

列印時間:113/09/27 15:53



1.Signed on January 19, 2017 Entered into force on January 19, 2017

To increase the effectiveness of efforts to combat smuggling and
other customs offences through the creation of practical
cooperation between the implementing departments of the Taiwan
Customs and the Finnish Customs, hereinafter referred to as “
the Participants ’’, have come to the following understanding:
I. General provisions
All activities conducted by the Participants and their
designated implementing departments under this Arrangement
should be carried out in accordance with local laws as well as
applicable international agreements.
II. Organizational aspects of the cooperation
The Participants will prepare a list of the persons
authorized to contact each other for enforcement matters.
The Participants will inform each other immediately about
any changes regarding these contact persons. The
Participants will share information about the tasks and the
area of responsibility of the designated contact persons.
III. Cooperation and prevention of customs offences relating to
the trade in goods
In order to detect, prevent and disclose customs offences,
the Participants may exchange requests concerning smuggling
and other cases of fraud as well as concerning the illegal
import, export or transit of goods. The information
exchanged in the process may be used by both Participants.
IV. Exchange of information
The exchange of information between the Participants may not
infringe the local laws or EU regulations on data
protection. The Participants will take all lawful steps
available to them to ensure that all information provided or
generated pursuant to this Arrangement is used only for the
purpose it was provided and is protected from further
disclosure unless the other Participant consents to such a
Any information received under this Arrangement shall be
subject to the same confidentiality and protection as the
same kind of information is subject to under the laws and
regulations of the Participant where it is received.
Notwithstanding the termination of this Arrangement, this
Paragraph will continue to apply between the Taiwan Customs
and the Finnish Customs.
V. Date of coming into effect of the Arrangement, modification
and duration
1. This Arrangement may be modified in writing by both
Participants ’ mutual consent. Any such modification will
apply upon signature by the Participants.
2. If one Participant wishes to end its cooperation under
this Arrangement, it should provide at least 90 days ’
advance written notice of this to the other Participant.
3. This Arrangement will come into effect upon the date of
VI. Points of contact see Annex 1

Signed in duplicate at Helsinki on 19 January 2017 in the
English language.

__________________ __________________
Director General Director General
Customs Administration Customs
Ministry of Finance, Finland