

列印時間:113/07/17 01:24



1.Singned on January 12, 2001 Entered into force on January 12, 2001

This Memorandum of Understanding entered into by and between the
Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in the Philippines, hereina-
fter referred to as TECO, represented by its Representative, Lo
Jyh-Yuan; and the Manila Economic and Cultural Office in Taipei,
hereinafter referred to as MECO, represented by its Representat-
ive, Rodolfo T. Reyes;
Whereas, it is the desire of TECO and MECO to immediately imple-
ment a special hiring facility which will enable employers in t-
he R.O.C. to hire Filipino workers without the intervention of
the manpower agencies from both parties:
Whereas, both parties, in the spirit of mutual understanding and
cooperation, shall ensure the proper documentation and facilita-
te the hiring of qualified workers;
Whereas, both parties herein are committed to adopt measures to
advance workers' interest as well as that of employers;
NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing premis-
es, and in order to effectively implement the special hiring fa-
cility, both parties agree on the following points:
1.The special hiring facility shall be on a trial basis;
2.The shall be no discrimination between the special hiring fac-
ility and existing hiring system through the manpower agencies
3.The special hiring facility shall be regarded as a second opt-
ion for employers and is not intended to replace altogether o-
ther option of hiring through manpower agencies;
4.The schedule of expenses of workers hired through the special
hiring facility shall be mutually agreed by both parties with-
out prejudice to the welfare of the workers and relevant laws
and rules of both sides;
5.The special hiring facility shall be implemented through a pr-
ocess of regular and continuing consultations between appropr-
iate authorities of both sides with the end view of coming out
with a mutually acceptable system, procedures and mechanism;
6.This Memorandum of Understanding shall be effective from the
date of signing by both parties thereto and shall have an eff-
ective period of two years, subject to extension by mutual ag-
reement of the parties. Either party may give written notice
at any time to terminate this Memorandum of Understanding.
Signed in Taipei, in duplicate in the Chinese and English langu-
ages, both texts being equally authentic, on this 12th day of t-
he first month of the 90th year of the Republic of China, corre-
sponding to the 12th day of January, 2001. In case of any diver-
gence of interpretation, the English text shall prevail.
For the Taipei Economic and For the Manila Economic andCul-
Cultural Office in the Phil- tural Office in Taipei

JYH-YUAN LORepresentative RODOLFO T. REYESRepresentative
CHU CHENChairmanCouncil of BIENVENIDO E. LAGUESMASecretary-
Labor AffairsRepublic of Ch- Department of Labor and Employm-
ina entRepublic of the Philippines