

列印時間:113/09/27 07:34



簽訂日期: 民國 104 年 12 月 28 日
生效日期: 民國 104 年 12 月 28 日
簽約國: 歐洲地區 > 捷克
1.Signed on December 28, 2015 Entered into force on December 28, 2015

The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, Prague and the Czech
Economic and Cultural Office in Taipei (hereinafter referred to
as “ the Offices ” ),

In the spirit of promoting a closer co-operation and mutual

Have decided to establish the Youth Program of Working Holiday
(hereinafter referred to as “ the Program ” ):

I. The Program aims to provide wider opportunities for the
nationals of each respective territory belonging to the
young generation to appreciate the culture and general way
of life of the other territory for the purpose of promoting
mutual understanding.
II. The Program should provide arrangements for the young
nationals of each territory, which are intended to make it
more attractive for them to travel to and enter the other
respective territory, primarily to holiday for an extended
period and also to engage in employment as an incidental
aspect of their holiday in order to supplement their travel
III.The Program is offered within the respective laws of each
territory regarding the employment of young foreigners, in
the Czech Republic namely Section 97(b) of the Czech
Employment Act.
IV. The Program will operate under the following conditions:
1. Participation in the Program will be open to nationals of
each territory who
(a) are permanently resident in that territory,
(b) intend to holiday in the other territory, with
employment being only an incidental reason for the
(c) are, on the date the application is received by the
Office of the other territory, between the age of
eighteen (18) and twenty-six (26) years, both inclusive,
(d) are not accompanied by dependent persons,
(e) possess ordinary passports with a validity period longer
than the anticipated length of the visit, and a return
travel ticket or funds sufficient to purchase such
(f) possess sufficient funds to cover the costs related to
their stay in the other territory,
(g) comply with all health requirements for entry in the
other territory,
(h) present a proof of health insurance coverage as required
by the national legislation of the other territory,
(i) present a declaration in writing that they have no
record of criminal convictions; and
(j) pay the visa application fee as required by the national
legislation of the other territory.
2. Participation in the Program will be subject to the
applicable laws of each territory regarding the entry and
stay of foreigners.
3. Participation of a person in the Program will be limited
to one (1) year from the date of issuance of visa and
will not be extended or repeated by the same person.
4. The maximum number of nationals of each territory to
participate in the Program in a calendar year will be
determined on the basis of reciprocity through an
exchange of letters. The letters determining this number
will be exchanged within ninety (90) days from the
signature of this Memorandum. The number may be changed
annually. The number of nationals of each territory
participating in the Program will be counted from the
beginning of operation of the Program until the end of
the year and then annually from 1 January until 31
5. The Program will operate in accordance with the laws and
regulations in force in each territory.
6. It is understood that the length of employment or of
study or training of persons participating in the Program
in the other territory will not exceed six months.
7. The Offices will encourage the appropriate authorities in
their respective territories to lend their support to the
operation of the Program. The Offices will also provide,
through appropriate means, young nationals of the other
territory with information about the Program, about the
requirements for applicants and about the conditions of
the operation of the Program in their respective
8. The Program will operate for an indefinite period,
beginning the first day of the fourth month following the
signature of this Memorandum.
9. The operation of the Program may be suspended, in whole
or in part, especially for reasons of public policy,
including public security, public order and public
health. Any such suspension, and the lifting thereof,
will be immediately notified to the other Office in
10. The operation of the Program may be terminated at any
time by a notice in writing. In such case, the operation
of the Program will cease three months from the date of
receipt of the written notice of termination of the
operation of the Program by the other Office.

Done in Prague, on 28 December 2015, in duplicate in the English

For the Taipei For the Czech
Economic and Cultural Economic and Cultural
Office, Prague: Office in Taipei:

__________________ __________________
Sheau-Jung Lu Vaclav Jilek
Representative Representative