

列印時間:113/10/20 07:33



法規名稱: 中華民國政府與美利堅合眾國政府關於棉羊毛與人纖紡織品協定之諮商會議換文
簽訂日期: 民國 64 年 12 月 31 日
生效日期: 民國 64 年 12 月 31 日
簽約國: 北美地區 > 美國
1.中華民國六十四年十二月三十一日中華民國駐美利堅合眾國大使沈劍虹 與美利堅合眾國代理國務卿凱滋簽換;並於中華民國六十四年十二月三 十一日生效

Ⅰ Note from Mr. James C. H. Shen Ambassador of the Republic of
China, to Mr. Henry A. Kissinger, Secretary of State, Depart-
ment of State, United States of America
December 31,1975
I refer to the consultations held in Washington, D. C., on Nove-
mber 10,1975, pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 9 of the
Agreement concerning Exports of Cotton, Wool and Man-Made Fiber
Textiles from the Republic of China to the United States, of May
12,1975, between our two Governments. As a result of the discus-
sions and on behalf of my Government, I wish to propose second
year consultation levels for individual categories in excess of
the minimum levels in the Agreement and certain other administr-
ative adjustments as follows:
1 Categories 116 and 117, wool apparel, knit, will be administe-
red under a combined consultation level. For the second year
of the agreement the consultation level for these combined ca-
tegories shall be 2,678,783 square yards equivalent.
2 The following consultation levels are also agreed to for the
second agreement year.
Category Square Yards Equivalent
5/6 2,923,696
15/16 2,000,000
24/25 3,599,493
26/27 12,000,000
Category Square Yards Equivalent
30 1,035,760
34/35 2,076,981
39 1,500,000
41/42 1,500,000
44 1,095,315
52 4,600,000
53 1,150,000
54 1,400,009
57 2,232,248
59 793,665
63 3,000,000
64 2,000,000
103 250,000
104 800,000
121 1,600,000
122 520,000
124 270,000
125 1,900,000
200 24,000,000
205 1,500,000
206 2,191,000
207 1,775,000
208 2,000,000
209 1,800,000
210 2,000,000
211 12,000,000
214 6,250,000
215 3,776,000
216 29,838,748
217 3,500,000
218 1,875,000
220 1,700,000
223 1,800,000
227 800,000
228 8,000,000
229 16,000,000
230 2,500,000
231 3,500,000
232 29,838,758
233 1,600,000
236 1,300,000
237 4,000,000
238 13,500,000
240 18,000,000
242 1,500,000
243 7,000,000
3 It is agreed that the following items will be added to the li-
st of exempt traditional items by both Governments.
a Judo Uniforms
b Kung Fu Uniforms
c Padded Jackets, the same being traditional Chinese wear wit-
hout collars and with long sleeves formed from the original
fabric with no shoulder seams.
If the foregoing proposal is acceptable to the Government of the
United States of America, this note and your note of acceptance
on behalf of the Government of the United States of America sha-
ll constitute an agreement between the Republic of China and the
Government of the United States of America.
Please accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest
James C. H. Shen
Ambassador of the
Republic of China
The Honorable Henry A. Kissinger
Secretary of State
Department of State
Washington, D. C.
乙 美國代理國務卿凱滋復我國駐美大使沈劍虹照會 (中譯文)

一 一一六及一一七類針織毛紡衣著將在合併的諮商限類下管理,合併後
二 下列諮商限類數量亦同意供作第二協定年度之用。
類別 相當之平方碼數
── ───────
五/六 二、九二三、六九六
一五/一六 二、○○○、○○○
二四/二五 三、五九九、四九三
二六/二七 一二、○○○、○○○
二八/二九 二、五○○、○○○
三○ 一、○三五、七六○
三四/三五 二、○七六、九八一
三九 一、五○○、○○○
四一/四二 一、五○○、○○○
四四 一、○九五、三一五
五二 四、六○○、○○○
五三 一、一五○、○○○
五四 一、四○○、○○○
五七 二、二三二、二四八
五九 七九三、六六五
六三 三、○○○、○○○
六四 二、○○○、○○○
一○三 二五○、○○○
一○四 八○○、○○○
一二一 一、六○○、○○○
一二二 五二○、○○○
一二四 二七○、○○○
一二五 一、九○○、○○○
二○○ 二四、○○○、○○○
二○五 一、五○○、○○○
二○六 二、一九一、○○○
二○七 一、七七五、○○○
二○八 二、○○○、○○○
二○九 一、八○○、○○○
二一○ 二、○○○、○○○
二一一 一二、○○○、○○○
二一四 六、二五○、○○○
二一五 三、七七六、○○○
二一六 二九、八三八、七四八
二一七 三、五○○、○○○
二一八 一、八七五、○○○
二二○ 一、七○○、○○○
二二三 一、八○○、○○○
二二七 八○○、○○○
二二八 八、○○○、○○○
二二九 一六、○○○、○○○
二三○ 二、五○○、○○○
二三一 三、五○○、○○○
二三二 二九、八三八、七五八
二三三 一、六○○、○○○
二三六 一、三○○、○○○
二三七 四、○○○、○○○
二三八 一三、五○○、○○○
二四○ 一八、○○○、○○○
二四二 一、五○○、○○○
二四三 七、○○○、○○○
三 下列項目同意加列於傳統之免限項目表內:
(1) 柔道衣
(2) 功夫裝
(3) 棉襖 (中國傳統服裝、無領、長袖,其布料與衣服本身之布料一
致,肩部無縫邊) 。
前項建議如蒙 貴國政府接受,則本照會與閣下接受代表美國政府表示同

朱里斯‧凱滋 (簽字)