dispatch Specialists for Technical Mission
according to the demands of technical cooperation Projects
and Programmes;
2. Allocate the necessary implementation budget in accordance
with the technical cooperation Projects and Programmes agreed
to by mutual consent;
3. Reserve part of the abovementioned budget for the salaries,
medical care, insurance, travel expenses, housing allowance,
retirement entitlements and other benefits of Specialists
from the Republic of China (Taiwan) posted to the Republic of
4. Assume the travel, accommodation, food and insurance expenses
(1) Specialists from the Republic of Somaliland traveling to the
Republic of China (Taiwan) to attend exchange programmes by
invitation of the Government of the Republic of China
(2) Designated personnel from the Government of the Republic of
Somaliland traveling to the Republic of China (Taiwan) to
attend exchange and training programmes by invitation of the
Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan);
(3) Designated personnel from the Republic of Somaliland invited
by the Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) to
attend conferences, seminars, workshops and other similar
activities in the Republic of China (Taiwan).

Obligations of the Government of the Republic of Somaliland

Under this Agreement, the Government of the Republic of
Somaliland agrees to:
1. Assume the salaries of personnel from the Republic of
Somaliland who participate in the technical cooperation
Projects and Programmes;
2. Make available, under appropriate conditions, the necessary
land and offices for the technical cooperation Projects and
3. Designate liaison officer(s) to coordinate, supervise and
manage each technical cooperation Project and Programme;
4. Exempt equipment, machineries and materials provided by the
Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) from all
consular charges, port charges, customs charges, taxes and
related charges, as well as import permit inspection
procedures; and to defray the transport expenses in the
Republic of Somaliland and the expenses for its maintenance
and repair, in accordance with the national laws of the
Republic of Somaliland;
5. Exempt customs duties, taxes and other charges on vehicles
for technical cooperation Projects and Programmes use, and to
grant diplomatic license plates, and exempt taxes of any kind
in cases where the possession of vehicles is transferred to
different technical cooperation Projects and Programmes; and
6. Exempt equipment, machineries and materials purchased in the
Republic of Somaliland for the purpose of technical
cooperation Projects and Programmes implementation from
duties, excises, taxes, including Value Added Tax and other
mandatory charges, in accordance with the laws of the
Republic of Somaliland.

Privileges for Specialists
The Parties shall accord to the Specialists designated by the
other Party and their accompanying families for the term of
technical cooperation Projects and Programmes in their country,
based on reciprocity, the following privileges:
1. The granting of permission to enter, stay in, and exit the
country during the period of their assignment to a technical
cooperation Project or Programme, including but not limited
to the issuance of visa, residence permits, identification
documents and driver's permits;
2. Exemption from taxes and fees upon their arrival and during
the term of their mission:
(1) Exemption from payment of all relevant taxes upon entry to
and exit from the country;
(2) Exemption from customs duties, taxes and related fees on
personal belongings and household articles for the personal
use imported; and
(3) Exemption from income taxes and other charges on salaries
and allowances originating from outside the Republic of
Somaliland and received for work related to technical
cooperation Projects and Programmes while performing their
3. Exemption from customs duties, taxes and other charges on
vehicles for technical cooperation Projects and Programmes
Specialists' own personal use (one vehicle per person),
granting of diplomatic license plates, and exemption from all
applicable taxes in cases where the possession of vehicles is
transferred between technical cooperation Projects and
Programmes Specialists;
4. The granting of other privileges and exemptions to technical
cooperation Projects and Programmes Specialists no less
favorable than that accorded to personnel of other
international missions posted to and performing similar
activities in the territory of the other party; and
5. The provision to Specialists and members of their families
who are their direct dependents and living together with them
for the term of their mission the same repatriation
facilities as those granted to diplomats in the event of an
international crises.

Under this Agreement, the Parties shall not disclose any
information on technical cooperation Projects and Programmes
that are considered confidential as agreed by the Parties,
unless one of the Parties has prior written consent from the
other Party.

Restrictions on Use of Information
The dissemination and utilisation of information, and the
management and exercise of intellectual property rights related
to technical cooperation Projects and Programmes under this
Agreement shall be agreed by the Parties in writing.

Meetings and Consultations
The Parties may hold meetings or conduct consultations in order
to discuss and improve the cooperation to be carried out in
accordance with this Agreement. The details for holding such
meetings or consultations shall be coordinated between the
Parties by mutual agreement.

This Agreement may be amended by mutual consent via exchange of
Notes between the Parties.

Terms and Termination
1. This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of the last
2. This Agreement shall be valid for five years upon entry into
force and shall be renewed automatically for successive
periods every five years;
3. Each Party may express in writing its desire to terminate
this Agreement, and the termination of this Agreement shall
take effect in six months from the date the other Party
receives the written notice. The continuing implementation of
technical cooperation Projects and Programmes already under
way shall be decided by written agreement between the

Settlement of Disputes
All disputes arising from interpretation or application of this
Agreement shall be settled through negotiation by the Parties in
good faith.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being duly authorised by
their respective governments, have signed this Agreement.

DONE in duplicate in the Chinese and English languages, with
both texts being equally authentic.

For the Government of For the Government of
the Republic of China the Republic of
(Taiwan) Somaliland
___________________ ___________________
Jaushieh Joseph Wu Yasin Hagi Mohamoud
Minister of Foreign Minister of Foreign
Affairs Affairs and
International Cooperation

DATE: 08/17/2020 DATE: 17 08 2020
Taipei Hargeisa