

列印時間:113/10/20 08:24



簽訂日期: 民國 102 年 07 月 19 日
生效日期: 民國 102 年 07 月 19 日
簽約國: 拉丁美洲及加勒比海地區 > 聖克里斯多福及尼維斯
1.Signed on July 19, 2013 Entered into force on July 19, 2013

The governments of the Republic of China (Taiwan) (hereinafter
referred to as the “ ROC ” )and the Federation of Saint
Christopher and Nevis (hereinafter referred to as “ SKN ” )
(hereinafter collectively referred to as the “ Contracting
Parties ” );

DESIRING to strengthen and consolidate the existing friendly
relations between their two countries; DESIRING to promote
cooperation in renewable energy, green energy and solar energy;

RECOGNIZING that this Agreement would assist SKN to develop
renewable energy;


Article I Objectives
Given that fossils fuels, the main source of energy-generation
in SKN, have proven to be of high cost and have had an impact
upon SKN ’ s finances due to price fluctuations in the
international market for fossils fuels, the government of the
ROC, at the request of the government of SKN, agrees to
implement the Renewable Energy Policy Consultant-Dispatching
Project, which will be managed by the SKN Ministry of Energy and
Public Works (hereinafter referred to as the “ MEP ” ).
The government of the ROC agrees to dispatch an
expert/specialist in solar photovoltaic power or other power
systems to the MEP to provide consultation on legislation and
policies relating to renewable energy.

Article II Content
This Agreement is enacted to lay a foundational framework for
cooperation in power generation and the technical fields of
renewable energy, so as to achieve the purpose as stated in the
objectives, while also generally defining cooperative
relationships from a systematic perspective, the content of the
cooperation project and the future cooperation framework and
systems management of this Agreement.

Article III Framework
The framework for bilateral cooperation between the Contracting
Parties is categorized as follows:
(I) Project Content
1. The government of the ROC agrees to dispatch an energy
expert/specialist (hereinafter referred to as the “
Consultant ” )to assist the government of SKN to draft a
framework for a national energy action plan and to work
with the MEP to develop suitable short-, medium- and
long-term development strategies.
2. The Consultant will work with the MEP in holding panel
discussions, symposiums and workshops on renewable energy,
so as to gather the opinions of all relevant parties.
3. The Contracting Parties agree to cooperate in the
investigation and collection of detailed information
regarding power generation, transmission and allocation in
SKN and to inspect current incentive measures regarding the
promotion of renewable energy, with a view to planning
future development schemes for renewable energy equipment
and to establishing cooperative partnerships and mechanisms
in both the public and private sectors.
4. The Contracting Parties agree to cooperate in investigating
SKN ’ s technical human resources in terms of renewable
energy, and to assist the government of SKN to plan and
organize renewable energy-related technical training
programs and workshops.
(II) Implementing Units
The government of SKN will assign the MEP as its dedicated
implementing unit, and the Embassy of the Republic of China
(Taiwan) in the Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis
will assist the MEP to monitor the effectiveness of the
work carried out by the Consultant.

Article IV Future Projects
(I) In addition to the project expressly provided for in this
Agreement, the Contracting Parties will, through dialogue
taking place at various levels and at no fixed interval,
gradually discuss potential future cooperation projects.
(II) To implement any subsequent agreement(s) required by this
Agreement, the Contracting Parties shall list project
requirements and bilateral obligations through an Exchange
of Notes while abiding by the standard rights and
obligations as set forth in this Agreement.

Article V Bilateral Obligations
(I) Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan)
(1) To implement this project, the Consultant will be
dispatched from the ROC to the MEP for a period of
twelve(12) months (expected to commence from within two(2)
months of the signing of this Agreement). The government
of the ROC will pay the travel expenses of the Consultant,
as well as any short-term experts and technicians, to and
from SKN, their salaries, allowances, insurance costs and
local transportation costs in SKN for the duration of the
project implementation period.
(2) The government of the ROC will dispatch short-term experts
and technicians to SKN as required to provide relevant
suggestions or assistance in implementing the project
listed in this Agreement.
(3) The Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) in the
Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis will oversee the
project during the project implementation period.
(II) Government of the Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis
(1) The MEP will allocate one(1) person to conduct the overall
coordination, planning, inter-ministry coordination and
relevant work outlined in this Agreement.
(2) The government of SKN will provide all human resources and
material and financial assistance as required for the
duration of the project implementation period.
(3) The government of SKN will supply the Consultant
dispatched by the government of the ROC with necessary
furnished housing, office space, water, energy and
required transportation assistance.
(4) The MEP will provide quarterly Project Progress Reports
and one Final Project Report.

Article VI Exemption
The government of SKN will grant the following favorable
treatment to the Consultant during the implementation of the
project under this Agreement:
(I) The MEP will assist in delivering a letter to the SKN
Ministry of Foreign Affairs requesting the approval of the
exemption of the Consultant and his/her dependants from all
import tariffs, duties and other taxes on his/her equipment
and materials.
(II) The government of SKN agrees to provide certain treatment
to project personnel covered in this Agreement assigned by
the government of the ROC as follows:
(1) Exemption from residential, local and income taxes on
salaries and on allowances earned from sources outside of
(2) Exemption from import, customs and other tariffs imposed
upon personal and household effects upon arrival;
(3) Convenience of arrival, departure and residence accorded
sufficiently to assure the lives and safety of dispatched
personnel and their dependants;
(4) Privileges, conveniences and exemptions from value-added
tax and taxes relating to the transference of assets as
the government of SKN grants to the personnel of the
United Nations and its specialized agencies.

Article VII Confidentiality
The personnel appointed by either Contracting Party to
participate in the project under this Agreement shall not
disclose any information relating to the project without the
prior written approval of the other Contracting Party.

Article VIII Restrictions on Use of Information
The dissemination and utilization of information, and management
and exercise of intellectual property rights, related to the
project under this Agreement, shall be governed by separate

Article IX Notification
The Contracting Parties shall exchange contact lists in order
that the Contracting Parties can communicate on important
matters and deliver information with respect to this Agreement
accordingly. Either Contracting Party shall inform the other
Contracting Party with a written notice in the event that any
changes to the list are made.

Article X Validity
This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of signature
and shall remain valid for 18 months. The Contracting Parties
will negotiate and confirm the renewal of this Agreement before
its expiry date.

Article XI Amendments
Any amendment or revision to this Agreement shall be done by the
mutual written consent of the Contracting Parties.

Article XII Termination
(I) This Agreement may be terminated by either of the
Contracting Parties through written notice at least six(6)
months prior to the date of termination.
(II) The confidentiality obligation of this Agreement shall not
become invalid following either the termination or expiry
of this Agreement.

Article XIII Other Provisions
The Contracting Parties shall, based on principles of good faith
and cordiality, resolve harmoniously any controversial issues
and unexpected matters arising during the project implementation

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, being duly authorized
thereto, have signed this Agreement.

Done in duplicate in the Chinese and English languages, both
texts being equally authentic, in Basseterre on the nineteenth
day of the seventh month of the one hundred and seventh year of
the Republic of China (Taiwan), corresponding to the nineteenth
day of the seventh month of the year two thousand and thirteen
(2013) of the Gregorian calendar.

Ambassador Deputy Prime Minister
Extraordinary and and Minister of Energy
Plenipotentiary of the and Public Works of the
Republic of China Federation of Saint
(Taiwan) Christopher and Nevis

H.E. Miguel Li-Jey Tsao Hon. Dr. Earl Asim