

列印時間:113/10/20 08:35



1.Signed on August 10, 1988; Entered into force on August 10, 1988.

Done on
28 / 12 / 1408 H (corresponding to 10 / 8 / 1988)
between :
1- The Saudi Arabian Standards Organization (SASO) represented
by His Excellency Dr. Khaled Y. Al--Khalaf, the Director Gen-
eral ......(FIRST PARTY) ,and
2- The Chinese Bureau of Commodity Inspection & Quarantine, (B.C
.I.Q.) represented by His Excellency Y. C. Huang, the Direct-
or General .... (SECOND PARTY).

In consideration of SASO's need for specialized expertise in the
field of certification for electrical equipment, appliacnces, t-
heir accessories, and in other fields deemed necessary for the
activities and work of SASO,
And in line with the objectives of the Saudi-Chinese Joint Comm-
ission as set forth in the Agreement concluded between the two
countries as stated in the attached document,
And following the consent of SASO's Board of Directors in the 68
th meeting held in 23.1.1408H (16.9.1987) to continue the coord-
ination, complete the beneficial cooperation measures with the
Republic of China already taken by SASO, and to avail the exper-
tise of the B.C.I.Q. in different fields,
And according to the decision of SASO's Board of Directors as f-
or the follow--up of the measures taken during the visit of SASO
's Director General and the accompanying delegate to the R.O.C.,
in the period of 11-20 August 1987 which visit was intended to
satisfy SASO requirements in the afore--mentioned fields as well
as to probe the abilities and the expertise of the B.C.I.Q. in
the said fields.
The two parties have concluded a technical cooperation program
with the following provisions :

The SECOND PARTY shall :
1- Assign a resident expert in Riyadh to work with SASO for a p-
eriod of 12 man/ month annually in the field of certification
for electrical appliances & equipment and their accessories.
2- Assign short term experts to work with SASO for a period of 3
6 man/month during the three years in the specialized subjec-
ts to be determined by SASO.
3- Train some of SASO staff in the fields of electronics, elect-
rical equipment, mechanical products, engineering and quality
control, in accordance with the programme specified by SASO.
4- Pay the salaries of the resident expert and the short term e-
xperts during their whole stay in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
, and provide their round--trip air tickets.

Coordination shall be made with SASO in selecting the experts p-
rovided by the SECOND PARTY without prejudice to the tasks assi-
gned to the SECOND PARTY by SASO.

The tasks of the resident expert in Riyadh are as follows :
1- Coordinate the implementation of all items agreed upon with
2- Act as a coordinator between SASO and the SECOND PARTY.
3- Provide advise on the currently implemented systems in the a-
fore-- mentioned fields, and in the light of his findings, d-
raw the priorities to be implemented by SASO.
4- Prepare the framework and extend help to short term experts
to accomplish the tasks assigned to them with the approval of
5- Prepare the training programme of SASO staff referred to in
Item (3) of the First povision.
Coordinate with the SECOND PARTY in different fields of training
and conduct field visits to the specialized technical institues,
laboratories and the relevant industries.

This technical cooperation program shall remain in force for a
period of THREE (3) YARS from the date of its signature and may
be amended by mutual agreement of the two parties.

For the implementation and exe- cution of this program, the FIR-
ST PARTY shall allocate annually the sum of SR. 950,000.00 (NINE
HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND SAUDI RIYALS) to be spent with the appro-
val of the FIRST PARTY in the following manner :
1- Support services of the technicians, secretaries, translators
, drivers and others.
2- Travelling expenses.
3- Furnished housing.
4- Internal transportation.
5- Office furniture and stationery.
6- Medical care in state--owned facilities and according to rel-
evant rules applicable in Saudi Arabia.
7- School fees for the experts' children in Saudi Arabia.
8- Devices, equipment and test materials necessary for doing pa-
rt of the above--cited researches and tasks in the best poss-
ible way.
9- Any other expenses deemed necessary for the best implementat-
ion of the said tasks.

The SECOND PARTY shall present a list of requirements and relev-
ant costs to the FIRST PARTY. The SECOND PARTY shall also take
the necessary measures to select and provide the requirements a-
fter the approval of the FIRST PARTY who shall pay all the costs
which shall not exceed the allocated amount of SR. 950,000.00 (

The work hours of the experts for the purpose of this program s-
hall be determined according to the requirements of SASO.

This technical cooperation program may be renewed for another p-
eriod by mutual agreement of the two parties.
Either party retains the right to notify the other party in wri-
ting, of the cancellation of this program, 3 months before the
prescribed date of cancellation if the implementation of this p-
rogram proved unfeasible.

The SECOND PARTY shall submit to SASO an annual progress report
and a final one at the end of the program covering all the work
provided by the SECOND PARTY. These reports shall be the posses-
sion of SASO and may not be recovered.

All tools, appliances procured for the purpose of implementing
this program shall be owned by SASO.

This technical cooperation program is written in identical Arab-
ic and English languages in six copies each. A copy of each lan-
guage is given, after signing, to the representative of the Sec-
ond Party.

Director General
The Saudi Arabian
Organization (SASO)
Director General
The Chinese Bureau of
Commodity Inspection &
Quarantine (B.C.I.Q.)