

列印時間:113/09/19 05:08



簽訂日期: 民國 90 年 01 月 12 日
終止日期: 民國 92 年 01 月 11 日
1.Signed on January 12, 2001 Enteren into force on on January 12, 2001

The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Manila (TECO) and the
Manila Economic and Cultural Office in Taipei (MECO) hereby pro-
mulgate the following guidelines for the implementation of the
Memorandum of Understanding on Special Hiring program for Taiwan
, to wit:
Ⅰ The TECO, in coordination with the proper authorities in Tai-
wan shall have the following responsibilites:
1.Shall ensure that the manpower requirements of the employe-
rs are properly approved.
2.Shall issue letters of approval and/or grant clearance to
employers availing of the program thereby allowing them to
recruit workers upon compliance of all requirements.
3.Shall facilitate the documentary requirements of employers
availing of the seecial hiring facility.
4.Shall afford utmost protection of Taiwan labor laws to Fil-
ipino workers hired through the program.
5.Shall facilitate the approval of visas for workers hired u-
nder the program.
6.Shall ensure the establishment of efficient dispute settle-
ment system.
7.Shall assist to provide temporary facility for workers wit-
h pending issues and concerns for resolution by appropriat-
elocal authorities.
To the end, TECO shall make arrangements/enter into agreements
with concerned authorities in Taiwan.
Ⅱ The MECO shall have the following responsibilities:
1.Shall ensure the provision of a recruitment facility which
shall service the manpower requirements of the employers a-
vailing of the program.
2.Shall ensure the maintenance of continuing manpower pool of
applications of employers under the program.
3.Shall assist in the recruitment and documentation or worke-
rs hired through program.
4.Shall provide onsite services such as:
4.1 Translation services by request of employers
4.2 Counseling services by request of employers
4.3 Assistance in orientation on laws, rules and regulations
of the host country
4.4 Assistance in recovery of monetary claims like postal sa-
vings, lobor and health benefits
4.5 Repatriation of workers whose employment contracts are e-
xpired or terminated
5.Shall establish linkages with the concerned authorities in
Taiwan to ensure proper management of the program.
6.Shall ensure workers to comply with Taiwan laws and regula-
tions, fulfill contract obligations and not run away while
working within Taiwan.
7.In case of labor dispute between workers and employers, the
dispute shall be handled in accordance with the Taiwan laws
and regulations.
8.Shall treat the medical expenses incurred by workers not q-
ualified for health insurance.
To this end, MECO shall make arrangements/enter into agreements
with appropriate Philippine government authorities and entities.
The DOLE-POEA and MECO shall issue separate procedural guidelin-
es on the implementation of the program.
This agreement shall be effective from the date of signing by
both parties unless terminated by either party by giving thirty
(30) day notice to the other party, citing reason (s) for such
Signed this 12th day of January, 2001, in Taipei.
For the Taipei Economic and For the Manila Economic and
Cultural Office in the Philipp- Cultural Office in Taipei

Representative Representative

Chairman Secretary
Council of Labor Affairs Department of labor and Empl-
Republic of China oyment
Republic of the Philippines