

列印時間:113/07/16 22:01



1.Signed on September 8, 2008; Entered into force on September 8, 2008;

The Ministry of Education of Taiwan and the Federal Ministry for
Education, the Arts and Culture of the Republic of Austria
(hereinafter referred to as "Sides"),
‧ based on their long-standing friendly relations
‧ desirous of developing cooperation for the mutual benefit of
both Sides
‧ recognizing the possibilities to do so in the fields of
education hereby announce their intention to engage in future
cooperation as follows:
Article 1
Both Sides encourage cooperation in the fields of general and
vocational education and training for the purpose of achieving
better understanding and closer communication between their
Article 2
Both Sides - according to their budgetary means - undertake to
promote cooperation through
a)the exchange of information and experience and
b)the exchange of educational experts.
Article 3
With a view to foster the mutual understanding of the education
and training systems both Sides promote the exchange of teachers
on a short and midterm base. Exchange programs will be developed
in mutual cooperation. The programs will be effected within the
limits of the budgetary possibilities of both Sides.
Article 4
Both Sides encourage the exchange of students for internships in
vocational schools and in enterprises for duration of at least
six weeks. The general conditions will be agreed upon on expert
Article 5
Within the limits of its budgetary possibilities, the Austrian
Side offers cooperation in the area of German as a foreign
language: participation by Taiwanese German teachers and German
studies scholars at in-service education seminars for Austrian
cross-culture studies and literature, providing of teaching
materials on Austrian cross-culture studies and literature to
institutions focusing on German as a foreign language, and
organization of short term Austria-related seminars ("Austrian
Days") in Taiwan.
Article 6
Both Sides promote direct exchange of experience, cooperation
and communication in the field of eLearning in real classrooms
between teachers as well as school students by using innovative
internet technologies including internet calls, video conference
systems and webcams.
Article 7
The present memorandum will take effect upon the date of
It will remain in effect for a period of five (5) years and will
be extended for additional three (3) years unless its validity
is terminated in writing by one of the two Sides at least six
(6) months prior to its expiration.
Article 8
The present memorandum does not result in the creation of any
new obligations regarding international law, nor does it have
any effect on existing legislation.

Done at Taipei, in duplicate, in the English language, on
September 8, 2008.

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Dr. Ming Ying Chen Dr. Theodor Siegl
The General Director for VET The General Director for VET
The Ministry of Education of The Federal Ministry for
Taiwan Education, the Arts and Culture
of the Republic of Austria