

列印時間:113/07/17 02:45



簽訂日期: 民國 108 年 06 月 21 日
生效日期: 民國 108 年 06 月 21 日
簽約國: 北美地區 > 美國
1.Signed on June 21, 2019 and June 20, 2019 Entered into force on June 21, 2019

May 23, 2019

Mr. John Norris Jr.
Managing Director
American Institute in Taiwan
1700 N. Moore Street, Suite 1700
Arlington, VA 22209

Dear Mr. Norris,
I am pleased to inform you that my government has formally
approved renaming the Coordination Council for North American
Affairs (CCNAA) in Taipei to the Taiwan Council for US Affairs.

The Taiwan Council for US Affairs will fully assume the rights,
responsibilities, and status of CCNAA. As a result, the change
does not affect any agreements, contracts, rights, and
obligations between or pertaining to CCNAA and AIT.

I sincerely hope the new name will mark a new chapter in our
longstanding relationship and I look forward to ever closer
cooperation in the future.

With best regards,

Stanley Kao

Enclosure: as stated
cc: Mr. Jim Heller
Director, Office of Taiwan Coordination
Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, U.S.
Department of State

June 20, 2019

Mr. Stanley Kao
Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative
Office in the United States
4201 Wisconsin Ave. NW
Washington, D.C. 20016

Dear Representative Kao,
I acknowledge receipt of your letter of May 23, 2019, informing
me of the name change of the Coordination Council for North
American Affairs (CCNAA) in Taipei to the Taiwan Council for
U.S. Affairs (TCUSA). The Department of State is also aware of
your letter and the change in name of CCNAA.

I confirm AIT ’ s understanding that TCUSA will fully assume
the rights, responsibilities, and status of CCNAA and as a
result the name change does not affect any agreements,
contracts, rights, or obligations between or pertaining to CCNAA
and AIT.

In addition, I would appreciate your confirmation of our mutual
understanding of the following:
1. That the change in name of CCNAA to TCUSA does not in any way
effect, nor was it intended to effect, any substantive legal
change in the relationship between Taiwan and the United
2. That the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office
in the United States (TECRO) and the Taipei Economic and
Cultural Offices (TECOs) in various U.S. cities have not
changed and do not intend to change their names in the United
States at this time. TECRO agrees to seek the concurrence of
AIT to name changes for TECRO, the TECOs, or TCUSA in the
3. That the change in name of CCNAA to TCUSA in Taipei does not
affect the rights, responsibilities, and status of TECRO in
the United States, and accordingly, does not affect any
agreements, contracts, rights or obligations between or
pertaining to TECRO and/or AIT; and
4. That TCUSA will continue to serve as the Taiwan-based
headquarters for TECRO and the TECOs, as CCNAA did before its
change in name.

Upon receipt of your affirmative response to this letter, AIT
shall consider the correspondence between our two organizations
to constitute an agreement on this matter.

AIT looks forward to continuing the close relationship between
our organizations.


John J. Norris, Jr.
Managing Director

June 21, 2019

Mr. John Norris Jr.
Managing Director
American Institute in Taiwan
1700 N. Moore Street, Suite 1700
Arlington, VA 22209

Dear Mr. Norris,
I acknowledge receipt of your letter of June 20, 2019 concerning
the name change of the Coordination Council for North American
Affairs (CCNAA) in Taipei to the Taiwan Council for U.S. Affairs

I appreciate your confirmation of AIT ’ s understanding that
TCUSA will fully assume the rights, responsibilities, and status
of CCNAA and as a result the name change does not affect any
agreements, contracts, rights, or obligations between or
pertaining to CCNAA and AIT.

In addition, I confirm our mutual understanding of the
1. That the change in name of CCNAA to TCUSA does not in any way
effect, nor was it intend to effect, any substantive legal
change in the relationship between Taiwan and the United
2. That the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office
in the United States (TECRO) and the Taipei Economic and
Cultural Offices (TECOs) in various U.S. cities have not
changed and do not intend to change their names in the United
States at this time. TECRO agrees to seek the concurrence of
AIT to name changes for TECRO, the TECOs, or TCUSA in the
3. That the change in name of CCNAA to TCUSA in Taipei does not
affect the rights, responsibilities, and status of TECRO in
the United States, and accordingly, does not affect any
agreements, contracts, rights or obligations between or
pertaining to TECRO and/or AIT; and
4. That TCUSA will continue to serve as the Taiwan-based
headquarters for TECRO and the TECOs, as CCNAA did before its
change in name.

My letter of May 23, 2019, your letter of June 20, 2019 and this
letter between our two organizations constitute an agreement on
this matter.


Stanley Kao