

列印時間:113/09/20 17:40



1.Signed on July 25 and October 4,1991; Entered into force on October 4,1991.

July 25, 1991
Dr. George K. C. Liu
Director, Science Division
Coordination Council for
North American Affairs
4201 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20016-2137
Dear Dr. Liu:
AIT is pleased to propose to CCNAA a Collaborative Research Arr-
angement in Telecommunications Sciences under the Guidelines for
a Cooperative Program in the Physical Sciences between AIT and
I am enclosing two signed originals of the proposed arrangement
for your comment and consideration. If acceptable to your side,
please have both signed and return one to this office for our f-
Thank you for your continuing cooperation.
Clarke N. Ellis
Deputy Managing Director
Enclosure: As stated.
July 18, 1991

This Appendix No.2 is made by and between the Coordination Coun-
cil for North American Affairs (hereinafter referred to as "CCN-
AA") and the American Institute in Taiwan (hereinafter referred
to as "AIT") This Appendix is entered into pursuant to the Taiw-
an Relations Act (Public Law 96-8, April 10, 1979; 22 U.S.C. 330
1. et seq.)
WHEREAS, CCNAA, on behalf of its designated representative, the
Telecommunications Laboratories (TL) of the Directorate General
of Tele communication, Ministry of Communications, is desirous
of receiving the transfer of technology and the implementation
of test systems and tools for Open Systems Interconnection (OS)
WHEREAS, AIT, on behalf of its designated representative the Co-
mputer Systems Laboratory (CSL) of the National Institute of St-
andards and Technology (NIST), is willing to provide these serv-
NOW, therefore, its is agreed by and between CCNAA and AIT as f-
This proposal identifies a framework where the Computer Systems
Laboratory (CSL) of the National Institute of Standards and Tec-
hnology (NIST) and the Telecommunications Laboratories (TL) of
the Directorate General of Telecommunications, Ministry of Comm-
unications will collaborate. Both CSL and TL will participate in
the accomplishment of specific tasks. The main results of this
collaboration will be the transfer of technology to TL and the
implementation of test systems and tools for OSI protocols. Wor-
king closely with CSL on its R & D program, TL will gain insight
into current and future Open Systems Interconnection (OCI) test
problems, and will have early access to CSL solutions. The means
by which this collaboration will be achieved include TL staff p-
articipation in the work of the Automated Protocol Methods Group
. These activities will be sponsored by TL and CSL.
Section 1 describes the activities in which the Automated Proto-
col Methods group has been involved in the past ten years. Sect-
ion 2 introduces the opportunities where TL and CSL can achieve
substantial progress.
1. Background: the Automated Protocol Methods Group
The Automated Protocol Methods Group of the Computer Syst-
ems Laboratory has unique experience in the design of test s-
ystems for OSI protocols and tools for formal description te-
chniques. Furthermore, the automated Protocol Methods group
has been responsible for the establishment and implementation
of the U.S. GOSIP Testing Policy.
1.1 Transport Class 4 Protocol Test System The Transport protoc-
ol (ISO 8073) provides transparent transfer of data between
Session entities. It relieves Session entities from any con-
cern with the detailed way in which reliable and cost -effe
ctive data transfer is performed. A test system for Transpo-
rt Class 4 was developed at NIST in 1982 and constituted the
first Transport tester ever built.
1.2 Connectionless Network Protocol Test System
The ISO Connectionless Network protocol (ISO 8473), or Int-
ernet protocol, is a protocol within the ISO Basic Reference
Model of Open Systems Interconnection. When viewed as an
end system it uses the service provided by the subnetwork d-
ependent convergence function and augments this with routin-
gand addressing functions, and segmentation and reassembly
of Internet Protocol Data Units (IPDUs) to provide a network
service to Transport entities and other network layer users.
When viewed as an intermediate system (or gateway), it rout-
es IPDUs received from one subnetwork to a destination syst-
em on the same, or another subnetwork.
The architecture for testing the Connectionless Network pro-
tocol was developed in 1985. This tester was the first impl-
ementation of sucl21 a test system for both end and interme-
diate systems.
1.3 Estelle Tools
Estelle is a form al description technique for communicat-
ion protocols that has been standardized (ISO 9074) by the
International Organization for Standardization (ISO). It de-
scribes protocols in terms of modules that are based on an
extended state-transition model. Modules are arranged in a
dynamic hierarchy and communicate by exchanging interactions
at named interaction points. The Automated Protocol methods
group has a long experience with Estelle. The group partici-
pated in the design of the ISO language and built several t-
- The Estelle Prototype compiler Tool (1987): as the first
compiler for Estelle, this tool translates Estelle into C
and is supported by a runtime system written in C. This t-
ool did not implement all the Estelle constructs.
- The Estelle Syntax-Directed Editor (Wizard, 1989): this t-
ool is a syntax-directed editor that includes thorough ch-
ecking of syntax and semantics, and that generates code f-
or use with the Wise tool.
- The Estelle Simulation environment (Wise, 1989): This tool
is a simulator and symbolic debugger for specifications w-
ritten in Estelle that provides simulated multiple sites
and processes and a window-based interface for control th-
at requires a commercial smalltalk environment,
- The Portable Estelle Translator (PET, February 1991): this
tool has been designed to provide support for a wide vari-
ety of tools for Estelle. The translator is built around
an object-oriented model of Estelle, which allows the rep-
resentation of Estelle specification as a collection of o-
bjects. The PET checks Estelle specification for syntax a-
nd semantics and generates a collection of Estelle objects
. These objects can then be exploited by a variety of app-
lications ranging from pretty printing to generation of d-
istributed code that implements the specification.
- The Distributed Implementation Generator (DINGO, February
1991): This tool generates C++ code for distributed proto-
type implementations of systems described in Estelle. The
input of DINGO is in the form of objects generated by PET.
DINGO generates code that implements all Estelle. This is
the first complete and distributed Estelle implementation.
The distribution of modules over operating system process-
es and over the sites of the target distributed system is
controlled by the user. Elements of an X-Window interface
may also be generated by DINGO, so that individual modules
can be monitored by the user.
1.4 Abstract Syntax Notation One Tool
The Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) standard (ISO 8824
and 8825 defines a notation to be used in standards for pro-
tocols. ASN. 1 is used to describe the information content
of user data parameters and application protocol control in-
formation that cross the application-presentation interface.
The Automated Protocol Methods group developed the Free Val-
ue Tool for ASN. 1 in 1989. This tool is suitable for the s-
tudy and evaluation of one or several ASN. 1 modules or for
building a prototype encoder-decoder. The tool can not hand-
le macros.
1.5 Research and Development in Conformance Testing
The Automated Protocol Methods group has been a pioneer in
the conformance testing domain. This leading role has conti-
nued with R & D in conformance testing in the late 1980s. A
new testing methodology, the NIST Test Entity Methodology,
has been developed to tackle the upcoming problems in testi-
ng: multi-layer testing and multi-peer testing. This method-
ology is based on Estelle formal description of test compon
ents which include reference implementation(s) of the proto-
col(s) being tested. This methodology was applied to two ga-
teway test systems: the MHS/SMTP gateway test system (1987)
and the FTAM/FTP gateway test system (1989). A new applicat-
ion, the IS-IS test system, is in progress and should be co-
mpleted before the end of 1991.
1.6 The U.S. GOSIP Conformance Testing Program
The Automated Protocol Methods Group has been responsible f-
or the complete set up and implementation of the U.S. GOSIP
Testing Program. The first version is based on GOSIP Version
1 (FIPS 146) and consists of various initiatives. Abstract
Test Suites for the relevant OSI protocols were reviewed, s-
elected and registered. Testers were assessed and registered
. A laboratory accreditation program was set up and resulted
(as of February 1991) in the assessment and accreditation of
8 laboratories in the U.S. and abroad. The program is begin
updated/upgraded to take into account new requirements in G-
OSIP Version 2 that will be mandated in August 1992.
2. Collaborative Opportunities
CSL and TL will collaborate over a period which may extend to
five years. This five year target corresponds to the introdu-
ction of GOSIP Version 3. The activities where CSL and TL wi-
ll cooperate encompass different subjects with different time
periods. The sections below describe briefly what can be the
2.1 Short Term Technology Transfer
In the short term (i.e., one year window), CSL will transfer
to TL its current OSI technology expertise. The topics to be
considered were presented in Section 1, and include:
- All the Estelle tools and their understanding: CSL staff
will teach TL staff the Estelle language and how the CSL
Estelle tools can and should be used.
- The ASN. 1 Free Value Tool and its understanding: the CSL
staff will teach TL staff the expertise in ASN.1 and how
the CSL ASN.1 Free Value tool can be used.
- The NIST Test Entity Methodology: this methodology is bas-
ed on the use of formal description techniques in conform-
ance testing. TL staff will get a thorough understanding
and expertise on the concepts of conformance testing and
the specifics of the NIST Test Entity Methodology.
- The OSI protocols: CSL will transfer its expertise of OSI
to TL staff. This transfer will be achieved via tire use
of OSL product implementations (such as the FTAM/FTP tool,
ISODE), and other protocols on which CSL is working (in p-
articular the Transaction Processing protocol). CSL will
provide the necessary support to facilitate this transfer
(i.e., consultation as needed and/or requested).
The software tools for Estelle and ASN,1 will be provided
to TL. The FTAM/ FTP, and MHS/SMTP gateway testers will be
given to TL. When the IS-IS test tool is completed, it wi-
ll be provided to TL.
2.2 Taiwan OSI Testing Program Set Up
The Automated Protocol Methods group has been responsible f-
or the set up and implementation of the U.S. GOSIP Testing
Program. Indeed, the group possesses a large expertise in c-
onformance testing and its requirements. The group will pro-
vide consultation with TL concerning the establishment of a
Conformance Testing Program in Taiwan. Support extending fr-
om the teaching of the basic ISO conformance testing concep-
ts to the review of the Taiwan Conformance Testing Program
will be provided. In addition, consultation will be provided
to TL concerning the set up of a conformance testing labora-
tory. CSL will support TL in reaching a mutual-recognition
agreement between AIT and CCNAA on OSI Conformance Testing.
This aspect of NIST-TL cooperation will last over a period
of five years, in order to achieve a complete set up and mu-
tual-recognition agreement when the U.S. GOSIP Version 3 Co-
nformance Testing Program is in place.
2.3 Moving Into the Future
Two topics seem appropriate to consolidate CSL and TL coope-
ration: development of new testing tools and development of
new tools for formal description techniques. As the work pr-
ogresses, new topics could be added.
2,3.1 Develop New Test Systems
CSL and TL staff will work together to build new testing
tools for new protocols. The specific protocols are negot-
iable, but two candidates appear to be good targets: the
Network Management and Transaction Processing protocols.
As of today there are no testing tools for these protocols
on the market. TL will gain the expertise in the design a-
nd development of test tools and will hold a leading posi-
tion in conformance testing. As these protocols and their
testing are complex, a target window of two years per tool
should be allowed.
2.3.2 Develop New Tools for Formal Description Techniques
This aspect of CSL-TL collaboration is dependent upon fun-
ding from TL additional to that specified in this Appendix
. Conformance testing and the development of new testing
tools are the primary concerns of this proposal. Neverthe-
less, the new PET-DINGO tool for Estelle offers an intere-
sting potential for collaboration. PET-DINGO is remarkable
in various aspects. First, this is the only tool available
in the world that implements the complete Estelle language
. Second, the way the tool has been designed allows incre-
mental additions to its capabilities. New target languages
can be considered. Graphical interfaces can be added. Ame-
rging between ASN.1 and Estelle could be achieved. Depend-
ing on TL commitment and funding, one or more of these ad-
ditions could be considered.
2.4 TL Resource Requirements
This initial proposal assumes that two persons from TL work
at NIST, and that TL supports CSL staff. The level of fundi-
ng has been evaluated at US$200,000 for the first year. This
funding will increase depending on TL decisions new commitm-
ents. Initially, a portion of TL's funding will be allocated
to cover partially the salary for two NIST staff members. T-
he remaining will cover the salary of two TL persons working
at NIST.
For: Coordination Council for North American Affairs
Name: (Signed)
Title: Deputy Representative
Date: Oct. 4,1991
For: American Institute in Taiwan
Name: (Signed)
Title: Deputy Managing Director
Date: July 25,1991