

列印時間:113/07/16 22:34



1.Signed and exchanged on July 1, 1996; Entered into force on September 1,1996.

Taipei, July 1 st,1996
Monsieur TCHEN Tso Tchen
Director General
National Bureau of Standards, MOEA
19th Fl., No. 185, hsin Hai Road, Sec. 2,
Taipei, TAIWAN
Dear Director General,
With reference to the latest communications between my Institute
and the Centre Asiatique de Promotion Economique et Commerciale
(CAPEC) as well as to the recent contacts between your Bureau a-
nd the French Institute in Taiwan concerning the mutual granting
of a priority right as regards patents, trademarks and industri-
al designs, I have the pleasure to notify you of the fact that
the National Institute for Industrial Property in Paris is will-
ing to enter with the National Bureau of Standards, Ministry of
Economic Affaris, in Taipei into an Agreement in this field und-
er the following conditions:
1.National Institute for Indutrial Property in Paris (INPI), and
National Bureau of Standards, Ministry of Economic Affairs, in
Taipei (NBS), hereinafter referred to as "the Parties" , reco-
rd formally that each of the parties shall accept priority cl-
aims in relation to applications for patents of invention, for
utility model patents or utility certificates, and for design
patents, or designs and models, based on a first filing effec-
ted with the other Party by its nationals on or after the date
of which this Agreement takes effect. The Parties note that t-
he reciprocity condition provided for in both statutes is com-
plied with and accordingly shall exempt the applicants from p-
roducing proof thereof.
2.This exchange of letters is a reciprocity Agreement as regards
priority in the field of trademarks. Applicants with each of
the Parties can avail themselves of this Agreement as of right
. Each of the Parties shall accept priority claims deriving f-
rom a first application for the registration of a trademark e-
ffected with the other Party on or after the date on which th-
is Agreement takes effect.
3.For the purpose of the implementation of the preceding Provis-
ions, notably of the definition and of the time limits, both
Parties shall refer to Article 4 of the Paris Convention for
the Protection of Industrial Property.
4.At their convenience and on terms to be agreed upon between t-
he Directors General of the Parties, INPI and NBS shall excha-
a) Information and Experience:
.on their respective organization and management
.on their procedures (search and examination, notably)
b) Technical documentation publicatoins
c) Trainees.
5.Both Parties shall keep each other informed of the way in whi-
ch the Agreement is implemented as well as the difficulties w-
ith implementation which may be encountered. The Parties shall
exchange views on the evolution of national laws and on any i-
ssue related to industrial property rights protection.
If the above-mentioned provisions suit you, I have the pleasu-
re, Sir, to suggest that this letter and your acceptance reply
constitute an Agreement in this field between our two offices
which shall enter into force on September 1st, 1996.

Yours sincerely,
Director General
French National Institute
for Industrial Property

Taipei, July 1st, 1996
Mr. Daniel HANGARD
Director General
National Institute for Industrial Property
Dear Director General,
It is my honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter today
which reads as follows:
"Dear Director General,
With reference to the latest communications between my institute
and the Centre Asiatique de Promotion Economique et Commerciale
(CAPEC) as well as to the recent contacts between your Bureau a-
nd the French Insititute in Taiwan concerning the mutual granti-
ng of a priority right as regards patents, trademarks and indus-
trial designs, I have the pleasure to notify you of the fact th-
at the National Insititute for Industrial Property in Paris is
willing to enter with the National Bureau of Standards, Ministry
of Economic Affairs, in Taipei into an Agreement in this field
under the following conditions:
1.National Bureau of Standards, Ministry of Economic Affairs, in
Taipei (NBS) and National Institute for Industrial Property in
Paris (INPI), hereinafter referred to as "the Parties" , reco-
rd formally that each of the Parties shall accept priority cl-
aims in relation to applications for patents of invention, for
utility model patents or utility certificates, and for design
patents, or designs and models, based on a first filing effec-
ted with the other Party by its nationals on or after the date
of which this Agreement takes effect. The Parties note that t-
he reciprocity condition provided for in both statutes is com-
plied with and accordingly shall exempt the applicants from p-
roducing proof thereof.
2.This exchange of letters is a reciprocity Agreement as regards
priority in the field of trademarks. Applicants with each of
the Parties can avail themselves of this Agreement as of right
. Each of the Parties shall accept priority claims deriving f-
rom a first application for the registration of a trademark e-
ffected with the other Party on or after the date on which th-
is Agreement takes effect.
3.For the purpose of the implementation of the preceding Provis-
ions, notably of the definitions and of the time limits, both
Parties shall refer to Article 4 of the Paris Convention for
the Protection of Industrial Property.
4.At their convenience and on terms to be agreed upon between t-
he Directors General of the Parties, NBS and INPI shall excha-
a) Information and Experience:
.on their respective organization and management
.on their procedures (search and examination, notably)
b) Technical documentation and publicatoins
c) Trainees.
5.Both Parties shall keep each other informed of the way in whi-
ch the Agreement is implemented as well as the difficulties w-
ith the implementation which may be encountered. The Parties
shall exchange views on the evolution of national laws and on
any issue related to industrial property rights protection.
If the above-mentioned provisions suit you, I have the pleasu-
re, Sir, to suggest that this letter and your acceptance reply
constitute an agreement in this field between our two offices
which shall enter into force on September 1st, 1996. "
In reply, I have the pleasure to accept, on behalf of the Nat-
oinal Bureau of Standards, Ministry of Economic Affairs, in T-
aipei, the foregoing proposals of INPI contained in your lett-
er and to confirm that your letter and this letter in reply s-
hall consititute an Agreement between our two offices which s-
hall enter into force on September 1st, 1996.
I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to you the assura-
nces of my highest consideration.
Yours sincerely,
Tchen-Tso TCHEN
Director General
National Bureau of Standards
Ministry of Economic Affairs