

列印時間:113/07/17 07:47



1.Signed on March 10, 1987; Enterd into force on March 10, 1987.

1 Background
Cooperation between scientists from the territory represented
by the American Institute in Taiwn (AIT) anh the territory re-
presented by the Coordination Council for North American Affa-
irs (CCNAA) is furthered pursuant to an Agreement dated Septe-
mber 4, 1980, between AIT and CCNAA. The Taiwan Relations Act
" (Public Law 96-8, April 10, 1970) authorizes the continuati-
on of commercial, cultural and other relations between the pe-
ople of the United States and the people on Taiwan. Such rela-
tions are conducted by or through AIT, a non-profit corporati-
on, incorporated under the laws of the District of Columbia.
CCNAA is the instrumentality which has been established to pr-
ovide assurances and take actions on behalf of the people on
Taiwan. AIT works in association with the National Bureau of
Standards (NBS) in Gaithersburg, Maryland, in administering t-
he program, whereas CCNAA performs a similar function in affi-
liation with the National Science Council (NSC) in Taipei.
2 Program Goals
To increase the contacts and cooperation between physical sci-
entists and metrologists between our two sides; to provide re-
searchers and institutions with opportunities to exchange inf-
ormation, ideas, skills, and techniques; to enhance opportuni-
ties to collaborate in solving problems of common interest, a-
nd to utilize special facilities or research opportunities av-
ailable. Cooperation may be in areas of materials, metrology,
and general physical sciences. The types of cooperative activ-
ities may include the exchange of scientific information, sci-
entific visits, seminars and workshops, and cooperative resea-
3 Implementation and Coordination AIT and CCNAA shall coordinate
and implement the activities agreed to under these guidelines
with NBS. Each side shall designate a program coordinator to
be responsible under its auspices for the overall coordination
of cooperative activities under these guidelines. For each to-
pic identified as the subject of a formal cooperative activity
, each side shall also name a topic coordinator.
4 funding
Funding of cooperative activities under these guidelines shall
be carried out on the basis of mutuality, reciprocity, and fl-
exibility. In general, each side shall fund the cost of its p-
articipation in cooperative activities and may, if it chooses,
provide full or partial support for participation in these ac-
tivities by scientists of the other side. Decisions on funding
for joint activities shall be made by mutual agreement.
5 Review Meetings
AIT and CCNAA program coordinators shall meet periodically, at
times and places of their choosing, to review this program of
cooperation and guidelines and additions/ modifications to sa-
6 Initial Areas of Cooperation
The following topics are beign considered for initial coopera-
tive activity : metallurgy, polymers, ceramics, building tech-
nology, and metrology.
Other areas of cooperation may be added from time to time as
may be mutually agreed to by NBS and NSC, with the concurrence
of AIT and CCNAA.
7 Publication of Results
Results obtained in joint research projects will be published
in the English language in accordance with normal professional
8 Amendments
The provisions of these guidelines may be amended by written
agreement of the American Institute in Taiwan and the Coordin-
ation Council for North American Affairs, in consultation with
the National Bureau of Standards and the National Science Cou-
9 Termination and Extension
These guidelines shall become effective on the date of signi-
ng by representatives of the AIT and the CCNAA and shall rema-
in in force for five years. They may be terminated by either
party giving six months written notice to the other.
After the initial five-year period, they may be extended by j-
oint agreement of the parties.

George K. C. Liu
Director, Science Division
Coordination Council for
North American Affairs
Date : March 10, 1987
Joseph B. Kyle
Corporate Secretary
American Institute in Taiwan
Date : March 10, 1987