

列印時間:113/09/21 09:04



簽訂日期: 民國 58 年 12 月 18 日
生效日期: 民國 58 年 12 月 18 日
簽約國: 歐洲地區 > 義大利
1.Signed and exchanged on December 17 and 18,1969; Entered into force on December 18,1969.

Ⅰ Letter from Dr. Umberto Garrone, Vice-Director-General for C-
ommercial Agreements, Italian Ministry for foreign Trade, to
Mr. Shao-chang Hsu, Chinese Ambassador.
December 17, 1969
I refer to the letter of Ambassador Cheng Pao-nan of December
29, 1967, and to my letter of reply of January 8, 1968 const-
ituting an agreement on export of cotton textiles, bleached
and unbleached, from the Republic of China to Italy, for the
year 1968, and extended through 1969.
As a result of recent consultations held between your Embassy
and this Ministry, it has been agreed to renew understandings
for the year 1970 as follows:
1) The Government of the Republic of China, taking into acco-
unt the desire of the Italian government, undertake:
a) that their shipments of cotton textiles in bleached and
unbleached to Italy in 1970 would be less, in accordan-
ce with the spirit of the Long Term Arrangement;
b) to space their shipments so as not to disturb the Ital-
ian cotton textiles manufacturing industry;
c) to maintain export prices not at undue variance with t-
hose of other exporting countries;
d) to furnish to the appropriate Italian authorities with
information of every shipment in the month of cotton t-
extiles by weight beginning from the shipments of Janu-
ary 1970.
2) The Governments of the Republic of China and Italy agree
to enter into consultations should either party deem it d-
3) If the engagements deriving to Italy from the Treaty inst-
ituting the European Economic Community concerning the pr-
ogressive institution of a common commercial policy, would
make it necessary, negotiations will be open as soon as p-
ossible to modify accordingly the Agreement.
The same procedure will be followed in the case obligatio-
ns of the same kind would rise for the Republic of China
in connection with its economic integration with other co-
untries or groups of countries.
4) It is understood that validity of the above described und-
ertakings is conditioned on the final approval by the CEE
This letter and a letter of reply from Your Excellency co-
nfirming the above understandings will constitute the ren-
ewal for the year 1970 of the agreement referred to above.
Mr. Umberto Garrone
H.E. Ambassador Shao-chang Hsu
Embassy of the Republic of China
Viale di Vaiia Graziola, 9-11
00198 ROME
Ⅱ Letter from Shao-chang Hsu, Chinese Ambassador, to Mr. Umber-
to Garrone. Italian Vice-Director-General for Commercial Agr-
eements, Ministry for Foreign Trade.
December 18, 1969
I wish to acknowledge receipt of your letter of December 17,
1969, which reads as follows:
“I refer to the letter of Ambassador Cheng Pao-nan of Decem-
ber 29, 1967, and to my letter of reply of January 8, 1968 c-
onstituting an agreement of export of cotton textiles, bleac-
hed and unbleached, from the Republic of China to Italy, for
the year 1968, and extended through 1969.
“As a result of recent consultations held between your Emba-
ssy and this Ministry, it has been agreed to renew understan-
dings for the year 1970 as follows:
“1) The Government of the Republic of China, taking into ac-
count the desire of the Italian Government, undertake:
“a) that their shipments of cotton textiles in bleached and
unbleached to Italy in 1970 would be less, in accordance
with the spirit of the Long Term Arrangement;
“b) to space their shipments so as not to disturb the Itali-
an cotton textiles manufacturing industry;
“c) to maintain export prices not at undue variance with th-
ose of other exporting countries;
“d) to furnish to the appropriate Italian authorities with
information of every shipment in the month of cotton te-
xtiles by weight beginning from the shipments of January
“2) The Governments of the Republic of China and Italy agree
to enter into consultations should either party deem it
“3) If the engagements deriving to Italy from the Treaty in-
stituting the European Economic community concerning the
progressive institution of a common commercial policy,
would make it necessary, negotiations will be open as s-
oon as possible to modify accordingly the Agreement.
“The same procedure will be followed in the case oblig-
ations of the same kind would rise for the Republic of
China in connection with its economic integration with
other countries or groups of countries.
“4) It is understood that the validity of the above describ-
ed undertaking is conditioned on the final approval by
the EEC authorities.
“This letter and a letter of reply from Your Excellency
confirming the above understandings will constitute the
renewal for the year 1970 of the agreement referred to
In reply, I am authorized to confirm the acceptance of
the above understandings by the Government of the Repub-
lic of China.
Shao-chang Hsu
Ambassador of the Republic of China
Mr. Umberto Garrone
for Commercial Agreements
Ministry of Foreign Trade