

列印時間:113/07/16 22:40



簽訂日期: 民國 80 年 09 月 16 日
生效日期: 民國 80 年 09 月 16 日
簽約國: 歐洲地區 > 歐洲聯盟
1. Signed on September 16,1991; Entered into force on September 16,1991.

Mr. Jacques Attali
European Bank for Reconstruction and
122 Leadenhall Street
London EC3V 4EB
United Kingdom
16 September 1991
Re: Establishment of a Taipei China-
European Bank Cooperation Fund
1 Following the various discussions held between representatives
of Taipei China through its Taipei Economic and Cultural Offi-
ce in Brussels (hereinafter called the Government) and of the
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the European
Bank) on the subject referred to above, we are pleased to inf-
orm you that the Government is prepared to establish at the E-
uropean Bank a Taipei China-European Bank Cooperation Fund (T-
CEBCF) for technical assistance, training and advisory servic-
es under the conditions specified in this letter.
2 The Government shall make available to the European Bank on a
non-reimbursable basis an amount of ten million United States
dollars (US$10,000,000) to finance services, including fees,
travel and other reimbursable costs, rendered by consultants
in connection with their employment by the European Bank for
the purposes described below. At least twenty per cent (20%)
will be used for the engagement of consultants from Taipei Ch-
Purpose of the TCEBCF
3 The TCEBCF is available to finance:
(i) the identification, preparation and/or implementation of p-
rojects and programmes and such other activities, agreed u-
pon by the European Bank and the Government, in the recipi-
ent countries of the European Bank.
(ii) seminars and training or training-related activities in f-
urtherance of the European Bank's purpose, including the
fees, travel and subsistence expenses of consultants or e-
xperts engaged to prepare and/or participate in such acti-
vrties, as well as the travel and subsistence expenses of
trainees; and
(iii) research and studies, and the building or strengthening
of institutions, or other similar activities, that are d-
esigned to contribute to the promotion of private and en-
trepreneurial initiative in the context of open market-o-
riented economies.
Administration of TCEBCF: Accounts and Records
4 The European Bank shall open and maintain an interest-bearing
Trust account denominated Taipei China-European Bank Cooperat-
ion Fund Account (Account) at J.P. Morgan of New York, New Yo-
rk in which the funds for the financing of the activities des-
cribed in the present letter shall be deposited by the Govern-
ment in two installments: two million US dollars (US$2,000,000
) upon signature of the Agreement and eight million US dollars
(US$8,000,000) in the month of August 1992. The European Bank
shall keep the funds in the Account separate and apart from a-
ny other possible funds of the European Bank. The European Ba-
nk shall be entitled to draw on the Account for the financing
of the expenditures eligible under the present letter. The fu-
nds in the Account may be freely exchanged by the European Ba-
nk into other currencies as may facilitate their disbursement,
and the Bank shall have no liability to the Government for any
exchange losses in connection therewith. The European Bank may
invest and reinvest the funds pending their disbursement and
shall retain for its own account any income from such investm-
ent to cover its administrative expenses associated with the
management and administration of this arrangement.
5 The European Bank shall maintain separate records and accounts
in respect of the funds in the Account and disbursed pursuant
to the provisions hereof, and cause such records and accounts
to be audited and certified by the European Bank's external a-
uditors as the end each fiscal year.
6 The administration of the TCEBCF by the European Bank shall be
undertaken in accordance with the European Bank's normal prac-
tices and standards and with the same degree of care as it us-
es with respect to the administration and management of its o-
wn affairs. The European Bank shall have no further liability
to the Government in respect thereof.
7 The, Offices responsible for the coordination of all matters
related to the content of this letter shall be the following:
For the European For the
Bank: Government:
Cofinancing Unit Taipei Economic
and Cultural Office
Development Avenue des Arts 41
122 Leadenhall B-1040 Brussels
London EC3V 4EB Belgium
United Kingdom
Tel: 071 338 6205 Tel: 2-5110687
Fax: 071 338 6159 Fax: 2-5111789
8 The Government and the European Bank may consult each other f-
rom time to time on all matters concerning the TCEBCF, and the
European Bank will provide the Government each year with a re-
port describing the activities financed from the funds.
9 The arrangement provided for in this letter shall enter into
force the day of its signature by both parties and shall rema-
in in force, unless terminated by any one of the parties upon
six-month prior written notice, until the funds in the Account
provided by the Government under this letter are fully withdr-
10 If the arrangements provided for herein are terminated, (a)
such termination shall not affect any agreements entered into
between the European Bank and consultants and/ or third part-
ies, and European Bank shall be entitled to continue withdra-
wals from the Account in respect of such agreements as if th-
ese arrangements had not been so terminated; and (b) any bal-
ance in the Account at the completion of such withdrawals and
deduction of costs due to the European Bank hereunder shall
be returned to the Government.
I propose that you confirm your agreement with the foregoing by
signing the attached copy of this letter and returning it to us.
Done in four original copies in English on the date above-write-
n, which are equally authentic, held by the Government and the
European Bank.
For the Government of Taipei China
Benjamin Lu
Representative, Brussels
Accepted for the European Bank for
Reconstruction and Development.
Jacques Attali
16 September, 1991
Mr. Jacques Attali
European Bank for Reconstruction and
122 Leadenhall Street
London EC3V 4EB
United Kingdom
16 September 1991
Dear Mr. President,
Re: The Taipei China-European Bank Cooperation Fund
Discussions have been undertaken between your bank and my G-
overnment to establish the Taipei China-European Bank Coope-
ration Fund at your Bank to finance projects and programmes
in the recipient countries of the Bank. My Government welco-
mes the opportunity to work closely with the Bank to contri-
bute to the economic progress in Central and Eastern Europe.
As discussions proceed, my Government wishes to reconfirm t-
he concurrence of the Bank on the following:
(1) Firms, suppliers and contractors in Taipei China shall be
given adequate, fair and equal opportunity to bid on goo-
ds and works which are geing procured under Bank loans.
(2) You will endeavour to invite representatives of Taipei C-
hina to the annual meetings of the Board of Governors of
the Bank as your special guests.
(3) Starting from the entering into force of the Agreement on
the establishment of the Fund, a minimum of twenty perce-
nt (20%) of the first-year expenses from the Fund shall
be utilised to engage consultants from Taipei China. The
percentage shall be reviewed at the end of the first year
of the Fund, and be increased annually upon mutual conse-
If these provisions are acceptable to the European Bank, please
confirm your agreement by signing this letter and returning one
copy to us.
In the meantime, I would like to take this opportunity to extend
to you my warmest personal regards.
Sincerely yours,
Benjamin Lu
Confirmed on behalf of the European
Bank for Reconstruction and
Development by
Jacques Attali
Date: 16 September 1991