

列印時間:113/10/20 08:48



1.Signed on September 17,1979; Entered into force on September 17,1979.

1 This Project Agreement between the Chinese Petroleum Corporat-
ion (CPC) and the Republic of China Ministry of Economic Affa-
irs (MEA) and the Saudi Arabian National Center for Science a-
nd Technology (SANCST) and the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Fina-
nce and National Economy (MFNE), hereinafter called Agencies,
sets forth arrangements for technical cooperation in the field
of single cell protein manufacture for the mutual benefit of
the two countries.
2 The Agreement will be carried out under the auspices of the
Saudi Arabian-Republic of China Joint Commission for Economic
Cooperation and in accordance with the provisions of the Memo-
randum of Cooperation in the Field of Science and Technology
between the governments of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the
Republic of China signed on July 15, 1978, which is hereby in-
corporated by reference and becomes a part of this Agreement.
3 Activities under this project will take into consideration the
general aims expressed in the Memorandum of Cooperation in the
Field of Science and Technology.
1 The objectives of this Agreement are:
(a) to cooperate in the field of single cell protein technolo-
gy for the mutual benefit of the two countries; (b) to ad-
vance the development of single cell protein technology; a
nd (c) to facilitate the transfer of technology developed
under this Agreement.
2 Areas of cooperation may include research, development and de-
monstration projects on the manufacture of all types of single
cell protein of mutual interest to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
and to the Republic of China.
3 One of the purposes of this Agreement is to improve research
capabilities of SANCST and of Saudi Arabian and Republic of C-
hina universities, institutes, and research centers in the si-
ngle cell protein field.
1 SANCST and CPC will be responsible for the development, coord-
ination and implementation of single cell protein activities
under this Agreement.

Cooperation in accordance with this Agreement may include, but
is not limited to, the following:
1 Joint research, development and demonstration projects as des-
cribed in Article 2 for which the Saudi Arabian government ag-
rees to pay all costs.
2 Exchange of scientific and technical information, and the res-
ults and methods of single cell protein research and developm-
3 The organization of seminars and other meetings on mutually a-
greed topics concerning problems of research and development
in single cell protein technology.
4 Exchange visits by specialist teams or individuals to single
cell protein facilities of the other Agency.
5 Education exchange opportunities for training or study in sin-
gle cell protein research and technology at institutions in t-
he countries of the Agencies.
Other specific forms of cooperation may be jointly agreed by
the Agencies.
Selection of the aforementioned teams and individuals will be
subject to the approval of SANCST and CPC and will be based s-
olely on the considerations of professional capability, exper-
ience and other merit factors.
The Saudi Arabian government accepts responsibility to pay in f-
ull all costs incurred as a result of activities performed under
this Agreement. It is estimated that approximately four (4) mil-
lion dollars will be expended during the two-year life of this
Agreement, It is further understood that the Republic of China
will furnish the major portion of the technology under this Agr-
eement in addition to technicians and engineers who possess the
requisite expertise.
1 For each particular project or program within the single cell
protein areas listed in Article 2 and 4, specific annexes to
this Agreement shall be executed by SANCST and CPC.
2 Each annex shall contain detailed provisions for implementing
that particular project or program, including management of t-
he project or program, exchange of equipment, protection of p-
roprietary information, patents and liability. Cooperation un-
der these annexes shall be subject to all general provisions
of this Agreement.
If any Agency participating in this Agreement is rendered unable
because of force majeure to perform its responsibilities under
this Agreement, these responsibilities shall be suspended during
the period of continuance of such inability. The term "Force Ma-
jeure" means acts of God, acts of the public enemy, war, civil
disturbances and other similar events not caused by or within t-
he control of any Agency. In the event of suspension of any Age-
ncy's duties because of force majeure, the Agencies shall consu-
lt and endeavor jointly to resolve any attendant difficulties.
1 This Agreement shall enter into force upon the date of signing
of this Agreement by all of the parties designated below. The
implementation of, and progress under, this Agreement will be
subject to annual review by the Agencies. This Agreement shall
remain in force for two years and shall be renewable.
2 This Agreement may be amended or extended by the mutual writt-
en consent of all Agencies participating therein.
3 This Agreement may be terminated at any time at the discretion
of either government, upon ninety (90) days written notice. S-
uch termination shall be without prejudice to any rights which
may have accrued under this Agreement and to any Agency up to
the date of such termination.
4 All efforts and experiments not completed at the termination
of this Agreement shall be continued until their completion u-
nder the terms of this Agreement, provided sufficient funds a-
re available.
5 All questions related to this Agreement arising during its te-
rm shall be settled by the Agencies by mutual agreement.
This Agreement is executed the 17th day of September 1979 in
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

K.S. Chang
Ministry of Economic Affairs,
Republic of China
T.H. Lee
Chinese Petroleum Corporation
Mohammed Abalkhail
Ministry of Finance and
National Economy, S.A.
Rida M.S. Obaid
Executive Director and
Chairman of the Board
Saudi Arabian National Center
for Science and Technology