

列印時間:113/07/16 22:59



1.Signed on December 18, 2020 and December 14, 2020 Entered into force on December 18, 2020

The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New Zealand that
represents the Taiwan Customs Administration and the New Zealand
Commerce and Industry Office that represents the New Zealand
Customs Service, are hereinafter referred to as the “
Participants ”,

CONSIDERING that the joint evaluation by the Taiwan Customs
Administration and the New Zealand Customs Service has confirmed
that the Authorised Economic Operator programme and the Secure
Exports Scheme (the “ Programmes ” )are security initiatives
that strengthen the security of the supply chain and contribute
to facilitating global trade;

RECOGNISING that the Programmes apply security requirements in
accordance with the internationally recognised security
standards set forth in the SAFE Framework of Standards to Secure
and Facilitate Global Trade (“ SAFE Framework ” )advocated by
the World Customs Organization;

ACKNOWLEDGING the specialised nature of the management
processes, procedures, mechanisms and the legislation applied by
the Participants in administering their respective Programmes;

UNDERSTANDING that the Programmes and other Customs-to-Customs
measures between the Participants contribute significantly to
end-to-end supply chain security;


The authorities implementing this Arrangement will be the
Taiwan Customs Administration and the New Zealand Customs
In this Arrangement, “ Members ” refer to:
(a) companies certified under the Secure Exports Scheme
programme in New Zealand; and
(b) companies certified under the Authorised Economic Operator
programme in Taiwan that have been issued with a Security
and Safety AEO certificate (AEOS).
(a) The Participants recognise that their Programmes are
(b) The Participants will ensure that:
(i) the standards applied to their Programmes remain
compatible in the following aspects:
A. minimum standards criteria for membership;
B. application process for membership;
C. assessment and validation process for membership; and
D. approval process for membership.
(ii) their Programmes continue to operate in accordance with
the principles and standards of the SAFE Framework.
(a) Each Participant will recognise the validation result and
approval status granted to Members of the other Participant
’ s Programme.
(b) Each Participant will take into account the approval status
of Members of the other Participant ’ s Programme in
offering them, to the extent practicable, the following
(i) provide expedited clearance by reducing documentary checks
and/or cargo inspections, for cargoes originating from a
Member of the other Participant ’ s Programme, subject to
assessment of security alert levels.
(ii) grant priority checks for cargoes originating from the
other Participant ’ s Members that have been selected
for physical inspection.
(iii) in the event of a disruption to international trade,
endeavour to provide priority expedited clearance to the
(c) Either Participant may, under reasonable circumstances,
suspend any or all of the benefits given to Members of the
other Participant ’ s Programme. In such case, the
Participant suspending the benefits will promptly notify the
other Participant in writing about the suspension. The
underlying reasons may also be included in the notification,
as appropriate.
(a) The Participants will share information to effectively
implement the following measures:
(i) provide each other updates on the membership of their
Programmes that will at least include the name,
address(es), identification code(s) and approval status of
the Members under their Programmes through a jointly
determined communication channel in a secure manner;
(ii) provide each other a contact point for the receipt of
communications and for customs cooperation, in order to
facilitate the rapid and secure sharing of information
and improve coordination on issues on their Programmes;
(iii) update each other of any developments or revisions of
their Programmes in a timely manner; and
(iv) provide each other mutually beneficial information
regarding supply chain security related to their
(b) The Participants will ensure the accuracy of the information
they provide, and the confidentiality, protection, and
security of the information they receive by:
(i) ensuring that the information received under this
Arrangement is kept confidential and is used solely for
the purpose of implementing this Arrangement;
(ii) obtaining prior written consent from the Participant
disclosing the information if the receiving Participant
needs to use the information received for purposes not
covered in this Arrangement;
(iii) notifying the other Participant when it discovers that
it has provided inaccurate information, and taking
appropriate action to correct the inaccuracies;
(iv) protecting the information received by using appropriate
technical, security, and organizational measures to guard
against risks such as loss, corruption, misuse,
unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure or
destruction, or any other risks to the security,
confidentiality or integrity of the information; and
(v) notifying the other Participant as soon as possible after
it becomes aware of any loss, suspected loss, or
unauthorized use, disclosure, or access to information
received pursuant to this Arrangement.
(c) The Participants will conduct the exchange of information
under this Arrangement in accordance with the respective
domestic law.
(d) The Participants will not use or further disclose the
information provided under this Arrangement except in
accordance with this Arrangement ’ s provisions, or as
required or permitted by their respective domestic law.
The Participants will:
(a) actively implement this Arrangement with a view to
strengthening supply chain security and enhancing their
common interest in trade facilitation.
(b) each strive to provide Members of the other Participant ’ s
Programme with further benefits by establishing channels of
communication to discuss possible improvements or
enhancements to the Arrangement.
(c) promote the benefits of this Arrangement with a view to
expanding membership of the Programmes.
The Participants will settle any difference in the
interpretation and implementation of this Arrangement through
(a) This Arrangement will come into effect on the date of the
last signature by the Participants.
(b) The Participants will review this Arrangement as necessary.
(c) The Participants may amend this Arrangement upon their
mutual written consent, and any modification will take
effect on and from the date mutually determined by the
(d) Either Participant may suspend any activities under this
Arrangement or terminate this Arrangement by giving a thirty
(30) days written notification to the other Participant.
(e) The Participants understand that their arrangements
regarding confidentiality and security of the information
obtained pursuant to this Arrangement will remain in effect
during a discontinuation of activities and after the
termination of this Arrangement as long as the Participants
retain the information.

In witness whereof the undersigned, being duly authorized
thereto, have signed this Arrangement.

SIGNED in duplicate in English.

For the Taipei For the New Zealand
Economic and Cultural Commerce and
Office in New Zealand Industry Office
__________________ __________________
Name Name
Bill Keh-Ming Chen Moira Turley

Title Title
Representative of Director of
Taipei Economic and New Zealand
Cultural Office in Commerce and
New Zealand Industry Office

Date Date
December 14, 2020  December 18, 2020
__________________ __________________

Place Place
Wellington Taipei