

列印時間:113/09/27 14:27



1.Signed on September 20, 1996; Entered into force on September 20, 1996.

The Institute of Nuclear Energy Research, the Atomic Energy Cou-
ncil of the Republic of China (INER) in Lung-Tan, Tao-Yuan Coun-
ty, Taiwan is the leading nuclear science and technology resear-
ch institute in the Republic of China.
The Nuclear Research Institute Rez pie (NRI Rez pie) in Rez, The
Czech Republic is the largest Czech research institute in funda-
mental and applied research of nuclear science and technology.
With discussions and visits to facilities at INER by Director,
Dr. F. Pazdera and his colleagues during Jan. 23, 1996 and Jan.
30, 1996, it is recognized that INER and NRI Rez pie have shown
compatible and complementary areas of interest and expertise. A-
reas preliminarily identified as being of possible cooperation
and complementarity include the following items and the attached
working items on pages three to six:
.Informatoin exchange on research reactor engineering design.
.Cyclotron produced radioisotope technology development and ra-
dioisotope supply.
.Radiopharmaceutical kit formulation technology development, M-
o-99/Tc-99m generator technology transfer, and technical info-
rmation exchange.
.Nuclear power reactor fuel behavior analysis and examination
.Information exchange on nuclear power reactor risk assessment
.Radioactive waste management technology.
.Material research and component integrity.
.Utilization of LVR-15 reactor for INER's needs.
In recognition of the spirit in which the discussions between t-
wo Parties were conducted, the intention is hereby stated in Me-
morandum of Understanding.
It is the objective of this Memorandum of Understanding that ef-
fort will be made to identify the specific area of technical co-
operation and to prepare a formal agreement for the necessary r-
eview, approval and signing.
Both Parties will guarantee that all information exchange will
be used solely for peaceful application.
This Memorandum of Understanding may be terminated upon written
notice by either Party, and shall be terminated 90 days after t-
he receipt of such notice by the other. This Memorandum of Unde-
rstanding may be revised at the request of either Party.
IN WITNESS WHEREOE the undersigned, being duly authorized by the
Parties, have cause this Memorandum of Understanding to be sign-
ed and effective upon signature.
Done in duplicate, in the English language, at______,on the_____
day of_____, 1996.

The Institute of Nuclear Energy The Nuclear Research Institute
Research, The Atomic Energy Rez pie in Rez,
Council, The Republic of China The Czech Republic
[Signed] [Signed]
Dr. Der-Yu Hsia Dr. Frantisek Pazdera
Director Director
Date: Sept. 12, 1996 Date: Sept. 20, 1996