

列印時間:113/10/20 07:34



簽訂日期: 民國 104 年 12 月 02 日
生效日期: 民國 104 年 12 月 02 日
簽約國: 拉丁美洲及加勒比海地區 > 貝里斯
1.Signed on December 02, 2015 Entered into force on December 02, 2015

The Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and the
Government of Belize (hereinafter referred to as the “ Parties
” );

Desirous of further strengthening the friendly and cooperative
relations existing between the two countries and of implementing
the “ Genetic Improvement in Sheep and Goat Project ”
(hereinafter referred to as the “ Project ” );

Have agreed as follows:

Article 1
1. Expand and improve infrastructure at the National Sheep and
Goat Breeding Center at Central Farm of Belize.
2. Introduce quality breeding stocks and renew breeding stock so
as to improve the productivity of breeding stock, including
the establishment of a registry and traceability system.
3. Assist technicians at the National Sheep and Goat Breeding
Center at Central Farm of Belize and sheep and goat producers
in improving their production techniques, productivity and
the overall development of the sheep and goat industry in

Article 2
Implementation Basis
The Parties shall implement the Project according to the
official project plan and budget.

Article 3
The total budget of the Project will be US$1,624,475, of which
the Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) will provide
US$1,274,370 and of which the Government of Belize will provide

Article 4
Project Steering Committee
1. The Parties agree to establish a project steering committee,
which will be composed of the Project Coordinator of the
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry, the Environment
and Sustainable Development, Belize (hereinafter referred to
as the “ MOA Project Coordinator ” ), the Chief Agriculture
Officer of the MOA, the Project Manager of the Republic of
China (Taiwan) (hereinafter referred to as the “ Project
Manager ” )and the Field Manager of the National Sheep and
Goat Breeding Center of Belize.
2. The MOA Project Coordinator will convene meetings of the
project steering committee once a month for the purpose of
monitoring and appraising the implementation of the Project.
3. The MOA Project Coordinator, a local work team, the Project
Manager and technicians from the Republic of China (Taiwan)
will jointly implement the Project based on the decisions of
the project steering committee.

Article 5
Bank Account
1. For the purpose of the implementation of the Project, the
Parties agree to follow the regulations prevailing in Belize.
The MOA will obtain approval to establish a designated
account at a commercial bank in Belize, to be entitled the “
Government of Belize/Republic of China (Taiwan) Genetic
Improvement in Sheep and Goat Project ” (hereinafter
referred to as the “ Project Account ” ), and shall
subsequently provide in written form to the Government of the
Republic of China (Taiwan) the account name and account
number, thereby allowing funds to be transferred for the
purpose of implementing the Project.
2. The Parties shall respectively designate the Project Manager
and the MOA Project Coordinator to open and manage the
Project Account, and to close the Project Account after the
termination of the Project.
3. Any funds remaining in the Project Account after the
termination of the Project shall be returned to the
Government of Republic of China (Taiwan).
4. Any expenditure drawn from the Project Account shall be
agreed and signed in related documents by the Project Manager
and the MOA Project Coordinator beforehand.
5. Management of the Project Account:
(1) From 2015, the Project Account will be used to fund the
operating expenses of the Project, including the hiring of
local personnel, construction costs, and the procurement of
equipment and other expenses. Funds will be remitted to the
Project Account in accordance with the project schedule upon
the receipt, verification by and approval of the Embassy of
the Republic of China (Taiwan) in Belize of quarterly
applications for funding and quarterly statements of project
income and expenditure provided by the MOA.
(2) The MOA will assign suitable personnel to oversee the
accounting and cashier duties of the Project Account,
calculate the revenues and expenditures quarterly, and
complete and maintain a Statement of Revenues and
Expenditures of the Project Account, including the bank ’ s
balance sheet and the results of the Project, and
subsequently submit all such documents to the Parties for

Article 6
Revolving Fund Account
1. Revenues from the sale of sheep breeding stock through the
Project shall remain under the ownership of the Government of
Belize and shall be deposited into a revolving fund account
at a commercial bank in Belize, to be supervised by the
project steering committee.
2. The Revolving Fund Account shall be earmarked only for one
specific purpose, namely operations associated with the
management of the Project.

Article 7
Obligations of the Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan)
1. In accordance with the project proposal agreed by the
Parties, allocate a budget of US$1,274,370 for the project
period of three years as of the inception of the Project in
2. The above mentioned budget shall include the salaries,
medical care, insurance, benefits, flight tickets and travel
expenses of the Project Manager, specialists and short-term
experts from the Republic of China (Taiwan).
3. Dispatch one (1) Project Manager as a liaison to collaborate
with the MOA Project Coordinator and cooperate on and
coordinate the implementation of the Project, also
dispatching specialists and short-term experts to provide
consultancy services and technical assistance as required for
the Project in accordance with the needs of its various
4. The Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) in Belize will
be responsible for overseeing the Project ’ s progress for
the duration of project implementation along with the MOA.

Article 8
Obligations of the Government of Belize
1. In accordance with the project proposal agreed by the
Parties, allocate a budget of US$350,105 for the project
period as of the fiscal year 2015.
2. Appoint the MOA Project Coordinator as a main liaison to
collaborate with the Project Manager and other cooperating
units and relevant stakeholders so as to ensure the promotion
and implementation of the Project.
3. Designate and/or hire for the National Sheep and Goat
Breeding Center at Central Farm of Belize, in accordance with
the project proposal agreed by the Parties, two (2)
technicians to serve as (deputy) managers and four (4)
on-site laborers (of whom one (1) technician and two (2)
on-site laborers will hired from the project budget), and
other related laborers to manage forage and paddock
4. The MOA Project Coordinator shall, according to the progress
of project implementation, write quarterly funding
statements, quarterly project reports and annual reports, to
be reviewed by the Project Manager, and then submit such
documents to the MOA and the Embassy of the Republic of China
(Taiwan) in Belize for the use of the Parties in supervising
and controlling the progress of the Project.
5. The procurement, management and maintenance of the Project ’
s assets shall be the responsibility of the MOA, and all such
assets shall be marked with the project title, and listed and
itemized in quarterly inventories for the review of the
Parties during the project period.
6. Provide Republic of China (Taiwan) personnel, including the
Project Manager and technicians, with a furnished office and
accommodation in Belize.
7. The National Sheep and Goat Breeding Center at Central Farm
of Belize shall provide the following resources or services:
(1) Land required for the Project ’ s use, including paddock
and forage areas, and for the construction and expansion of
sheep houses;
(2) All expenses connected to the installation of electrical
power systems as required for the operation of the
(3) The utilities at the site, such as water, electricity and
telephone connections, assuming responsibility for all
administrative expenses (water, electricity, telephone
connections, Internet access and other charges related to
communication, and the maintenance of facilities), as well
as taxes incurred while constructing and renovating the
National Sheep and Goat Breeding Center at Central Farm of
(4) A security guard and associated security features at the
site, to ensure the on-site safety of equipment, livestock
and project personnel;
(5) Assume responsibility for the promotion and marketing of the
(6) Coordinate the Project ’ s work team in working with
Republic of China (Taiwan) technicians so as to gradually
transfer techniques for the handling and production of
breeding stock to the National Sheep and Goat Breeding
Center at Central Farm of Belize and to local sheep and goat
(7) Organize the formation of associations by small-scale
farmers, potential farmers, and farmers ’ groups dedicated
to improve sheep and goat production, so that inputs of
production and services could be accessed more effectively
and efficiently;
(8) Provide one (1) vehicle for the use of Republic of China
(Taiwan) personnel and the local work team engaged in the
implementation of the Project.

Article 9
Exemptions and Courtesies
The Government of Belize agrees to exempt Project-related
materials, equipment and supplies from customs duties and other
taxes, and agrees to grant the Project Manager and technicians
from the Republic of China (Taiwan)the following benefits:
1. Exemption from all residential and local taxes, and income
tax on salaries;
2. Exemption of personal and household effects from all import,
customs and other duties and taxes;
3. Grant convenience to Republic of China (Taiwan) personnel,
together with their dependents, to enter, depart from and
reside in Belize during their period of service;
4. Other special privileges, conveniences and exemptions on
taxes incurred on the transfers of property, just as Belize
accords the staff members of specialized agencies of the
United Nations.

Article 10
Oversea Training and Scholarships
The Parties agree that the MOA shall recommend the appointment
of personnel to carry out certain Project operations. As needed,
such personnel may, following the approval of the Embassy of the
Republic of China (Taiwan) in Belize or another authorized
agency acting for the Government of the Republic of China
(Taiwan), apply to participate in short- or long-term training,
workshops or higher education scholarship programs related to
sheep and goat management that are offered by the Government of
the Republic of China (Taiwan), such that such personnel may
continue to facilitate the operations of the Project for the
MOA, when the Project is transferred upon its completion.

Article 11
1. Procurement for the Project taking place in Belize should
comply with the Government of Belize ’ s prevailing
procurement laws.
2. The Parties agree to give precedence to the procurement of
equipment and machinery from Taiwanese manufacturers.

Article 12
Dispute Resolution
Any dispute arising out of the interpretation or application of
this Agreement shall be resolved by consultations between the

Article 13
Entry into Force, Amendments and Termination
1. This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of
signature. The period of validity of the Agreement shall be
three (3) years.
2. This Agreement may be amended at any time by the mutual
written consent of the Parties.
3. This Agreement may be extended by the mutual written consent
of the Parties.
4. This Agreement may be terminated by either Party upon
providing 60 days written notice of termination to the other

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being duly authorized by
their respective governments, have signed this Agreement.

DONE in duplicate at Belmopan City, on the 2nd day of December,
two thousand and fifteen, in the Chinese and English languages,
both texts being equally authentic.

For the Government of For the Government of
the Republic of China Belize

________________ ________________
H.E. Benjamin Ho The Hon. Gaspar Vega
Ambassador Deputy Prime Minister
Extraordinary and and
Plenipotentiary to Minister of
Belize Agriculture, Fisheries,
the Environment and