

列印時間:113/09/27 07:33



簽訂日期: 民國 103 年 04 月 15 日
生效日期: 民國 103 年 04 月 15 日
簽約國: 歐洲地區 > 斯洛伐克
1.Signed on April 15 and April 10, 2014 Entered into force on April 15, 2014

The Taipei Representative Office, Bratislava and the Slovak
Economic and Cultural Office in Taipei (“ the Participants ” )

Desiring to enhance the friendly relations between the

Desiring to facilitate the entry and movement of young persons
from Taiwan and the Slovak Republic,

On the basis of reciprocity and under the conditions for Working
Holiday Program (“ the Program ” )laid down in national
legislation of Taiwan and the Slovak Republic, respectively,

Have reached the following understanding:

1. The Participants intend, on the application by a young
person, to issue a multiple-entry visa entitling the young
person for a residence for a period of twelve (12) months
from the date of first entry, to a young person who meets the
following requirements laid down in the national legislation
of the respective Participant:
a) has the primary intention to spend holiday, with employment
and study being secondary rather than primary reasons for
the visit;
b) is aged between eighteen (18) and thirty-five (35) years,
both inclusive, at the time of application;
c) is not accompanied by dependants;
d) is a holder of a passport issued by competent authority in
Taiwan or a valid passport issued by the Slovak Republic,
which will remain valid for at least eighteen (18) months
after the day of issuing the visa foreseen by this
e) possesses a valid return ticket, or sufficient funds to
purchase such a ticket;
f) possesses sufficient funds for his/her needs during the
period of visit, at the discretion of the relevant
g) provides an official certificate of no criminal record;
h) pays the prescribed visa application fee;
i) agrees to hold medical and comprehensive hospitalisation
insurance to remain in force throughout his/her visit;
j) complies with any health and character requirements imposed
by Taiwan or the Slovak Republic; and
k) has not participated in the Program previously.
2. The young person who meets the conditions laid down in
national legislation of the respective Participant will
submit his/her application to the Taipei Representative
Office, Bratislava or the Slovak Economic and Cultural Office
in Taipei. The visa issued for entry into Taiwan / the Slovak
Republic is a multiple entry visa. The visa delivered for
entry into Slovakia is valid for a period of maximum twelve
months, Slovak participants will initially be issued a visa
valid for six months, within the validity period of the visa,
which will later be supplemented, with another visa valid for
additional six months.
3. The young person may only benefit from the Program once. The
duration of his/her visit will not exceed the authorised
period of twelve (12) months and the purpose of his/her visit
will not be subject to any change during this period.
4. The young person to whom a visa foreseen by this Memorandum
has been issued will be exempt from the obligation to hold a
work permit to exercise an activity as a salaried worker.
He/she will only be permitted to engage in temporary
employment during their visit and may not work for a total
period of more than six (6) months.
5. The young person will not be permitted to engage in any study
or training for a total period of more than six (6) months.
6. The young person will comply with the laws and regulations of
the host country and not to engage in employment or study
that is contrary to the provisions of this Memorandum.
7. The Participants may, in compliance with their respective
national legislation, refuse any particular application for a
visa foreseen by this Memorandum.
8. The Participants may, in compliance with their respective
national legislation, refuse the entry into Taiwan / the
Slovak Republic of any young persons whom it may consider
undesirable, or remove from Taiwan / the Slovak Republic any
young person who has obtained visa under the Program.
9. The number of the young persons under the Program will be
counted from the date of validity of Memorandum until the end
of the current year, and then annually from 1 January until
31 December.
10. Per year, up to one hundred (100) young persons from Taiwan
and up to one hundred (100) young persons from the Slovak
Republic will be allowed to benefit from the Program.
11. The Participants may, on the basis of reciprocity and via
written exchange, modify the number of young persons that
will be allowed to benefit from the application of this
12. This Memorandum may be amended at any time by the mutual
written consent of the Participants.
13. The Memorandum will come into effect on the date of the last
14. This Memorandum will remain valid until terminated by either
Participant by giving written notice to the other
Participant, at least three (3) months prior to the intended
15. Either Participant may temporarily suspend the application
of this Memorandum by giving written notice to the other
Participant, at least three (3) months prior to the intended
beginning of the suspension of the application.
16. Termination or suspension of application of this Memorandum
will not affect the young persons who had already been
accepted into the Program.

Signed at Bratislava, on April 10, 2014, and at Taipei, on April
15, 2014, in duplicate, in the English language.

For the Taipei For the Slovak
Representative Office, Economic and Cultural
Bratislava Office in Taipei

__________________ __________________
Nan-Yang Lee Michal Kovac
Representative Representative