

列印時間:113/10/20 08:28



簽訂日期: 民國 89 年 11 月 02 日
生效日期: 民國 89 年 11 月 02 日
簽約國: 國際組織 > 國際實驗室認證聯盟
1.Signed on November 2, 2000; Entered into force on November 2,2000.

The International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC)
denotes the collaboration of Accreditation Bodies that conduct
and administer accreditation systems of calibration laboratories
and testing laboratories.

This document describes the elements of a Mutual Recognition Ar-
rangement (Arrangement) for testing and calibration laboratory
accreditation as a means by which the signatories to the ILAC
Arrangement for testing and calibration can recognise one anoth-
er's accredited laboratories. This Mutual Recognition Arrangeme-
nt (hereinafter referred to as the Arrangement) is a major
co-operative effort to enhance the objective of free trade thro-
ughout the world.

The criteria for the operation of accredited laboratories and
for the operation of the Accreditation Bodies are currently spe-
cified respectively in ISO/IEC 17025, December 1999 (and future
versions thereof) and in ISO/IEC Guide 58 (and future versions
thereof), supplemented by ILAC application documents if necessa-

The principal elements for establishing confidence among the pa-
rticipating systems within ILAC are listed below. These elemen-
ts are designed to ensure conformance with the requirements in
order to establish and maintain mutual confidence in the techni-
cal competence of ILAC members and their accredited laboratories
. The elements are:

1.Exchange of information on the development and operation of
ILAC member accreditation schemes;
2.Participation in the work and decision making of the ILAC Gen-
eral Assembly and ILAC Committees where applicable.
3.Participation in international interlaboratory comparisons and
proficiency testing programs;
4.Participation in the work of ILAC Expert Groups and Task Forc-
es held to discuss problems related to testing and calibration
in various technical fields.
5.Evaluations of applicants and re-evaluations of signatories to
this Arrangement are conducted in accordance with the relevant
ILAC and regional cooperation documents;
6.Observations of applicant bodies' and signatories' assessments
of their laboratories to determine if these laboratories meet
the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025, December 1999 (and future
versions thereof);
7.Confidence in the metrology institutes of the signatory econo-
mies to which traceability is claimed by accredited laborator-
ies and support for the measurement comparison activities of
BIPM* and/or regional metrology organisations.

This Arrangement does not affect other recognition required by
laws and regulations in the economies of the signatory bodies.

* Bureau International de Poids et Mesures

ILAC Mutual Recognition Arrangement (Arrangement)


1.This Arrangement is based on the results of the evaluations
carried out in accordance with the relevant rules and procedu-
res contained in the ILAC Arrangement policy, ILAC P1 and ILAC
P2 documents.
2.Each accreditation body signatory to this Arrangement will fo-
llow its terms and conditions and the procedures defined in
ILAC P1 document and also:
.Maintain conformance with ISO/IEC Guide 58 (and future versio-
ns thereof) and related ILAC guidance documents,
.Ensure that all accredited laboratories comply with ISO/IEC 17
025, December 1999 (and future versions thereof) and related
ILAC guidance documents.
3.Each recognised Regional Cooperation Body will follow the pro-
cedures defined in ILAC P2.
4.Each signatory:
(i) recognises the operation of other systems ─ within the pro-
grammes as defined in this arrangement ─ as equivalent to
its own.
(ii) recommends and promotes the acceptance of the calibration
certificates and test reports from the laboratories accred-
ited by the other signatories as being on an equal basis
with those of its own accredited laboratories,
(iii) investigates all complaints initiated by a signatory resu-
lting from certificates or reports issued by the laborato-
ries it has accredited within its accreditation programs,
(iv) notifies all other signatories as soon as possible of any
significant changes that have occurred or will occur in its
status, in the operational practices of its system or in
its accreditation programs,
(v) contributes as appropriate to the work of the Arrangement
(vi) participates as appropriate in the meetings of the working
group(s) of ILAC,
(vii) Provides evaluators for the evaluation and re-evaluation
of accreditation bodies and Regional Co-operations,
(viii) co-operates with other accreditation so that the Arrange-
ment may be extended to include other accreditation bodi-
es and regional bodies,
(ix) uses all information in a confidential professional manner.
5.To participate in the ILAC Arrangement, an accreditation body
will be evaluated in accordance with the relevant rules and
procedures defined in P1 and will participate by completing a
signature sheet authorised by the ILAC Chair (Annex A of this
6.The scope of participation of a signatory may be extended or
reduced following re-evaluation in accordance with the releva-
nt rules and procedures.
7.If a signatory wishes to withdraw from this Arrangement, that
body shall notify the ILAC Arrangement Management Committee in
writing not later than three months in advance of withdrawing.
The Arrangement Management Committee will notify other partic-
ipating bodies. Upon withdrawal of a body, that body's Signa-
ture Sheet shall be deleted.
8.In the event of the ILAC Council making an adverse decision or
finding, the procedures defined in the ILAC Arrangement Policy
statement apply.
9.Any amendment of the text of this Arrangement shall be approv-
ed by the ILAC General Assembly.
10. It is recognised and accepted by each of the signatories th-
at this Arrangement does not create any rights, liabilities
or obligations that would have binding effect in national
or international law. This Arrangement by itself does not
provide any recognition or accreditation under any law or
regulation in the economy of any signatory body.
11. This Arrangement consists of twelve (12) Clauses plus and
Annex listing each signatory, along with the extent of its
accreditation programs.
12. This Arrangement will come into effect upon signature of
the affected parties.

The scope of participation of a signatory to the ILAC Arrangeme-
nt is currently limited to:
1.calibration laboratories.
2.testing laboratories



We, the undersigned, endorse the terms of the ILAC Mutual Recog-
nition Arrangement and undertake, to the best our ability, fulf-
illment of its objectives.

Authorised Representative:______________________

Chairman, ILAC Arrangement Council:
Dr Belinda Collins
Signature ______________________
Chairman, ILAC Arrangement Council:
Dr Belinda Collins

Application to become a Signatory to the ILAC mutual recognition
Arrangement by an ILAC Full Member, Who is a Signatory to a Reg-
ional mutual Recognition Arrangement managed by an "ILAC Recogn-
ised" Regional Cooperation Body
Chinese National Laboratory Accreditation (CNLA)
(Name of Accreditation Body)

Signatory to the Regional Mutual recognition Arrangement managed
by Asia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (APLAC)
(Name of regional Cooperation Body)

hereby applies to become a Signatory to the ILAC Mutual Recogni-
tion arrangement in so doing the Accreditation Body undertakes
.maintain its membership of ILAC as a Full member, including
payment of appropriate fees,
.operate its accreditation system in accordance with the ILAC
Arrangement documentation and
.actively promote the ILAC Arrangement to Stakehoders withing
its territory.

Date:September 21, 2000

Neng-jong Lic
The chairman of CNLA Council

ILAC Mutual Recognition Arrangement


We, the undersigned, endorse the terms of the ILAC Mutual Recog-
nition Arrangement and undertake, to the best our ability, fulf-
illment of its objectives.

Accreditation Body: CNLA
Economy: Chinese Taipei
Scope:Testing & Calibration
Authorized Representative: Nigel Jou

Chairman, ILAC Arrangement Council
Belinda L. Collins, PhD