

列印時間:113/09/27 16:15



簽訂日期: 民國 71 年 01 月 11 日
生效日期: 民國 71 年 01 月 11 日
簽約國: 亞西地區 > 沙烏地阿拉伯
1.Signed on January 11, 1982; Entered into force on January 11,1982.

In accordance with Article III of the Agreement on Economic and
Technical Cooperation, signed in Riyadh, on 19/6/1975 correspon-
ding to 10/6/1395 A.H., and to the 19th of June of the 64th year
of the Republic of China, between the Government of the Kingdom
of Saudi Arabia and the Government of the Republic of China, wh-
ich provides for making all the necessary and possible arrange-
ments by the two parties (to the aforementioned agreement) to e-
ncourage and facilitate the technical cooperation between gover-
nmental agencies and specialized organizations in both countri-
es, especially through exchange of researches and scientific and
technoloical information, and exchange of technical experts and
experinenced personnel. The Saudi Arabian National Center for S-
cience and Technology (hertinafter referred to as 'SANCST'), and
the National Science Council of the Government of the Republic
of China (hereinafter referred to as 'NSC') have agreed upon th-
e following general provisions for scientific and technological
cooperation between the two parties in order to augment the afo-
rementioned 1975 agreement:-
1 The aim of the cooperation will be to increase the contacts
and cooperation between scientists, engineers, technologists
and institutions of research, development and engineering of
the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Republic of China, and to
provide them with more frequent opportunities to exchange inf-
ormation, experiences, ideas, skills and techniques, to attack
problems of common interest, and to utilize special facilities
available in both countries.
2 The scope of the cooperation will cover all recognized branch-
es of science and technology. All appropriate modes of cooper-
ation may be adopted, including: cooperation between institut-
ions; exchange of information; exchange of scientists, engine-
ers and technologists; pursuit of joint and cooperative resea-
rch and development projects; consultation; technical referral
services; bilateral seminars, workshops, symposia, and short
courses on subjects of mutual interest; and discussion through
exchange of visits by scientists, engineers, technologists and
relevant administrators for exploration of cooperative opport-
unities and feasibilities, program planning, development and
evaluation; and other modes SANCST and NSC may agree upon from
time to time.
3 SANCST and NSC shall, respectively, assume the responsibility
of the coordination of the implementation of its side of the
joint programs and cooperative activities under this Agreeme-
nt, and may in appropriate cases, encourage the participation
of scientists, engineers, technologists, agencies or institu-
tions of other countries in specific joint programs. SANCST a-
nd NSC will cooperate for the planning,implementation and rev-
iewing of all cooperative activities over which they have dir-
ect jurisdiction, and will serve as liaison and referral agen-
cies to facilitate cooperation to be carried out primarily by
other agencies in their respective countries. The two Patries
to this Agreement shall work out detailed agreements, guideli-
nes, and arrangements emerging from this Agreement for all ap-
propriate modes of cooperation and procedures of implementat-
ion, and undertake to hold periodic meetings as may be agreed
upon between themselves. For the purpose of gradually establi-
shing a systematic pattern of interactions over a comperhens-
ive spectrum of scientific and technological areas, the two P-
arties to this Agreement will participate in and take advanta-
ge of the opportunities offered in other related Saudi Arabian
Chinese programs and arrangement, including meetings of the S-
audi Arabian-Chinese Joint Committee on Economic and Technical
4 Each Party to this Agreement shall facilitate the entry and e-
xit of persons and equipment of the other Party invoived in a-
ny joint program and cooperative activity under this Agreement
5 Scientific information derived from cooperative activities un-
der this Agreement may be made available to the world's scie-
ntific community through customary channels and in accordance
with normal scientific procedures in the absence of objections
from either SANCST or NSC.
6 Each Party shall, through its funds or its designated funding
agencies, normally bear the costs in the discharging of its
respective responsibilities incurred by the joint programs and
cooperative activitities under this Agreement. In exceptional
cases, such as consultancy, referral services and visiting pr-
ofessors, the costs shall be borne by the requesting Party, or
be borne according to special arrangements mutually agreed up-
on. The obligations of the two Parties to this Agreement, and
funding agencies designated thereby, under any joint program
or cooperative activity shall be subject to availability of f-
7 This Agreement shall enter into force as of the date of its s-
igning and remain in force until a written notice of terminat-
ion shall have been served by either Party to the other no le-
ss than twelve months prior to the intended date of terminati-
on. The termination of this Agreement shall not affect the va-
lidity of any arrangements already made.
Signed in the City of RIYADH, on the ELEVENTH day of the month
ponding to the SIXTEENTH day of the month of RABIAL-AWAL, in the
year FOURTEEN HUN-DRED AND TWO, A.H., and to the ELE-VENTH day
of JANUARY of the SEVEN-TY-FIRST year of the Republic of China.

Prof. Ming Che Chang,
National Science Council.
Republic of China.
Dr. Rida M.S. Obaid,
President and Chairman
of the Board,
Saudi Arabian National Center
for Science and Technology.
Saudi Arabia.