

列印時間:113/10/20 08:23



簽訂日期: 民國 108 年 01 月 18 日
生效日期: 民國 108 年 03 月 27 日
簽約國: 拉丁美洲及加勒比海地區 > 聖克里斯多福及尼維斯
1.Signed on January 18, 2019 Entered into force on March 27, 2019

The Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and the
Government of St. Christopher and Nevis (hereinafter referred to
individually as a “ Party ”; collectively as “ the Parties ”
), desiring to strengthen their existing cordial relations and
to promote and expand the scope of technical cooperation between
their countries in various areas, have agreed as follows:

Article 1
This Agreement establishes a framework within which the Parties
agree to implement any technical cooperation and is based upon
the Parties ’ cooperative relations and commitment to promoting
development. It authorizes the Parties to implement projects
that they have mutually agreed upon following the completion of
any domestic legal procedures as required.

Article 2
Areas of Cooperation
The Parties have identified the following areas of technical
I. The Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) agrees to
send a Technical Mission to St. Christopher and Nevis, which
will be composed of a leader and technical cooperation
specialists to operate the projects coordinated by both
II. The dispatch and exchange of technical cooperation
specialists, including projects managers, technicians,
instructors, advisors and other specialized personnel.
III. The exchange of techniques and statistical data.
IV. Student exchanges and personnel training.
V. The holding of conferences, lectures, seminars, training and
other activities.
VI. Other items of technical cooperation mutually agreed upon.

Article 3
Responsibilities — Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan)
The Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) shall:
I. According to the demands of projects and programs select the
specialists for Technical Mission.
II. Pay the salaries, allowances, insurance and medical care
expenses of specialists of the Republic of China (Taiwan)
during their service in St. Christopher and Nevis.
III. Defray the international travel costs of specialists of the
Republic of China (Taiwan) between the Republic of China
(Taiwan) and St. Christopher and Nevis.
IV. Undertake student exchanges and personnel training.
V. Implement any technical cooperation projects decided upon by
mutual agreement.

Article 4
Responsibilities – Government of St. Christopher and Nevis
The Government of St. Christopher and Nevis shall:
I. Pay the salaries of St. Christopher and Nevis personnel
participating in technical cooperation projects.
II. Provide land and office space as required by technical
cooperation projects, for project use only.
III. Assign one liaison officer to each technical cooperation

Article 5
The Government of St. Christopher and Nevis shall grant the
following privileges during the implementation of all projects
under this Agreement:
I. Exemption from customs duties, taxes and other charges on all
equipment, materials and supplies imported into St.
Christopher and Nevis as required for the implementation of
II. Technical Mission personnel of the Republic of China
(Taiwan), as well as their family dependents, for their
entry into, departure from and stay in St. Christopher and
Nevis during their service, be exempted from customs duties,
taxes and other charges on their personal and household
effects brought into St. Christopher and Nevis upon first
arrival for their personal use. No exemption shall be
granted in respect of any items for commercial use. The term
“ family dependents ” as used herein refers to the spouse,
unmarried minor children, dependent children below the age
of 24 years who are pursuing a course of study, disabled
dependent children and retired parents of the Technical
Mission personnel of the Republic of China (Taiwan).
III. Exemption from customs duties, taxes and other charges on
vehicles for Technical Mission personnel of the Republic of
China (Taiwan) personal use (one vehicle per Technical
Mission personnel of the Republic of China (Taiwan),
exclusive of family dependents), grant of CD licence plates
to vehicles assigned to Technical Mission personnel of the
Republic of China (Taiwan) only and exemption from all
applicable taxes in cases where the possession of vehicles
is transferred between Technical Mission personnel of the
Republic of China (Taiwan). The exemptions outlined herein
shall be granted once every five years. In terms of the
sale of the vehicle before the expiration of five years,
Technical Mission personnel of the Republic of China
(Taiwan) shall consult with the Comptroller of Customs in
relation to the applicable duty and taxes that become due.
IV. Exemption from social security deductions and other
deductions on the salaries and allowances paid from abroad
to Technical Mission personnel of the Republic of China
(Taiwan) for project-related work during their service in
St. Christopher and Nevis.
V. Privileges, exemptions and other treatment to Technical
Mission personnel of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and their
property no less favorable than that accorded to the
personnel of other international missions residing and
performing similar activities in the territory of St.
Christopher and Nevis.
VI. Upon the occurrence of any international crisis, the
provision of treatment to Technical Mission personnel of the
Republic of China (Taiwan) and their family dependents as
required for their safe return to the Republic of China
(Taiwan) equivalent to that accorded to the personnel of
other international missions residing and performing similar
activities in the territory of St. Christopher and Nevis.

Article 6
Non disclosure
The project personnel appointed by either Party to participate
in the projects under this Agreement shall not disclose any
information on such projects that are considered confidential as
agreed by the Parties, unless one of the Parties has prior
written consent from the other Party.

Article 7
Matters Subject to Separate Agreement
I. The dissemination and utilization of information, and the
management and exercise of intellectual property rights,
related to the projects under this Agreement shall be
governed by separate agreements.
II. The Parties may, as they deem fit, enter into separate
agreements governing projects and activities of cooperation
mutually agreed by the Parties.

Article 8
Dispute Resolution
Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this
Agreement, shall be settled by the Parties through diplomatic
negotiation based on the principle of good faith.

Article 9
Previous Agreements
This Agreement shall supersede the previous bilateral “
Agreement on Technical Cooperation between the Government of the
Republic of China (Taiwan) and the Government of Saint
Christopher and Nevis ” signed in Taipei on the twenty-eighth
day of the first month of the year two thousand and eight in the
Gregorian calendar, and shall enlarge the scope of cooperation
previously agreed by the Parties.

Article 10
Entry into Force, Amendment and Termination
I. This Agreement shall enter into force on the date that the
last Party to complete any required domestic procedures
notifies the other Party and shall remain effective for a
period of five years.
II. This Agreement shall be automatically and successively
extended for a further five years upon its expiration unless
the Parties agree otherwise.
III. The Parties may amend or revise this Agreement by exchange
of letters, stating the effective date for the revision.
IV. Either Party may terminate this Agreement by giving six
months ’ prior written notice to the other Party.
V. Following the termination or expiry of this Agreement, any
events, cases, items of research and workshops and activities
undertaken pursuant to this Agreement, already under way,
shall continue to be implemented to their completion.
VI. The confidentiality obligation under this Agreement shall
survive the termination or expiry of this Agreement and
shall remain binding on the Parties.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being duly authorized by
their respective Governments, have signed this Agreement.

Done in duplicate in the Chinese and English languages, both
texts being equally authentic, in Basseterre on the eighteenth
day of the first month of the year two thousand and nineteen in
the Gregorian calendar.

For the Government of For the Government of
the Republic of China St. Christopher and
(Taiwan) Nevis
__________________ __________________
H.E. Tom Lee Hon. Mark Brantley

Ambassador to St. Minister of Foreign
Christopher and Nevis Affairs and Aviation