

列印時間:113/10/20 07:38



簽訂日期: 民國 108 年 07 月 14 日
生效日期: 民國 108 年 07 月 14 日
簽約國: 拉丁美洲及加勒比海地區 > 聖克里斯多福及尼維斯
1.Signed on July 14, 2019 Entered into force on July 14, 2019

The Government of Republic of China (Taiwan) and the Government
of the Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis (hereinafter
referred to as the “ Parties ” );

Desiring to strengthen their existing cordial relations and to
promote cooperation in the area of Technical and Vocational
Education and Training (hereinafter referred to as “ TVET ” );

Have agreed as follows:

Article 1
The Parties recognize that TVET is of great significance for
nurturing the technical labor force needed to facilitate
national economic development, and that TVET can have
significant impact on the industrial development and improvement
of employment rates in line with the Government of the
Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis ’ plans for human
resources development. Under this common understanding, the
Parties will cooperate in TVET, with the Government of the
Republic of China (Taiwan) assisting the Government of the
Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis in enhancing its TVET
systems and associated efficiencies.

Article 2
Scope of Agreement
This Agreement establishes a basic framework within which the
Parties agree to cooperate in the field of TVET to achieve the
stated objectives. This Agreement also defines the areas of
cooperation, the institutional aspects of the partnership, the
content of projects, a structure for future cooperation, and
general conditions that shall govern the projects under this

Article 3
Areas of Cooperation
The Parties have identified the following areas of cooperation
in TVET:
I. Technical and Vocational Education: Plan and implement
medium- to long-term training projects by considering the
actual needs of the Government of the Federation of Saint
Christopher and Nevis, such as the technical skills required
for the development of potential or future industries, while
also assisting in establishing training structures and
management systems, and providing the relevant educational
and training resources required in preparing for careers.
II. Vocational Training: Plan and implement short- to
medium-term training projects based on enhancing work ready
and on-the-job labor forces ’ technical skills, thereby
improving the overall state of human resources and the labor

Article 4
I. Project Content
i. The Parties shall establish a project team to implement the
preparation, structuring, implementation and monitoring of
the projects under the Areas of Cooperation of Article 3.
ii. Capacity building: The Government of the Republic of China
(Taiwan) shall host relevant training to assist the
Government of the Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis
in improving the human resources of the project team and
iii. The specific content of the project shall be determined in
writing by the Parties.
iv. Project funding shall be discussed and coordinated by the
Parties based on the actual progress of implementation.
II. Executive Unit
The project shall be carried out by the International
Cooperation and Development Fund (hereinafter referred to as
the “ TaiwanICDF ” )as commissioned by the Government of
the Republic of China (Taiwan), and shall be supervised by
the Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) to the
Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis. The Government of
the Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis shall
designate a department as a supporting executive unit to
facilitate the progress of the various projects.
III. Projects
i. All projects and changes to projects to be implemented under
this Agreement shall be agreed in writing by the Parties.
ii. The Government of the Federation of Saint Christopher and
Nevis shall propose any such projects to the Government of
the Republic of China (Taiwan), and the Government of the
Republic of China (Taiwan) will, thereafter, commission the
TaiwanICDF to handle project appraisal.
iii. Any subsequent agreement that is required for a project
shall be done in writing detailing the project ’ s
conditions and the obligations of the Parties. The terms
concerning rights and obligations set out in this
Agreement shall apply to any such projects.

Article 5
Obligations of the Parties
I. The Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) shall:
i. Dispatch a project manager, long- and short-term experts and
technicians with a TVET background (hereinafter referred to
as the “ Project Personnel ” )to the Federation of Saint
Christopher and Nevis to carry out the described objectives;
ii. Defray the travel costs of the Project Personnel between
the Republic of China (Taiwan) and the Federation of Saint
Christopher and Nevis, as well as the salaries and expenses
of the Project Personnel during their service in the
Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis; and
iii. Pay the work-related expenses of the Project Personnel in
the Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis, including
machinery, equipment, administrative expenses, travel
allowance, insurance and medical costs.
II. The Government of the Federation of Saint Christopher and
Nevis shall:
i. Authorize and designate a project officer to plan and
coordinate inter-ministerial cooperation, and also host the
relevant project activities;
ii. Issue appropriate identification cards to the Project
Personnel to facilitate their work, and also make emergency
medical care and first aid readily available to the Project
iii. Provide a government office as the project office, which
shall have the following components: security, backup
electricity, an uninterruptable power supply, and
maintenance (only for project use); iv. Provide housing
with appropriate furniture, water and electricity for the
Project Personnel; and
v. Assume responsibility for operations and maintenance upon
the completion of projects.

Article 6
The Government of the Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis
shall grant the following favorable treatment during the
implementation of projects under this Agreement:
I. Exemption from customs duties, taxes and other charges on all
equipment, materials and supplies imported into the
Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis for projects.
II. Convenience for the Project Personnel ’ s entry to,
departure from, and residence in the Federation of Saint
Christopher and Nevis during their services, and exemption
from customs duties, taxes and other charges on their
personal and household effects brought into the Federation
of Saint Christopher and Nevis within six months of the
first arrival.
III. Exemption from customs duties, taxes and other charges on
vehicles for the Project Personnel ’ s own personal use
(one vehicle per person).
IV. Exemption from income tax and other charges on the salaries
and allowances earned from abroad by the Project Personnel
for work related to projects during their service in the
Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis.
V. Privileges, exemptions and other treatment to the Project
Personnel and their properties no less favorable than that
accorded to personnel of other international missions
residing and performing similar activities in the territory
of the Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis.

Article 7
Disposal of Project Income
The income generated from projects under this Agreement shall be
owned by the Government of the Federation of Saint Christopher
and Nevis, shall be deposited and monitored in a specific
account approved by the Parties. The handling of the account
will comply with the management rules and regulations drawn up
by the Parties. The income generated from projects, apart from
being used to supplement existing projects, may be used flexibly
for the development of new projects as agreed in writing by the

Article 8
The personnel appointed by either Party to participate in the
projects under this Agreement shall not disclose any information
relating to such projects without the prior written approval of
the other Party.

Article 9
Restrictions on Use of Information
The dissemination and utilization of information, and management
and exercise of intellectual property rights, related to the
projects under this Agreement, shall be governed by separate

Article 10
The Parties shall exchange contact information in order to
facilitate communication on important matters and deliver
information with respect to this Agreement accordingly. Either
party shall inform the other Party by written notice of any
changes to the contact information provided.

Article 11
Terms and Extension
This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of signature
and remain effective for five years. The Parties shall review
the performance of the projects under this Agreement one year
before this Agreement expires to decide whether to extend this
Agreement pursuant to the results of the review. The extension
of this Agreement shall be done by mutual written consent of the

Article 12
Any amendment to this Agreement shall be agreed to in writing by
the Parties.

Article 13
I. Either Party may terminate this Agreement by giving 90 days
’ prior written notice to the other Party, thereby allowing
the smooth progression of the termination of the project and
the recall of Project Personnel.
II. The confidentiality obligation of this Agreement shall
survive and shall remain valid following either the
termination or expiry of this Agreement.

Article 14
Other Provisions
All disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement
shall be settled or negotiated by the Parties in good faith.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being duly authorized by
their respective Governments, have signed this Agreement.

Done in duplicate at Basseterre on the fourteenth day of the
seventh month of the one hundred and eighth year of the Republic
of China (Taiwan), corresponding to the fourteenth day of July
in the year of two thousand and nineteen of the Gregorian
calendar in the Chinese and English languages, both texts being
equally authentic.

For the Government of For the Government of
the Republic of China the Federation of Saint
(Taiwan) Christopher and Nevis

___________________ ___________________
H.E. Jaushieh Joseph Hon. Shawn Richards

Minister of Deputy Prime
Foreign Affairs Minister and Minister
of Education, Sports,
Youth and Culture