

列印時間:113/10/20 08:04



簽訂日期: 民國 107 年 09 月 06 日
生效日期: 民國 107 年 12 月 02 日
簽約國: 拉丁美洲及加勒比海地區 > 貝里斯
1.Signed on September 06, 2018 and May 31, 2018 Entered into force on December 02, 2018

Ref No:GEN/62/06/2018 (48)
31st May 2018.
H. E. Charles Liu
Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan),
20 North Park Street,
Belize City.

Dear Excellency,

Request for one-year extension of the Genetic Improvement of
Sheep and Goat Project

I take this opportunity to convey our warmest greetings and best
wishes for your well-being.

I now write with regards to the Cooperation Agreement between
the Government of Republic of China (Taiwan) and the Government
of Belize signed on 2nd December 2015 for a three (3) year
period. I wish to express our gratitude for the technical
assistance and support that has been given to the Project on
Genetic Improvement of Sheep and Goat at Central Farm
Agriculture Station, Ministry of Agriculture. This Project has
made significant impact with sheep and goat producers at the
National Level, but due to implementation challenges, it has not
realized its full potential.

Some of the main challenges that the Project underwent are: -
1. Logistical and bureaucratic obstacles delaying sheep breeding
stock importation from Mexico;
2. Difficulty in sourcing certified sheep breeding stock in
other neighboring countries except in the U.S.A.
3. Unavailability of Pelibuey breed from all neighboring

The ICDF was kept abreast of the Project ’ s challenges and the
matter was discussed in detail during an ICDF delegation visit
in September 2017. During this visit, the Delegation recommended
that the Project be extended for one (1) additional year to
complete the importation of breeding stock. Note that under the
Project 29 Dorpers were to be purchased by the end of 2017 and
29 Barbados Black Belly (BBB) Sheep were also to be purchased
during 2018. Currently the 29 Dorpers and 16 BBB have been
acquired. Additionally, it has been agreed to pursue procurement
of breeding stock in the USA rather than in Mexico. This posed
another challenge as Pelibuey breed is not readily available in
the USA therefore a decision was taken to acquire the Kathadin
breed. It is projected that 29 Kathadin breeds will be acquired
provided approval is granted for the one (1) year extension.

At its meeting of 24th January 2018, the Project Steering
Committee (PSC) agreed to accept the ICDF ’ s recommendation to
pursue the request that the Project be extended for a one (1)
year period effective 2nd December 2018. The PSC also agreed to
request for approval of funds in the sum of US $579,153 to cover
expenses related to operations during the one-year period. The
Government of Belize would contribute US$89,926. If approved,
the one-year extension period will facilitate: -

1. Strengthening of the certification and digitalization of the
sheep breeding system;
2. Enhancing capacity building of the farmer ’ s association;
3. Importing the Katahdin Breed to expand the breeding

It is our hope that the requested one-year extension of the
project will also enable the establishment and sustainability of
quality breeding stock. This period will also allow Technicians,
Extension Officers and Core Sheep and Goat Producers to acquire
the knowledge and expertise to manage a sustainable Sheep and
Goat Breeding Program. The Ministry envisions that with the
improved genetics and good management the productivity and
quality of small ruminants will increase, thus contributing to
the competitiveness of the sheep industry both in local and
regional markets.

It is in view of the above that the Ministry now approaches you
requesting consideration of a one-year extension of the Sheep
and Goat Project with effect from 2nd December 2018. The
Ministry is also requesting your consideration and approval of
an additional amount of US $579,153 to cover expenses that will
be incurred during the one-year extension period.

I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to you, Excellency,
the assurances of my highest consideration.


Hon. Senator Godwin Hulse,
Minister of Agriculture

c: Station Manager, Central Farm

September 6th ,
The Hon. Godwin Hulse
Senator and Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry,
the Environment, Sustainable Development and Immigration
Main Office
H.M. Queen Elizabeth II Blvd.
Belmopan, Belize

Re: Request for one-year extension of the Agreement between the
Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and the Government
of Belize on the Cooperation in Genetic Improvement in Sheep and
Goat Project and an additional fund of US$579,153

Dear Senator Hulse:

Thank you for your letter dated May 31, 2018, regarding the
request for a one-year extension and the amendment of the
Agreement (hereinafter as “ the Agreement ” )between the
Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and the Government
of Belize on the Cooperation in Genetic Improvement in Sheep and
Goat Project (hereinafter as “ the Project ” )under Articles
13(2) and 13(3) thereof. Since the Project ’ s implementation
on December 2, 2015, it has contributed to the launch of the
National Sheep and Goat Breeding Center at Central Farm,
positively impacting sheep and goat producers nationwide.

As you have outlined, the Project has faced challenges in
importing sheep breeding stock from Mexico and other neighboring
countries. I am pleased to inform you that the Government of the
Republic of China (Taiwan) has agreed to the request of the
Government of Belize for a one-year extension of the Agreement
effective from December 2, 2018 (please refer to Article 13(1)),
and also for the additional funds of US$579,153 to cover
expenses for related operations during the one-year extension of
the Project (Articles 3 and 7). The Government of the Republic
of China (Taiwan) acknowledges that the Government of Belize
will contribute US$89,926 to the Project (Articles 3 and 8), and
agrees that the above-mentioned funds from both Governments will
be used during one-year extension for the following purposes:

1. Strengthening the certification and digitalization of the
sheep breeding system,
2. Enhancing the capacity-building of the farmer ’ s
association, and
3. Importing Katahdin sheep to expand the breeding program.

It is hoped that the extension and amendment of the Agreement
will assist in the establishment and sustainability of quality
breeding stock in Belize. We look forward to deepening
cooperation with the Government of Belize to further develop the
livestock industry and explore other areas of mutual interest in

In the meantime, please accept the renewed assurances of my
highest consideration.

Charles K. Y. Liu