

列印時間:113/09/27 14:25



簽訂日期: 民國 67 年 07 月 15 日
生效日期: 民國 67 年 07 月 15 日
簽約國: 亞西地區 > 沙烏地阿拉伯
1 Signed on July 15,1978; Entered into force on July 15,1978.

In compliance with the agreement reached in the 3rd Session
of the Sino-Saudi Permanent Joint Committee on Economic and
Technical Cooperation held in March 1978 at Taipei, the Gove-
rnment of the Republic of China sent Prof. Ming-Che Chang, P-
resident of the National Tsing Hua University and Dr. Wen-Yu-
an Pan, Advisor to the Ministry of Economic Affairs to Saudi
Arabia in early April 1978, in response to the invitation ex-
tended by H.E. Dr. Rida M. S. Obaid, Chairman of the Board a-
nd Excutive Director of the Saudi Arabian National Center for
Science and Technology (SANCST), to visit SANCST and to disc-
uss matters concerning cooperation in the fields of science
and technology cooperation between the two countries.
Prof. Chang and Dr. Pan at the end of their stay of two weeks
in Riyadh, made a memoramdum of understanding which was agre-
ed upon by Dr. R. M. S. Obaid. Upon returning to R.O.C. they
wrote a report about their visit and they expressed their ea-
rnest desire that Dr. Obaid would visit the Republic of China
for further discussions. At the invitation of H.E. Kwang-Shih
Chang, Minister of Economic Affairs, Dr. Obaid arrived Taipei
on July 8, 1978 for a ten day visit.
During his stay in Taiwan, Dr. Obaid has called on H.E. Prem-
ier Y. S. Sun, various Ministries and government agencies in-
cluding Ministry of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Education,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the National Science Council and
the Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction (JCRR) for disc-
Besides extensive field trips and visits to the relevant edu-
cational, scientific and technological institutions, Dr. Oba-
id also attended several briefing sessions on the research a-
nd development of compound fertilizer and single cell protein
conducted by the Taiwan Fertilizer Company and the China Pet-
roleum Corporation respectively, and participated in a semin-
ar on Modern Engineering and Technology co-sponsored by CIE/-
ROC and CIE/US. A conference was held in the Ministry of Eco-
nomic Affairs between Minister K. S. Chang and Dr. Obaid to
discuss science and technology cooperation programs between
the two countries. Participated in the discussion included r-
esponsible officials from the National Science Council, the
Ministry of Education and JCRR.
1 The science and technology cooperation between the Republic
of China and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will be implement-
ed as follows:
(1) The two Parties shall seek to develop the science and te-
chnology cooperation between their two countries in aspi-
rit of complete and mutual understanding.
(2) The aim of the cooperation will be to promote the contact
and cooperation between scientists, engineers, scholars
and institutions or research and higher learning of the
two countries and to provide them with more frequent opp-
ortunities to exchange information, ideas, skill and tec-
hniques, to attack problems of commoninterest and to uti-
lize special facilities available in both countries.
(3) The two Parties shall make all necessary and possible ar-
rangements to encourage and facilitate the science and t-
echnology cooperation, especially through personnel exch-
ange program. For the implementation of this program, ea-
ch party shall bear the costs incurred, including the co-
sts of local transportation, board and accommodation for
personnel dispatched by the other party. The sending cou-
ntry shall bear their international travel costs respecti
(4) The two Parties shall continuously carry on science and
technology information exchange to facilitate the transf-
er of technology and to exchange know-how.
(5) The two Parties shall encourage joint and/or contract re-
search to solve common or mutual science and technology
(6) Being desirous of effective implementation of the progra-
ms, the two Parties have agreed to establish a steering
committee, consisting of members appointed by both Parti-
es, whose responsibility will be the coordination of the
implementation of its side of the joint programs.
2 The Republic of China agreed to dispatch, upon request, sc-
ience and technology teams to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
to render services for the establishment of the SANCST. All
the necessary costs thus incurred shall be borne by Saudi
3 Both parties considered the following science and technolo-
gy co-operation projects were in conformity with the actual
need of the two countries, and agreed that detail cooperat-
ion programs be formulated for early implementation:
(1) Science and Technology Information Center and Instrument-
ation Center.
(2) Single Cell Protein Manufacture
(3) Compound Fertilizer Research and Extension
(4) Aquaculture and Fishery
(5) Exchange of science and technology personnel, including
the scientists and engineers resident in U.S.A.
Confirmed by :
K. S. Chang
Ministry of Economic Affairs Republic of China
Rida Obaid
Executive Director and Chairman of the Board
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Date: July 15, 1978