

列印時間:113/07/17 05:59



1.Signed and exchanged on December 22,1970; Entered into force at same date.

Ⅰ Letter from Mr. Chow Shu-kai, Ambassador of the Republic of
China, to Mr. William P. Rogers, Secretary of State, Departm-
ent of State, United States of America
Chinese Embassy
December 22,1970
It is the understanding of my Government that the terms of the
interim extension of the bilateral cotton textile agreement bet-
ween the United States of America and the Republic of China eff-
ected by an exchange of notes of this date have been agreed wit-
hout prejudice to the position of my Government or that of the
Government of the United States of America in the bilateral cot-
ton textile negotiations now recessed.
It is my further understanding that it is the intention of Gove-
rnment of the Republic of China and the Government of the United
States of America that the term of any new bilateral cotton tex-
tile agreement concluded during the term of the interim extensi-
on shall begin on January 1,1971.
I shall appreciate receiving Your Excellency's confirmation of
the above understanding.
Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurance of my highest conside-
Chow Shu-kai
ambassador of China
The Honorable William P. Rogers
Secretary of State
Department of State
Washington, D.C.
Ⅱ Letter from Mr. Philip H. Trezise, Assistant Secretary of St-
ates of State, to Mr. Chow Shukai, Ambassador of the Republic
of China to United States of America
December 22,1970
His Excellency
Chow Shu-kai
Chinese Ambassador
Washington, D.C.
Dear Mr. Ambassador:
I wish to confirm that the understandings set forth in your let-
ter of this date regarding the interim extension of the bilater-
al cotton textile agreement between the Government of the United
States of America and the Government of the Republic of China a-
re also the understandings of the Government of the United Stat-
es of America.
Sincerely yours,
Philip H. Trezise
assistant Secretary of State
Ⅲ Note from Mr. Philip H. Trezise, Assistant Secretary of State
, United States of America, to Mr. Chow Shu-kia,Ambassador of
the Republic of China to United States of America
December 22,1970
I have the honor to refer to the cotton textile agreement betwe-
en our two Governments effected by exchange of notes on October
12,1967 and to recent discussions between representatives of our
two Government concerning exports of cotton textiles from the R-
epublic of China to the United States.
As a result of these discussions, I have the honor to propose t-
hat the aforementioned agreement be amended and extended as pro-
vided in the following paragraphs:
A Paragraph 1 is amended by changing the first sentence of the
paragraph to read as follows:“This agreement shall extend th-
rough June 30,1971.”
B Paragraph 7 is amended by the addition of the following sente-
nce at the end of the paragraph:“In the six-month period ext-
ending from January1,1971 through June 30,1971 the level of e-
xports permitted under such limitation shall be one-half of t-
he corresponding level for the preceding twelve-month period,
increased by five percent, the level for the preceding twelve-
month period not to include any adjustments under paragraphs 5
or 15.”
C Paragraph 15 is amended by the addition of the following subp-
aragraph:“(d) In the event of shortfall in the agreement year
ending December 31,1970, one half of the carry-over that would
be permitted for an agreement year by subparagraphs (a) throu-
gh (c) shall be permitted for the six-month period beginning
January 1,1971.”
D The following new paragraph is added after paragraph 16:“17:
The Government of the United States of America may take neces-
sary actions to assist the Government of the Republic of China
in implementing the limitations of this agreement.”
E The term “Long-Term Arrangement” in the numbered paragraphs
of the agreement, as amended, shall mean the Long-Term Arrang-
ement Regarding International Trade in Cotton Textiles, done
in Geneva on February 9,1962, as extended through September 30
If the foregoing proposal is acceptable to your Government, this
note and your Excellency's note of acceptance on behalf of the
Government of the Republic of China shall constitute an amendme-
nt and extension of the cotton textile agreement effected by ex-
change of notes October 12,1967.
Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consid-
For the Secretary of State:
Philip H. Trezise
His Excellency
Chow Shu-kai,
Chiese Ambassador
Ⅳ Note from Mr. Chow Shu-kai, Ambassador of the Republic of Ch-
ina, to Mr. William P. Rogers, Secretary of State, Department
of State, United States of America
Chinese Embassy
December 22,1970
I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your note of today's
date, which reads as follows:
“I have the honor to refer to the cotton textile agreement bet-
ween our two Governments effected by exchange of notes October
12,1967 and to recent discussions between representatives of our
two Government concerning exports of cotton textiles from the R-
epublic of China to the United States.
As a result of these discussions, I have the honor to propose t-
hat the aforementioned agreement be amended and extended as pro-
vided in the following paragraphs:
A Paragraph 1 is amended by changing the first sentence of the
paragraph to read as follows:“This agreement shall extend th-
rough June 30,1971,”
B Paragraph 7 is amended by the addition of the following sente-
nce at the end of the paragraph:“In the six-month period ext-
ending from January 1, 1971 through June 30,1971 the level of
exports permitted under such limitation shall be one-half of
the corresponding level for the preceding twelve-month period
, increased by five percent, the level for the preceding twel-
ve-month period not to include any adjustments under paragrap-
hs 5 or 15.”
C Paragraph 15 is amended by the addition of the following sub-
“(d) In the event of shortfall in the agreement year ending
December 31, 1970, one half the carry-over that would be perm-
itted for an agreement year by sub-paragraphs (a) through (c)
shall be permitted for the six-month period beginning January
D The following new paragraph is added after paragraph 16:“17:
The Government of the United States of America may take neces-
sary actions to assist the Government of the Republic of China
in implementing the limitations of this agreement.
E The term “Long-Term Arrangement” in the numbered paragraphs
of the agreement, as amended, shall mean the Long-Term Arrang-
ement Regarding International Trade in Cotton Textiles, done
in Geneva on February 9,1962, as extended by protocol through
September 30,1973.
If the foregoing proposal is acceptable to your Government, this
note and your Excellency's note of acceptance on behalf of the
Government of the Republic of China shall constitute an amendme-
nt and extension of the cotton textile agreement effected by ex-
change of notes October 12,1967.”
In reply, I have the honor to state that the Government of the
Republic of China concurs in the proposals quoted above and agr-
ees that your note and the present reply shall be regarded as c-
onstituting an agreement between our two Governments on this ma-
Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurance of my highest conside-
Chow Shu-kai
Ambassador of China
The Honorable William P. Rogers
Secretary of State
Department of State
Washington, D.C.